My Favorite Souvenir - Page 30

She nodded.

“No, that’s not happened to me as of yet. In fact, the last few days I’ve had the opposite problem. Especially after that little stunt you pulled last night, by the way.”

She covered a devilish smile with her hand. “I told you I’d return the favor if you got up and sang with me. I owed you.”

“Yeah, well, you’re definitely no welcher. In fact, I’ll have to remember that and make a few little wagers over the duration of our trip. There’s a lot more to see.” I winked.

Maddie laughed.

I really did love what our relationship had grown into. It was pretty crazy to think I’d only known her a little less than a week. Especially when I felt like she knew me better than anyone else these days.

“Anyway, getting back to your question,” I said. “I’m curious where all of this is coming from? First you asked if I had a lot of friends, and now you want to know if I suffer from erectile dysfunction. Your mind seems to be jumping all over the place.”

She shook her head. “Believe it or not, they’re actually related. I was thinking how I would miss my friend Felicity if I moved. Growing up, I never really had a friend I could talk to about boys. And she’s been a lifesaver ever since my engagement ended. Anyway, this morning I woke up and thought of something really random that happened with my ex. A few months ago, he came over after going out to happy hour with some people from work. He’d had too much to drink, and he couldn’t, you know…perform. That had never happened before, and I chalked it up to the alcohol and never really gave it another thought—until this morning. For some reason, I woke up remembering that night and something Felicity told me—that maybe his issue was caused by something more than just the liquor. Maybe Brady had done something he felt guilty about, or perhaps he was hiding something. She told me not to worry too much and assured me the truth would come out eventually, that I’d see it when I was no longer looking through love goggles. I was going to text her this morning and tell her I’d finally taken off my goggles, but then I remembered the time difference and didn’t want to wake her.”

“And you just randomly woke up thinking about that night?”

She smirked. “Well, maybe it wasn’t so random. I might’ve noticed your pants were fitting a little snug after we left that party last night. And you’d had a few drinks. So I guess it got me thinking…”

I knew what I’d done to alleviate that problem when I got back to my room. But I was curious as hell if Maddie had done the same thing. Since we’d just agreed no question was off limits, I figured, why not ask? Though I wanted some reassurance that she’d meant what she said.

“So…no question is off limits, right? That works both ways.”

Maddie raised a brow. “Oh, this is going to get interesting, isn’t it?”

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel. “It most certainly is, Mads. It most certainly is.”

She laughed. “What’s your question?”

I had about a quarter of a tank of gas left and could probably make it to our planned stopping point for the day without filling up. Yet I decided to pull off the highway when I saw a sign for gas. If I was going to get to ask a good question, I wanted to be able to watch her face when she answered, not have to keep my eyes on the road.

So I waited until I’d parked at the pump before shifting in my seat and turning to face Maddie head on. “It might not be as obvious with a woman, but I’d venture to guess you went to bed a little turned on last night, too. Am I right?”

She nodded with a coy smile. “Yeah. I was definitely a little riled up.”

Fuck. I was getting turned on just thinking about her being turned on. Now I needed to know. My eyes dropped to her lips. They were so full and pink. I had the strongest urge to lean in and take the bottom one in my teeth and give it a good, firm tug.

Maddie giggled, almost nervously. “If there are no other questions, I’m going to use the restroom since we stopped.”

Forcing my eyes to meet hers again, I cleared my throat. “Oh, that wasn’t my question, Mads. That was just me clarifying what I already knew. What I really want to know is, what did you do about it once you were all alone in your room?”Chapter 9* * *HazelHow the hell did I answer?

With the truth? That last night I’d imagined the two of us had gone at it like wild animals while I laid in the tub with the showerhead pressed between my legs? Or did I lie and say I hadn’t come so hard I saw spots for a solid five minutes after I opened my eyes?

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024