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Tempt Me Like This (The Morrisons 2)

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Inside the large room, there were another half-dozen men who all said hello to Drew, who then introduced her to them the way he had everyone else at the label. She'd put on her one dress, a simple white sundress, for today's meeting, and she could see how much she stuck out amongst the sea of dark suits. In fact, as far as she'd seen, apart from a few administrative staff, all of the employees at the label were male.

Which was funny, considering that well over fifty percent of the people listening to Drew's music were female. Shouldn't at least one person with an X chromosome be weighing in along with all the men?

"Your numbers are through the roof, Drew." The label's president got comfortable in his big leather chair as she and Drew sat on a big leather couch. "We've already talked with Peter to let him know how pleased we are."

Drew's manager, Peter Hemsworth, was president and founder of a high-profile music management company. He managed a dozen top artists and was based out of London, which was why he wasn't here with them today. Drew hadn't said much about Peter to her, just that he liked the guy and appreciated being left alone for the most part rather than micromanaged. Still, she wondered if Peter should at least be on the phone with them during this meeting. After all, Drew wasn't exactly a small-time client.

"We also let him know we're looking forward to finally hearing those new songs you've been promising us. And for you to get back to us with your thoughts on the contract that we sent over a while back for the second album."

"I got Peter's email this morning," Drew said. His words still sounded pretty relaxed, but Ashley had spent enough time with him to notice the way his expression tightened down a bit at the corners of his eyes and mouth.

"The market is primed for a new Drew Morrison album. Social media is going crazy for you. The girls can't get enough. You've done us proud, Drew. Real proud."

Was it weird, she wondered, to hear himself talked about like that? As Drew Morrison. But she already knew the answer--it had to be weird.

"Thanks," was all Drew said in response.

"So," Ansel said into the continued silence, "have you brought any songs in for us on a flash drive? Or maybe you'll feel more comfortable playing one of the guitars in my office?"

Instead of answering either Robert or Ansel, Drew looked at Ashley. She wished she knew what he needed from her, because she could see that he was struggling with something. She wanted to reach for his hand, but it seemed so terribly inappropriate inside the office. She gave him a small smile instead. One she hoped he could read as: Whatever you do, I'm totally behind you.

After another few seconds, he turned back to the men in suits. "I have one new song I could play for you."

"Great!" Robert clapped his hands as if he were a king on his music business throne about to hear from the jester brought in to entertain him. Ansel's guitar was soon in Drew's hands, and then he began the first few notes of "One More Time."

Ashley had cried buckets both nights he'd played it on stage, and it wouldn't matter that she was surrounded by the music industry executives that she'd always hoped to work with--she knew she wouldn't be able to keep from crying today either. At first Drew kept his gaze trained on the sound hole in his guitar as he played, but when she sniffled just a little too loudly, he looked up...and played the rest of the song looking straight at her. It felt like a concert for one. And it was the most breathtakingly beautiful thing that had ever happened to her.

She honestly forgot all about the other people in the room while he played, but once he got to the end of the song, that final line that absolutely destroyed her every single time--I wish I could see you one more time--she was shocked to realize that no one else in the room was crying. Okay, so a couple of the executives' eyes were glassy, but none of them had become a blubbering mess.

Ansel leaned forward. "That song--it's great, Drew. Real moving. But all those hits on your first album--those are what your fans are going to be expecting you to hit them with again. More fun, sexy songs." He held up his hands. "Don't get us wrong, we don't want to stifle your creativity."

She waited for Drew to say something, to defend his musical path, wherever it took him. Instead, he sat silently, a muscle jumping in his jaw. Suddenly, she realized that this was why he hadn't been excited about coming here today. He wasn't writing new songs at the pace Chief Records was expecting. And the one new song he had written, the label guys clearly didn't like.

But she did. She loved it. And so did his fans. She'd seen it for herself.

