Mister Moneybags - Page 81

With one swift motion, somehow Dex lifted me from kneeling, swung me up and onto the bed, and was hovering over me. “Thank you for wanting to give me my fantasy. It means a lot to me that you would offer that before even finding your own release.”

“I want nothing more than to play out every deviant fantasy that is in your head. I plan to spend lots of time exploring the depths of your pervyness, Mr. Truitt.”

Dex maneuvered out of his underwear without breaking contact, and his rigid cock was hot against my skin. I could actually feel it throbbing against my stomach. We’d been waiting so long, I couldn’t take it another second. Spreading my legs underneath him, he shifted into position, and then held my eyes as he slowly pushed inside. Every inch he eased in, my heart opened wider. This was it. It felt so unbelievably incredible to finally have the last part of him inside me. He’d been in my heart since the first time I met him, now it was the physical connection at last. I realized that this was what it truly felt like to consummate a relationship.

Dex moved in and out gently, taking his time to stretch my body to accept his girth. It was beautiful and sweet, but I could tell he was holding back. Encouraging him to let go, I wrapped my arms around him and dug my fingernails into his ass.

His pupils dilated. “Fuck.”

That did the trick. His head lowered and he bit down on my right breast hard as he sped up his pace. It was definitely going to leave a mark, and I wanted that…to be marked by him in every way.

“Fuck. Fuck,” he groaned as his mouth moved to my neck where he sucked and bit while winding fistfuls of my hair in his hands. I moaned when he tugged at it.

Everything else in the background faded away except the sound of our jagged breathing and wet bodies slapping together as he thrust deeper and deeper inside of me.

“I’m gonna fill up this tight pussy, Bianca.” He pulled his head back to look at me, and that was all it took. My body had already been humming along, but my orgasm hit me head on. I called out his name over and over as my muscles pulsated around his thick cock. Just when I thought my pleasure had crested, Dex drove into me faster and deeper, letting out a sexy groan as he released inside of me which, in turn, sent my body riding a new wave of pulses as we came simultaneously together.

Catching our breath, Dex kissed me gently on the lips. He was still semi-hard inside of me as he leisurely glided in and out. “I love you, Bianca.”

“I love you, too.”

“We took some crazy path to get here, but it’s made me realize just how much I’d do to keep you in my life. For what it’s worth, I had no plans to let you go even if it turned out you were my sister.”

“Oh, really? And what exactly were you going to do to get me to stay?”

“Let’s just say, I’ve been doing my research.”

I squinted. “What are you talking about?”

“Full siblings share fifty percent of their DNA. Half siblings only share an average of twenty-five percent of their DNA. It’s not technically inbreeding, it’s called line breeding.”

“You were going to try to sell me on the scientific aspects of sleeping with my brother?”

“Of course not.”


“I set up an appointment with a genetics counselor to do that.”

“Are you joking?”

“And maybe a psychologist, too.” He laughed, but I knew he was telling the truth.

“You’re crazy.”

“Crazy in love with you, Georgy Girl. Crazy in love with you.”“Everything turned out the way it was supposed to, didn’t it? And we didn’t even have to move to Europe.”

My driver called out, “Did you say something, Mr. Truitt?”

“Uh…no, Sam. I’m talking to Bandit.”

I rubbed behind my dog’s ears. “So, anyway…as I was saying…everything worked out. You didn’t end up at that farm upstate. Neither one of us is screwing our sister, although whatever happened with you in the past is in the past, eh? Your secrets are safe with me.”


“And now…there’s so much more to look forward to.”

We finally pulled up to our destination. I knew it was a little strange to be bringing a dog to a ribbon cutting ceremony, but he was an important part of the family; I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Holding onto Bandit’s leash, I breathed in the not-so-fresh Brooklyn air and looked up at the sign that read, The Jelani Okiro Arts and Cultural Center.

Filled with pride, I couldn’t wait to show Bianca what we’d done to this place.

Bandit and I took the elevator up to the second floor to find Alexandra standing in the foyer. She was holding a clipboard and grinning at us.

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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