Mister Moneybags - Page 79

“I should’ve known you wouldn’t forget about that.”

“Not a chance. I have to live vicariously through the fantasy version of myself right now. My jealousy in regards to fantasy Dex is worse than it was for that tool, Jay.”

“Okay. So, anyway…it starts with you opening—”

My phone rang, interrupting her.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I groaned.

“I think you’re destined not to find out, Truitt.”

“I’d better get this…in case…you know.”

She sat up suddenly. “Take it.”

I answered, “Dex Truitt…”

“Hi, Mr. Truitt. This is Erika Raymond from Leominster Laboratories.”

My heart began to palpitate. “Okay…yes?”

“Your results are in.”I thought I might throw up. Or pass out. Maybe even one right before the other. Oh God. What if I passed out first and then vomited while I was unconscious? I stood and started pacing in the sand. My skin was clammy, and from the look on Dex’s face, I must have turned pale. He spoke into the phone. “Can you please hold for a moment?” Covering the receiver, he asked, “Are you okay? You should sit down. I don’t like the way you look right now.”

“I don’t like the way I feel right now, either.”

Dex returned to the call. “Erika? Did you say your name was Erika?”

I heard the yes even though the phone was pressed to his ear.

“Listen. I need to go somewhere more private. Would it be possible for me to call you back in, say, five minutes?”

He was quiet for a moment, then said, “Okay, yes. The number came in on my caller ID. I’ll ask for extension two eight three. It’ll just be a few minutes, and I’d appreciate it if you could stand by for my call.”

Silence again, then finally. “Okay. Thank you very much.”

After he swiped to end the call, Dex put one hand on the small of my back. “Come on. Let’s go inside. I think we should talk for a few minutes before we do this.”

In a fog, I let Dex guide me inside to our room. I’d been so sure of myself, so anxious to know the truth, and now that it was within reach, I suddenly wanted to run in the other direction. I need more time.

Dex led me to the bed and sat me on the edge. I’d heard the term numb before, but I’d never actually experienced it. In my life, stress meant palpitations, playing with my balls and yelling at the top of my lungs. But this stress was entirely different. I couldn’t feel my toes. I actually looked down and wiggled them to make sure I could still do it.

Dex kneeled before me and cupped my face in both hands. “You sure you want to do this?”

“I’m not sure of anything right at the given moment.” I let out an audible sigh. “My name is Bianca, right?”

Dex smiled. “That’s right. And mine is Jay.”

Somehow his silly comment seemed to bring me back to reality. I smiled back and looked Dex in the eyes for a long while. What was staring back at me was absolutely beautiful. Not the man himself, but looking into his eyes, I saw love in its purest form. It was honest and open and willing to give me anything I wanted. As much as it took my breath away, it also reminded me that I needed to know. I wanted that love unconditionally and not knowing would always have that question mark out there.

I didn’t even feel the tears start to fall until Dex used his thumbs to wipe them away. He closed his eyes and accepted the decision I’d made without me having to say it out loud.

“Tell me how you want to do this. Do you want to know about yourself first, or your sister?”

I pondered it for a minute. “It’s Saturday and Alexandra and the girls are probably at ballet. Why don’t we find out about my results first and then take some time to absorb that before we find out about Alex. I don’t think I can handle both at the same time.”

“Alright, then that’s what we’ll do.” He squeezed my hand. “You sure you’re okay? You’re not going to pass out on me, are you?”

“I think I’m good.” I took a deep, cleansing breath, then nodded. “Go ahead. I’m ready to make the call now.”

“I will. In a minute. There’s something I need to do first.”

“What’s that?”

“This.” His mouth crashed down on mine. He kissed me with so much passion, so much intense feeling that when it finally broke, I was crying again. God, I’m a disaster.

Laughing through my tears as I wiped them away, I said, “I’m sorry. These are happy tears.”

“You don’t look very happy at the moment.”

I leaned my forehead against Dex’s. “Oddly, I am. I love you, Dexter Truitt.”

“I love you, too, Bianca. More than I can even understand.”

I didn’t ask what Dex was doing over the next minute, but I closed my eyes and said a prayer. When I opened mine, his were still closed and his lips were moving a little. I was pretty sure we were making the same request of the big guy in the sky. Eventually, he squeezed my hand one more time and then picked up his phone.

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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