Love Me Like This (The Morrisons 3) - Page 35

In lieu of a response, he reached for her hand and was lifting it to his lips when a sharp pain brought her awake with a gasp. She tugged her hand from his to press it to her side.

"Taylor." He stroked a lock of hair away from her face. "Tell me what I can do to help."

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out around the agony of what felt like a knife spearing through her.


She could hear Justin yelling, knew he was trying to get her attention, but she couldn't focus on anything other than the horrible sensation of being ripped in two from the inside out...right before everything went dark.


Justin had never been so scared. Never knew he could feel like his heart was being torn from his chest.

He should call 911, but he couldn't move. Couldn't think. Could barely remember how to breathe.

A knock came at the window. Olivia was peering in at them. "Taylor, you left your purse."

The sound of his sister's voice knocked him out of his paralysis. "911." His hands felt numb, and he'd never be able to pull out his phone without fumbling it. "Call 911!" he yelled through the glass. "Taylor has passed out."

Thank God Olivia was always clear-headed, especially when the stakes were high, and a split second later, she had her phone to her ear. He could hear her telling the emergency responder that Taylor had polycystic kidney disease and had just passed out in the parking lot of Sullivan Winery.

Justin wanted to put his arms around Taylor and hold her, but he didn't dare move her. Carefully checking her pulse, he confirmed that her heartbeat was still strong, but she was dangerously pale and her breathing was shallow.

Minutes later, an ambulance siren sounded, growing louder and louder until it approached his car. "Sir, I need to examine your friend."

"Fiancee." He needed them to know that she was so much more than just a friend. She was his everything.

It was nearly impossible for Justin to move from Taylor's side, or to let go of her hand--he wasn't sure he would have managed it without Olivia's firm hands on his shoulders guiding him from the car.

"Could you tell us what happened, sir?"

"We had just gotten into the car when Taylor gasped and put her hand to her side. She has advanced polycystic kidney disease. She hasn't slept enough this week." Because he hadn't been taking good enough care of her. "Plus, she was dancing a lot tonight." Because he'd wanted to have fun. "She's probably dehydrated, and a cyst in her kidney might have burst."

Or worse.

God, no, he couldn't let his brain spin out into worse...

The lead paramedic spoke to Taylor, though she hadn't yet regained consciousness. "Taylor, we're going to move you onto a stretcher and then into an ambulance so that we can get an IV running. You're going to be feeling a whole heck of a lot better soon."

The paramedics worked as a well-oiled unit, and soon, she was in the ambulance with Justin crouched beside her, holding one of her hands. His family had gathered around the back of the vehicle by now, concern etched deeply into their faces.

Justin could barely think past the self-recriminations that were going around and around inside his head. But he needed to tell the emergency crew one important thing. "Her doctor is at Queen of the Valley in downtown Napa."

"Great," the EMT administering the IV said. "That's also the closest emergency room."

The back doors of the ambulance were just being closed when Olivia hopped up beside Justin. He'd never been so thankful in his whole life for the support of his family as he was when she put an arm around him and said, "She's going to be okay."

The sirens wailed as they sped off toward the ER.


Taylor's eyes fluttered open just as they were pulling up to the hospital. "Justin?" Her throat sounded raw. "What happened?"

He wanted to press kisses all over her face, but he couldn't risk jarring her. "You passed out after the wedding."

"I didn't want that to happen." Her words were barely above a whisper. "Tell them I'm sorry."

"No, sweetheart, you don't have anything to be sorry ab--"

A grimace of pain sent her eyes rolling back in her head and stopped his words cold. "Help her!" he pleaded. The paramedics already had the doors open and were preparing to roll the stretcher down the ramp and into the hospital.

A nurse came to take Taylor's full name, address, and doctor's name so that she could pull her file. The emergency room doctor grilled the lead paramedic, then grabbed the clipboard and began giving instructions to the rest of the medical team as they rolled her away through the restricted double doors. Everyone was completely focused, everyone knew exactly the part they had to play, and somewhere in the back of Justin's brain, he knew he should be thankful for it.

But he couldn't remember how to be thankful for anything right now. Not when the woman he loved was in unspeakable pain...and he couldn't do a damn thing to help her.

"I pushed her too hard." The words shook as they left his mouth, each of them loaded with self-hatred.


"I should have been making sure she went to bed early. I should have made sure she didn't get dehydrated. I shouldn't have let her do so much this week, between running her business and spending time with me grape stomping and flying in balloons. But all I wanted was to be with her."

"Justin, please--"

Increasingly dark thoughts were swirling around and around inside his head. "This is all my fault."


Justin abruptly realized his sister was standing in front of him with her hands on his shoulders, shaking him.

"I know you're upset, but blaming yourself isn't going to help anyone." Olivia's words were softly spoken but firm. "I'm sure the doctors are already getting to the bottom of what happened. They won't let anything else happen to her, Justin. You've got to believe that."

He wished he could, but this was one of those times when knowing too much about science wasn't necessarily a good thing. "There are just so many things that can go wrong. If a cyst burst, it could be bleeding out inside of her, or she could have abnormal heart valves, or dangerously high blood pressure, or kidney stones, or--

"Stop it." Olivia's voice whiplashed through his panic. "You're not doing yourself any good by running through worst-case scenarios."

Just days ago, he'd made a silent vow to hold on to faith, hope, love--no matter what. If only his vow hadn't been put to the test so damned quickly.

Grant, Drew, Ashley, Sean, Serena, Maddie, and his father all burst through the hospital's doors. "Is she okay?" Maddie looked as panicked as Justin felt.

"We don't know anything yet." Seeing his own family made him belatedly realize one more important thing. "I need to call her parents."

He stepped outside into the wine country night that had seemed so magical an hour ago. Taylor's mother picked up after only one ring. As soon as he said who he was, her reply came: "It's Taylor, isn't it?"

He'd thought he would need to be the calm one, but tonight everything was flipped inside out. More than once, his throat closed up around the words he was trying to say, while Caroline remained remarkably calm and clear-headed. After he filled her in on the scant amount he knew so far, she said she and her husband would be heading straight to the airport for the next flight to San Francisco. What's more, they were going to authorize the doctors and nurses to give Justin any and all information about Taylor's condition--and also allow him to make any crucial medical decisions on her behalf before they arrived, if necessary.

It wasn't until they hung up that he realized that Taylor hadn't yet told her parents they were engaged. Though he'd slid the diamonds on her finger barely twenty-four hours ago, it felt like the distant past. One in which their worries had been little more than just that, with ambulance rides and emergency rooms only a faint possibility.

Until tonight, Taylor's illness had been a somewhat amorphous thing. Yes, he'd read her files, so he knew from a sc

ientific standpoint just how ill she really was. But she'd always looked so fresh, so healthy, her skin glowing, her smile radiant, that he had been able to fool himself into thinking they had time.

More time than this.

He looked up at the moon and the stars--all of the best moments in his life had been shared with Taylor. Every sunrise sweeter because of her. Every full moon brighter. He couldn't imagine a world, or his life, without her in it.

He'd promised Taylor in the vineyard that afternoon with Drew and Ashley that he was strong enough to take whatever came, strong enough to help her with anything she needed. Somehow, some way, he needed to dig down deep and be that pillar of strength.

Tags: Bella Andre The Morrisons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024