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Mister Moneybags

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Stage three had hit right after I polished off my second glass of wine. And it smacked me in the face with a vengeance—anger. I was pissed. Which led me to make up my own stage of healing—step 3B, I decided to call it. It was my favorite, and I couldn’t wait to embrace it.

Revenge.Bandit had started to scratch at the door five minutes before eleven, so I was late getting to my laptop. I’d been antsy after the crap I’d pulled showing up as Jay on her doorstep following our last session. When I returned from a quick dog walk, I was relieved to find the chat window already open and a message waiting.Bianca: Hello, Dex.Dex: Hello, Bianca. How are you today?Bianca: A little anxious, I suppose.You and me both.Dex: Anxious? About what? Is everything alright?It took a few minutes for her to respond. But I was intrigued as hell when she finally did.Bianca: There’s something I’ve wanted to ask you. But wasn’t sure how you’d feel about discussing the subject.I’d already aired so much of my dirty laundry. I was curious what she could possibly feel was off limits at this point.Dex: I’ve been an open book for you, Bianca. What did you want to talk about?The answer came quick.Bianca: Sex. I want to talk about sex.This time it was me who needed to compose myself to respond.Dex: Is this discussion for the article, or is what you’re asking more of a personal nature?Bianca: It’s personal.God, my cock was swelling just thinking about discussing sex with her. But I was certainly more than game if she was.Dex: Ask away. I’m assuming our rules still stand, and I’ll get to ask a question for every one you do.Bianca. Of course.I’d poured myself a drink earlier, and now I was glad that I did. The dots were jumping around as I gulped back half the glass in one swallow.Bianca: How open-minded are you?Was Bianca into kink? I’d never delved too far into that arena, but I suppose I wouldn’t be opposed to it with the right partner. The thought of tying her to the bed, a little spanking and some anal play only made her that much more sexy to me.Dex: Are you propositioning me, Ms. George?I sucked down the other half of my drink. It did nothing to soften the steel in my pants.Bianca: I am.Dex: A woman who knows what she wants. I find that incredibly attractive. What did you have in mind?It was the longest sixty seconds of my life waiting for her next response.Bianca: A threesome with me and my friend.I lifted my fingers to the keyboard to type a response three times, but couldn’t. I was speechless...wordless. What guy didn’t want a threesome with a beautiful woman and her friend? Yet, for some reason, the fact that she’d suggested it made me angry on some level. I liked her—I suppose I wasn’t as open-minded as I liked to think I was. To me, sharing was for fucking around, not someone you were really interested in. I wasn’t sure how to respond. After long moments passed, Bianca typed again.Bianca: Are you there?Dex: Yes.Bianca: Did I offend you?She actually did. But at the risk of sounding needy, I needed to explain why.Dex: I’m interested in you, Bianca. While the thought of being with you in any capacity is extremely appealing, I’m not certain a three-way is the right way to start things off.Bianca: That’s too bad. I think the three of us would be perfect together.Dex: Perhaps we can try two and work our way up to three.Given the opportunity, I was confident that I could please her so that she didn’t feel the need to invite her friend.Bianca: I’m not sure that’s a good idea…Dex: Have you done this type of thing before?She ignored my question.Bianca: Friday 7pm. Think about it. I’ll be in the lobby of the Library Hotel if you decide to join us.Dex: And if I don’t join you?Bianca: I’ve finished the article. I’ll send over a copy within a week for final approval. I believe our interview sessions have come to an end. If you decide not to join, have a nice life, Mr. Truitt.I should have been working. Or sleeping, for that matter, considering that I hadn’t done much of that last night after the little chat I’d had with Bianca. But instead, I was sitting at my desk staring at a photo of her on her employer’s website.

Bianca George is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of Wharton Business School who spent the first five years of her career as a derivatives trader. She joined Finance Times in 2015 as a freelance industry expert where she pens articles from an insider’s point of view.

Nowhere in her biography did it mention she had a penchant for threesomes. I whipped my pen across the room.

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