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First Comes Love (Love Comes To Town)

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Nolan barks out a laugh. “What’s there to feel? I’ll ensure we have enough drinks that we don’t feel anything we don’t want to.”

“I don’t know—”

“Ah, but I do.” My little brother used to be a salesman, and it shows: he excels at pushy good humor more than anyone. “Drinks, hot girls, drinks, deep fried pickles, more drinks. I’ve already booked us a table.”

“You’re not taking ‘no’ for an answer, are you?”

“Nope.” Nolan’s clearly pleased with himself. “Besides, I just received some good news.”


“A certain company president just made the right decision with regard to a certain employee—who will remain nameless, naturally.”

“Careful,” I snap.

“What?” His tone is indefatigably good-humored. “I can’t congratulate you on a decision well made?”

“Push it,” I find myself snarling. “See where it gets you.”

Especially since I am just now driving away from Harley’s place, wishing for nothing more than to have seen her.

“Forget it.” Nolan knows when not to push his luck. “You coming along tonight. I’ll take it. I’ll come over to yours and we can cab together?”

“Sure,” I say, just to get him off my back.

It’ll beat sitting and having Harley hammer at the sides of my skull all night like she has been all day, anyway.

At my place, while waiting for Nolan to come over, I throw a panini in the oven. I place a couple of stray dishes in the dishwasher, refill the Brita. Anything to fill the extra seconds and minutes that teem with her. A call is so easy and fast these days…

Stop it.

I grab the panini out of the oven early, start chowing down on its lukewarm goodness. Maybe a night out will be good for me. Get my mind off her.

Within seconds of Nolan arriving—“Hey there, brother man”—we’re ordering a cab.

Less than a minute later, my phone rings.

It’s Emerson. “What would you say to two tag-alongs?”

“Do I have a choice?” I ask.

“Landon says he’s forgiven you, by the way,” Emerson pipes in.


“Great, so we’re at your door.”

A knock, and I hang up, going over to the door and opening it.

“Couldn’t you just have knocked instead of calling?” I ask them.

They just smile placidly.

“Woo-hoo,” Nolan says behind me. “Another Storm Night of Brotherly Shenanigans.”

“Thought we couldn’t afford any more bad publicity,” I point out.

Landon grins as he saunters in. “A couple of parkour stunts won’t hurt anybody.”

“Don’t worry,” Emerson says, following in behind him. “I’ll keep them in check.”

I shake my head. “That’s my job.”

The cab arrives shortly after, and we all pile in.

“Heard the good news,” Emerson says to me once we’re in Royale, at our table. “Think this calls for shots.”

“Many, many, many shots,” Nolan says with a devilish smile.

“Drop it,” I growl, although they’re already on their way to order at the bar. Apparently, table service isn’t fast enough for them.

Several shots later, we’re on the dance floor, on the prowl.

Nolan and Landon have already found their ladies for tonight, while Emerson and I are getting chatted up by two stunners. When they leave for the bathroom, Emerson turns to me, excitement glinting in his eyes. “You want the blonde or the brunette? Damn, I can already tell, this is going to be an epic night!”

“Sure,” I say.

He tilts his head and gives me a gentle smile. “Don’t sound so excited.”

“Think I’m just tired.”

“Boo,” Nolan says in passing, as his girl tugs him along to who-knows-where. “Have another shot.”

So, I do. I don’t feel much different, though. My phone is still empty. Harley still hasn’t called. Not that she would. I’m the one who would. Should.

I’m being stupid.

“Want to come over to our place?” the blonde says to us. “We’re just here for the weekend for work, but they got us this sick room at the Harbor Hotel.”

“Hell yeah!” Emerson enthuses.

“What about you?” the brunette asks, hand going to my chest.

I stare back at her blankly. I feel nothing.

She’s hot as hell, got a body like a porn star and a face like a model and… I feel nothing.

“Greyson?” Emerson says.

“I have to go,” I say. “I’m sorry.”

There’s something I have to do.Chapter 32Harley

“Remind me why we’re watching this?” I ask Hannah.

“Because you wanted to?” she says, pausing the movie.

“Because I’m an idiot,” I conclude.

Only an idiot would think that watching Knocked Up on the day she found out she was, in fact, knocked up, was a good idea.

I check my phone again, glaring at the empty screen. Of course Greyson isn’t going to call me again, after he called and texted several times, and even showed up here.

“I can’t avoid him forever,” I say softly.

“Harley, listen to me,” Hannah says in the no-nonsense voice she uses with underlings at the nursery who don’t water the plants properly. “You just found out about this. You don’t need to tell him right away.”

“I know, but I think it’s best if I just get it over with. Otherwise it’s going to keep nagging at me like this.”

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