Dirty Letters - Page 14

On that weird note, I hope you write back soon. I’m enjoying our reconnection so much. It’s really starting to feel like old times.

Do you still believe in God?Your favorite pen pal,


P.S. Since you don’t want to exchange photos, I thought I would tell you a little about myself now. I’m five foot six, 125 pounds, and clean up nicely when I have to. When I don’t have to, I can be found most nights wrapped in a fleece blanket and looking like a potato.

P.P.S. That was your cue to tell me more about what you look like now.The wait to receive a letter was always torture. I was never guaranteed that he’d write back. I just had to have blind faith each time. So while I waited, I’d pass the time moving on with my life: meeting my daily word count, attending sessions with Doc, caring for Hortencia. But the anticipation of more correspondence was ever present.

It took more than a week, but finally the bright-red envelope showed up in my PO box. The “letter days” were always something to celebrate. I’d drive home, get Hortencia settled, and relax into my chair to savor every single word.Dear Luca,

Bacon and porn go awesomely together, by the way.

In my next life, I want to come back as a pig and be adopted by you. Is that weird?

I love your answers to my questions and how honest you are. I wouldn’t mind rolling around in the mud with you and Hortencia. Ironically, I had bacon for breakfast this morning, and I have to say, I found myself overanalyzing that decision, so thanks a lot for that.

I think if you’re going to choose an ABBA song, “Fernando” is a good choice. You could have chosen “Dancing Queen,” and that would have been too obviously basic and boring—two things you most definitely are not, Luca.

You asked me whether I still believe in God. I feel like God’s presence waxes and wanes in our lives, but yes, I do believe He or She exists. The times we feel more distanced from God are the times when we’re suffering or in pain. Despite the lack of strength during those times, God makes us work our way back to Him again. Then He rewards us for our faith and perseverance. I sometimes feel like reconnecting with you is an example of a reward, of the way God works His magic sometimes. Faith isn’t easy. I don’t think we’re supposed to have all the answers or to understand why bad things happen. We don’t know, for example, whether our loved ones are in a better place. Maybe we just think they were punished when they died, but maybe they were spared. Maybe we’re the ones in hell. We just don’t have all the answers, and we weren’t meant to know. You know? Note to Luca: don’t get Griffin started on philosophical speak, or he may never stop rambling.

Thank you for the visual you provided in describing what you look like. Now I can’t get it out of my mind. Me? I sort of look like the photo I sent you years back except a bit brawnier (thank God) with some facial hair now. I hope you don’t think I’m being shady in not wanting to share photos. This anonymity with you affords me a certain level of comfort that I can’t get anywhere else.

I’ve reread the section of your letter where you answered my question about sex a few times, but I haven’t figured something out. Have you never actually HAD an orgasm? Could I BE more intrusive? (Yes, I sound like Chandler from Friends.) Please tell me you came at least once during those times. I do get what you’re saying about needing to trust someone to truly let go. That’s the difference between sheer fucking and actually having a true sexual connection with someone. The latter is rare. I’ve had a lot of sex, but most of the time it’s a means to an end, and when it’s over, there is nothing worth clinging on to. I’m not proud of that, but women (at least out here) make it too easy for men. For the most part, we’ll take what you offer up, but it’s nice to have to fight for it sometimes. I get the impression you don’t make it easy and that’s hot, Luca. Believe me. I don’t want to be with someone who’s okay with me just sticking my dick inside her and going home. I want someone who understands that she’s worth more than that and who wants more than that. You wouldn’t believe how many shallow women I come across each day who are just perfectly fine with—as Americans say—“wham bam thank you ma’am.” I want to feel something more, too. I think you are the type of person who wants more and expects more, but that you weren’t in the place in your life to make wise choices when you had sex with those few lucky blokes. I think the person you are now is a lot wiser and more selective. That’s good, because you deserve more. For the record, I’d be perfectly fine if you decided never to have sex again. ;-) Kidding. Although I was jealous as all bloody hell of that football player boyfriend you had in high school. It killed me whenever you’d talk about the possibility of having sex with him. So I’m kind of glad it wasn’t him, even if you did waste your first time with an “alleged” cousin in mourning, who might have just been trolling that meeting for a vulnerable person. Anyway, that cheater you dated in high school wasn’t worthy. I love that I can admit my jealousy to you now. Or maybe I just think I can, but in reality I’m making you uncomfortable and you’re currently installing an ADP security system at your house. Tell me which it is. Also, has anyone ever gone down on you?

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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