The problem was, any response Drew made at this point would only end up sounding defensive--and they'd clearly set up the power structure so that he would be on the wrong foot unless he did anything but kowtow to their demands. Oh sure, Ansel had smiled as he said it, but it was clear that they were still demanding a certain kind of song from Drew.

"Have any of you seen the way his fans react when he plays 'One More Time' live?"

Everyone in the room turned to her in surprise--as though they'd forgotten she was there. Or maybe they were still rolling their eyes at the way she'd sobbed while Drew played. Normally, she would have felt a little embarrassed to be the center of attention, especially when no one had actually asked her to speak up, but she couldn't stand to see them all pile on Drew like this. Even if they were couching the pile-up in compliments about how great he was.

"Drew's hits, they're all amazing, and you're right that people love to dance and sing to them. But they also love being touched by something that goes so deep. There's no one who doesn't understand how painful it is to lose someone you love. And, honestly, it's after they're wiping away their tears that his fans all really come together. It's after 'One More Time' that they vow to be his fans for life."

Everyone was looking at her as though she'd sprouted a second head--all but Drew, whose expression she couldn't read--and she knew she needed to try a different tack. Either that or just stop talking, but she figured it was too late now to backtrack. Besides, she didn't want to backtrack. She wanted to stand up for Drew's right to be whatever kind of artist he wanted to be!

"During the past two days, since Drew played 'One More Time' for the first time, it is the song everyone is talking about. Literally thousands of people have been posting about it. Clips of the song. Selfies of themselves crying as they listen to it. They're telling their own stories of loss and heartbreak. And they're whipping everyone who hasn't heard the song into a frenzy of anticipation, telling them that seeing Drew play it live will be one of the best experiences of their lives."

"Really?" Finally, Robert looked interested.

"Yes, really." At that point, she'd already stepped so far over the boundary that she didn't hesitate to offer, "I'd be happy to pull together a report on it for you if you'd like."

"Ashley, is it?" When she nodded, he said, "A report would be excellent. In fact, it makes me wonder why my own social media team isn't already doing something similar." He shot a none-too-pleased look at the men in the room.

"We've been busy working on other campaigns," one man said, before quickly adding, "but we will certainly look into this phenomenon Drew's girlfriend has reported seeing."

Her eyebrows went up at girlfriend, but she knew right now wasn't the time to correct anyone's assumptions. Not when what mattered most was that Drew should love the music he was making and not feel pressured to paint with primary colors.

"Ashley is right about my fans loving the song. And she's right about a hell of a lot more than that." Drew's voice was low. Firm. As if he dared anyone else from the label to so much as doubt another word out of her mouth. He looked at Robert and Ansel. "I'll look over the contract and let you know my thoughts." Drew stood, then reached out to help Ashley up. "Ready for a bunch more meetings?"

She still couldn't quite read his expression as she nodded. "Meetings are my wheelhouse."

That got a small quirk of the lips out of him, one that she hoped meant he wasn't upset with her for taking over the meeting. Because, truthfully, sh

e couldn't stand the thought of upsetting him.

Especially when all she wanted to do was help.

Chapter Nine

Oh man, was Drew not kidding about the meetings. Even Ashley was hitting the wall by the time they met with the Chief Records online team six hours later, despite the sandwiches and bowls of candy and sodas brought in to try to keep everyone from fading.

She was amazed that Drew didn't show one ounce of fatigue. On the contrary, after the difficult first meeting, he took the lead in each subsequent one. He clearly knew exactly what he wanted from each department--how the sales and marketing team should support each overseas market and what the newest online tools were that the social media team should be incorporating into their plans going forward.

She'd admitted to Drew last night that she'd come into the tour with preconceived notions of what a rock star was like. And if she hadn't already realized just how wrong she'd been, today's meetings would have done it. Because while it certainly helped that Drew had a large team and a powerful record label behind him, the truth was that he was leading the charge for his own career, rather than following what other people were telling him to do. Three days with Drew and she'd already learned more than she had from years of reading case studies about the music business.

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