Park Avenue Player - Page 93

He seemed confused by my question. His brows drew together. “Of course, I do. Don’t you?”

Having kids wasn’t something I’d ever felt was necessary before. Tobias and I had never talked about it. But when I looked into Hollis’s eyes, I could see our future including little gorgeous Hollis babies.

I stared at him for a long time before answering. “I think we’d make a nice little family.”

Hollis ran his thumb along my lip. “Sweetheart, I hate to tell you, but we already are a nice little family.”***That night we ordered a pizza with Hailey and her friend. Then Hollis and I watched a movie in his room so the girls could take over the living room. It was such a simple day, but my heart was full as I rested my head on his chest. Watching some old Die Hard movie he’d picked out, I felt content for the first time in—well, really forever.

I propped my head on my fist. “I do want to have a baby someday…have a baby with you.”

Hollis pointed the remote at the TV and muted the sound. “That’s good, babe. I’m glad we’re on the same page, even if you’re just figuring it out and I’ve known for a while.”

I smiled. “I didn’t have the best home life. So having a family someday wasn’t a given for me, I guess.”

Hollis pushed a lock of hair behind my ear, and his thumb lingered, stroking my neck. “Ours will be different. I promise.”

“I know.”

“By the way, as long as we’re on the subject, you keep saying someday. And the way you say it makes it sound like someday is a long way off. Just giving you fair warning, we don’t have to have kids next week—I’m open to whenever it feels right for you—but you and me living under one roof, you not having to sneak across the hall, me locking down the formality of you being here and being mine? Those aren’t so far off.”

Warmth spread through my chest. I could not love this man any more. It should’ve scared me how fast things were moving. I’d been practically living here the last few weeks already, and now he was talking about making it permanent…making us permanent. But I wasn’t scared. Love was risky, but I was certain Hollis LaCroix was worth taking a chance.

I took a deep breath and smiled. “Okay.”

He looked into my eyes for reassurance. “Okay?”

“Yeah. I’m good with that.”

I didn’t so much fall asleep that night as I floated. I’d never been happier. My life with Hollis seemed like a fairy tale, almost too good to be true.

But when I woke up abruptly at nearly two in the morning, realization struck me fast.

Fairy tales are just stories made up by other people. And they are too good to be true.Chapter 39* * *Elodie“Oh my God….” My heart raced in my chest, yet the rest of my body felt paralyzed.

Hollis shot up from sleeping. “What’s going on? What’s the matter?”

I held my cell to my ear and spoke to Mariah. “Where is she?”

“At Bridgeport Hospital. I know it’s late, but I promised you I’d always let you know if she took a turn.”

I climbed out of bed and ran across the hall to the guest room where I kept my clothes. My legs were shaking. “Is she stable?”

Mariah’s voice cracked. “An ambulance brought her in. She coded on the way to the hospital, but they brought her back. During all the commotion, an intern forgot to check for a medical bracelet and they…intubated her.”

“But she didn’t want that.”

“I know. It was an honest mistake. It must be shocking for them to see such a young woman’s health on the line, and they probably just did what they could to save her. It was wrong, but…she’s still with us.”

“I’m on my way.”

When I turned, Hollis was behind me, already dressed and with his keys in his hand.

I looked at him, and he grabbed my hand. “Come on. I called Kelsie’s mom and said we had an emergency. She’s coming up to stay with the girls. Let’s get on the road.”

Ten minutes into the ride, Hollis finally spoke. I’d been so lost in thought as I stared out the window that I forgot we hadn’t yet discussed the call or anything that had transpired. He reached over to my lap and took my hand. Threading our fingers together, he brought our joined hands to his lips and kissed the top of mine. “You okay?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Do you know what happened?”

“All her stepmother told me was that she stopped breathing in the ambulance.” Tears started to stream down my face. “She’s been so weak lately.”

Hollis squeezed my hand. “But she’s stable now?”

“They put a tube down her throat, even though she didn’t want that. Someone made a mistake, apparently.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024