Dirty Letters - Page 31

At the bottom of the driveway, a security guard sat in a little booth next to my tall gates. I waved. “Hey, Joe.”

“Morning, Mr. Archer. You heading somewhere?”

“Just down the block.”

“Not sure that’s a good idea. I’m keeping my eye on a strange vehicle that pulled up a little while ago. Figured I’d give it fifteen more minutes and then call the local guys to escort it out if it’s still here. Could be an eccentric fan or paparazzi.”

Oh, you got the eccentric part right.

“It’s fine. Don’t call quite yet. I’m going to handle this one myself.”

“You sure?”


Joe pressed the button to open the gates, and I slipped outside onto the street. Sure enough, there was the RV parked a few houses away. I was used to excitement—getting onstage with a stadium full of cheering fans pumped up the adrenaline. But that feeling had nothing on the anticipation I felt as I walked down the street.

Eighteen years.

And it all came down to this.

As I approached, I saw there was no one in the driver or passenger seats. A curtain was drawn so that I couldn’t see into the interior of the RV. Guess my visit was going to be a surprise attack.

Arriving at the door, I took a deep breath. It did nothing to slow my racing pulse.

Luca. Luca. Luca. What are you up to?

I guess I’m about to find out, my eccentric, beautiful girl.

My chest felt like it had a runaway train locked inside, and a thin sheen of sweat formed on my forehead. Lifting my hand to knock, I was barely able to stop it from shaking long enough to pound on the door. God, I was a wreck. I couldn’t remember the last time my nerves had gotten to me like this. But that was nothing compared to what I felt when the door swung open.

My heart nearly stopped at the sight of her. Her beautiful, gigantic eyes seemed to be staring through to my soul, causing me to completely blank on what to even say. I had to think quickly and opted not to out her just yet. I wanted to see where this would go if I didn’t immediately come clean—namely whether she knew “Cole” was me.

“You realize it’s illegal to park here, don’t you?” I finally said.

She swallowed and forced out words. “Who are you?”

While I couldn’t be 100 percent certain she knew it was me, I suspected based on her apparent nerves that she did.

“I’m Cole Archer.” I pointed behind me. “My property is right over there.”

Her eyes seemed to be examining every inch of my face. “Oh.”

Beautiful, beautiful Luca.


It’s really you.

I wanted to pull her into my arms and devour her plump lips, swallowing up all of those nerves. Instead I said, “You should move the vehicle before someone calls the police.”

She shook her head. “Oh yeah . . . sure. We can do that.”

“Going right now,” the old man said as he jumped up from his spot in the back. I hadn’t even noticed him until he spoke.

He moved into the driver’s seat.

I’d only told them to move as my excuse for coming out here. I didn’t want them to actually move, because then what? I could lose her.

Before he was about to turn the ignition, I held out my hand to stop him. “Wait.”

He looked over at me, expecting more.


“I . . . suppose there’s no harm in what you’re doing, just parking here. I can’t guarantee that no one else will call the police, but you’re good with me. Stay here as long as you like.”

Luca blew out a relieved breath. “Thank you. We really appreciate it.”

“No problem.” Our eyes were stuck like glue to one another as I nodded. “Very well, then.”

I turned around and headed back toward my house, shaking my head at this predicament.

Although I’d wanted so badly to take her into my arms and tell her I knew who she was, it was easier said than done. I was also hoping she’d fess up to me, but she never did. While I was now fairly certain she knew who I was based on the way she looked at me, I also couldn’t be 100 percent sure.

I had a lot of questions. Did she maybe recognize me as Cole Archer and not know that it’s really me? Could that also explain the reaction? Was she still looking for Griffin? Or worse, did she realize that I was Cole and then decide that she wanted a piece of me just like everyone else? That didn’t sound like Luca, but honestly neither did this entire road trip she’d embarked on. I was so goddamn confused. I felt like the only way I could really learn if she wanted me for me was to continue this charade a little longer. If I told her the truth too soon, I might never really know her true intentions.

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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