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The Lion and the Lamb

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Low, deep murmurs came from her right, but they were jumbled. Turning her head in that direction, she opened her eyes again and blinked, trying to get everything in focus. The large, dark shape in front of her was blurry. Tatum inhaled and smelled a rich and spicy scent, and she let out a sob.

Everything came rushing back to her. Her fear that Leo would die at Slade’s hand came back like a wound reopening, but as she felt him stroke the top of her hand and whisper things against her temple, she let that soul-crushing fear leave her.

Leo was okay, alive, and right beside her. Everything would be okay.

With that thought, she let herself drift off again.

The next time she woke, the pain felt more tolerable. Her vision cleared substantially, and as she pushed herself up and looked around, Tatum realized she was in Leo’s underground apartment. Her throat felt raw, and even breathing had her placing a hand on her neck, as if the act would somehow help her. A ticking clock broke up the silence.

As she shifted on the massive bed, a cry of pain left her. Clutching her side, she looked down, lifted up her shirt, and saw a white bandage wrapped around her middle. Red started to form on the gauze, and she gritted her teeth from the pain.

She had been shot. That realization had her remember the struggle with Peaches over the gun. The sound of that second shot had her pulse accelerating. Had Peaches been shot, or did the bullet go elsewhere? Was Peaches okay? Although the woman tried to kill her, Tatum didn’t even want to think if she had inadvertently killed someone.

Heavy, quick footsteps pounded down the stairs, and her eyes flew to the door that led up to Leo’s office. It opened, and the man she loved filled the space. He breathed hard, his eyes frantic as he stared at her. She tried to move and go to him, but a cry left her as her side protested at that idea.

Leo strode toward her before she even recovered. Wrapping his arms around her, he gently brought her head to his chest. His hands stroked over her back, and his whole body shook. At that moment, as her tears soaked his shirt, she realized her big, strong man cried as well. The words he whispered were fast and jumbled in her hair, but it didn’t matter. They were both alive.

After several long moments, he pulled away but kept his hands on her back. Red-rimmed eyes stared at her. His emotions were painted clear as day on his face, which only caused her tears to fall harder. His thumbs swept under her cheeks, collecting her tears and bringing them to his mouth.

“I…” His eyes closed, and he shook his head. That one word sounded pained. When he finally opened his eyes, which seemed to take forever, the blue of his irises seemed to glow with emotion. “I could have lost you, Tatum.” His hands cupped her cheeks, and he rested his forehead against hers. “I could have lost you, baby.” His voice was low and strained. They held each other’s stare, and she couldn’t contain it anymore. Bringing her lips to his, she kissed him with all the love she felt for him.

“I love you. I love you.” Their kiss turned desperate, and she spilled the words over and over again, letting Leo know exactly how much he meant to her.

“God, baby. I love you so much.”

All the air left the room, left her.

He loved her. She loved him. And they were both alive. What more could she ask for?

“How are you feeling?” The concern in his face and expression pulled at her heartstrings. “You’re in pain.” His eyes went up and down her body and stopped on the bandage slowly turning red. “Fuck.” He rushed away from her and into the bathroom. When he returned, he had clean bandages, ointment, and antiseptic. “Lie back.” He gently pushed her back and went about the task of removing the soiled wrap.

Tatum looked down at the angry wound. It had been stitched up, but when Leo dabbed the antiseptic on it, she winced and tensed. He mumbled an apology, lathered on some ointment, and wrapped her back up.

“You have to be careful, sweetheart.” The feel of his lips on her forehead had her smiling up at him. “Doc said the bullet made a clean pass through and should heal nicely.”

“Is…?” Tatum couldn’t even say the words. When she lifted her eyes to his, Tatum could see the confirmation on his face. Peaches was dead because of her. Leo lay down beside her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Tatum let the scent of him wash through her as she cried out. She had killed a person.

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