Park Avenue Player - Page 69

But I understood what Anna meant.

The time was finally right. My new business had taken off. Addison and I had earned the equivalent of our annual salaries at our old firms in the first three months of our partnership. Anna and I had moved to a nicer apartment, and I could finally afford to get her the ring she deserved.

I took said ring out of my pocket and looked at it one more time. Eighteen grand. I’d never shelled out that much money at once. Even the down payment on my new car had only been ten. But my girl was worth it. I’d have spent more if I thought she wouldn’t be afraid to wear it.

The elevator doors opened, and I stepped off and walked to our apartment. I stopped in front of the door, pausing before going inside. She had no idea what was coming tonight, and I’d figured out the perfect way to ask her.

I took a deep breath in and blew out a loud exhale. Screw it. Here goes nothing.

I opened the door.

“Anna’s home!” Squawk! “Anna’s home!” Squawk! “Anna’s home!”

I chuckled. Her bird was about to be the wingman in my proposal. “What’s up, Huey?”

Anna was in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher. “Hey. You’re home early.”

I leaned in and kissed her. “I thought we could go out to dinner tonight.”

“Oh, okay. I took out chicken to make, but it will keep for another night.”

“I made a reservation for six.” I left out that the reservation was also for seven people—I’d invited her father, and Addison and her new husband, as well as Anna’s good friend from work. Her father knew what was going down tonight, because I’d already spoken to him to ask for his blessing. But Addison and the others had no idea. I’d made up some story about celebrating a new account I’d landed.

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

She smiled. “You have to at least tell me what to wear.”

“Something sexy.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’d say that if you were taking me for pizza.”

I took the plate she’d removed from the dishwasher out of her hand. “Go get changed. I’ll finish unloading.”

“Okay. But we have to let Huey out before we go. So would you shut all the windows when you’re done?”

Bingo. I’d been counting on her insisting on taking care of the bird before we left. “Sure.”

Anna liked to let Huey stretch his wings and get some exercise every day. We’d developed a little routine. When I got home from work, we’d shut the living room windows and the doors to all the bedrooms, and I’d put a treat in the bird’s mouth. The little shit flew around for a minute and then would land on Anna’s shoulder and turn the treat over to her. He’d only eat it if she gave it to him. Tonight, the treat he’d deliver was going to be one hell of an expensive one.

While Anna was in the bedroom changing, I closed all the windows in the living room and shut the doors to the other bedroom and my office. Then I slipped the ring box from my inside jacket pocket and tied the diamond ring to one of Huey’s treats, before stashing it back in my pants pocket.

When Anna came out, she looked gorgeous with her hair down and wearing a sexy, curve-hugging, light pink dress. Pink was her favorite color, but right now it was mine, too.

“You look beautiful.”

She smiled. “Thank you. Are we ready to let Huey out? It’s after five thirty already.”

While I’d been nervous before I walked in, suddenly everything felt right. “I’m ready. Let’s do this.”

Anna walked over to the cage and let Huey out, and he did his usual routine—flying around and then coming to me for a treat. I made eye contact with him as I pulled the treat with the ring tied to it from my pocket. Don’t fuck this up, buddy.

I held my breath while he fluttered his wings and circled the room with the treat in his beak. Anna was busy filling his water bowl and didn’t notice anything unusual. When she finished, it was time for Huey to have his treat, so he made his usual landing on her shoulder.

The ring dangled from a little string.

She took the treat, still completely unaware as I knelt down on one knee.

Time seemed to move in slow motion after that.

Anna saw the ring.

Her jaw dropped open.

One hand flew up to cover her mouth.

She turned to find me.

It was time. So many years in the making.

“Anna, I’ve loved you since kindergarten. But my love for you grew along the way. You’re still my best friend, but now you’re the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. You already have my heart. Will you do me the honor of taking this ring, too?”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024