Park Avenue Player - Page 58

“On second thought, I’m good.”

Anna returned, and in her presence, he no longer seemed interested in talking.

We went back to playing our game until a nurse came and interrupted, insisting that Adam needed his rest and should return to his room.

Anna and I lingered in the lounge after the nurse wheeled Adam back.

“What’s going on? You look upset,” she said. “Is it the way he looks?”

I shook my head. “I’m fucking devastated, Anna.”

“He’s not doing well, is he?”

“He just confided in me that he doesn’t think he’s going to make it this time.”

She stared down at the floor. “It sucks that he’s lost hope. How does someone live each day knowing they’re going to die? I can’t even comprehend it.”

“He told me he couldn’t believe he was going to die a virgin who’s never even kissed a girl. I felt terrible. What the hell do you say to something like that?”

She placed her head on my shoulder. “What did you say?”

“I made a dumb joke, offered to kiss him myself.”

Anna smiled sympathetically.

“It got him to smile at least.”

We sat in silence for a while before I finally stood up. “We might as well get going.”

“Should we say goodbye to him?”

“We should let him rest,” I said. “I’ll come back tomorrow.”

We were on our way out when Anna stopped, just before we made it to the elevators.

She looked anxious and said, “Wait right here, okay?”


“I’ll be right back.”

Anna ventured down the hall toward Adam’s room. Even though she’d told me to wait, I couldn’t help my curiosity, so I followed her.

He was, in fact, awake and sitting up alone.

Standing just outside the doorway, I watched as Anna sat at the corner of his bed and pulled him to her. Adam didn’t question it. He just laid his head on her chest and closed his eyes. After about a minute, he looked up at her and to my shock, Anna lowered her head to his. My heart beat out of control as I watched her place a long, firm kiss on his lips. It only lasted a few seconds, but for Adam, I was sure the memory would last a lifetime. His mouth spread into a wide smile after.

Mine did too.Chapter 25* * *ElodieMy Saturday plan was to sleep in, go shopping for a new outfit at the mall, treat myself to a mani-pedi, and then go home to get ready for my date with Benito tonight. Thankfully, he hadn’t written me off for canceling on him.

Anyway, those were my Saturday plans. That is, until my phone rang as I was getting up to start my day.

When I saw it was Hollis, I almost wondered if he was calling to apologize about last night. I should’ve known better.

My tone was cold as I answered. “Hello?”

“Elodie...I’m sorry to bother you on a Saturday.”

“What’s up?”

“Hailey was invited to an opera tonight, if you can believe that. Her friend’s parents have tickets. They’re going to the performance, and then she’s going to sleep over at their place across town. She has nothing to wear. They want her in a dress. I told her not to bother you, but she really wants you to go shopping with her. Any chance I could pay you double time to take her out for a couple of hours today? Feel free to say no.”

Feel free to apologize to me for being a dick last night.

I didn’t answer right away. A part of me wanted to blow him off. I just couldn’t do that to her, though. But I wasn’t going to free up his morning on my day off, either.

“I’ll tell you what, I was already going to the mall near me to buy myself an outfit. She and I can shop for a dress there. Maybe you could drive her out here?”

He didn’t hesitate. “Yeah, I could do that. Probably not worth it for me to come all the way back to the city, though. I’ll take some work with me and find a place with WiFi until you’re done.”

“Okay. Whatever. Westshore Farms Mall at one o’clock? We can meet inside the main entrance.”

“Got it.” He paused then said, “Elodie?”

I let out a breath. “Yeah?”

“Thanks for doing this.”***Hollis and Hailey were right on time. I’d gotten to the mall a few minutes early, probably because the idea of seeing Hollis made me anxious. Standing around the house and waiting had been driving me nuts.

“I’m so excited to shop!” Hailey beamed and gave me a hug.

Hollis, on the other hand, didn’t seem that excited. He looked freaking amazing, though, dressed in a pale blue collared shirt left untucked from his jeans. His sleeves were rolled up, leaving his tanned, muscular forearms on full display. He looked like something out of a Ralph Lauren catalog.

He gazed up at the two levels above us. “I can’t remember the last time I was at a mall.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024