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Sins of the Stepbrothers (2 Wicked Stepbrothers 1 Innocent Girl 1)

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Maybe it’s because I’m afraid he’ll choose her over the money.

Over me.

“There’s no way we can get it,” I hurry before he can answer. “Unless …”

I’ve got his attention straight away and his eyes shoot up to look at me. “Unless what?” he asks curiously, and I know this is the make it or break it moment.

He might agree with my plan, if I present it in the right way. Or he might call me crazy, depending on how greedy he actually is.

And I don’t know what I want him to say.

The truth is, I’m not even sure whether I’m doing this for the money or just for Emme.

“There’s something we could do,” I say mysteriously and Aiden edges closer on the couch, listening intently. I know I’ve got him now, and the words come rushing out. It’s done.

“There’s no way we are getting that money without doing something bad,” I explain.

“I’m not gonna kill Emme, Blane,” Aiden interrupts immediately and I feel shocked that he even thought I would think of something like that. I tell him as much and he backs off immediately, asking me to tell him more. I don’t hesitate for a second, the plan unveiling in my head as I speak despite my current hazy mind.

“We’re not blood relatives,” I remind him, trying to ease him into the idea gently. “She’s not related to us at all, right?” I ask him, and he shakes his head, so that encourages me to go on.

“What if,” I ask, building the tension before I finally pose the big question. “What if one of us married her?”

Aiden looks revolted and like he’s about to speak up, but I hurry up with the explanation. This moment is crucial.

“What if one of us married her, and divorced her in a few months’ time? Can you imagine how much money we could get? She would be heartbroken; it would be easy to take it away. And then we would split it between the two of us …”

Aiden looks at me worriedly. “I don’t want to hurt her,” he says quietly.

Oh, brother, I want to do many, many things to Emme, but hurting her is not in the top 5.

“We’ll explain it to her,” I try to calm him down. “And we’ll leave her with enough money to take care of herself, won’t we? We can all go ba

ck to being friends, because the money issue won’t be there anymore, will it?”

Aiden thinks it true and I imagine the cogs in his brain turning as my heart thumps in my chest, waiting for his answer. This could be it, I think. I could do this, and marry her – and get over my obsession. I’m sure once I have her, it will pass. And all that money …

“Okay,” Aiden says softly and immediately, my smile grows wide as I slap his back. “I’ll do it.”

“There it is,” I say proudly and we both get up, hugging each other awkwardly and laughing nervous smiles as we realize we can’t really stand up properly with all the alcohol in our bodies.

We’re kind of afraid of looking at each other, I think, because Aiden refuses to meet my eye. But he looks weirdly happy, excited. I knew he was struggling with less money to play with, but I didn’t think he’d be this willing.

And when I think of Emme … Sweet, long legged Emme, and finally having a reason to make her mine … It makes it all worth it if it means I get to taste that full mouth of hers.

“When do I start?” Aiden asks after a minute or so passes, and I look at him to see him grinning. That’s the spirit, brother, I think proudly. I’m about to explain his role in the game – making sure Emme trusts me, convincing her I’m a good guy – when he speaks up again.

“You know, I did always have a little crush on Emme. I know, it’s weird … We were always so close. But this is the perfect chance to get it out of my system.” He gives me a wicked smile. “I wonder if she’s a virgin.”

My blood freezes in my veins and all my hairs stand up on end.





Chapter 6

I’ve completely messed up.

As I wake up with a roaring hangover and run to throw up in the kitchen sink, my mind pounds with yesterday’s conversation.

After Aiden misunderstood me, I made the worst possible move, which I’m only realizing now. I threw up and went to sleep, and I never once told him I wanted to be the one who married Emme.

Thinking about it now as I wash my face and mouth, I realize Aiden has a point. He’s the one who was always closer to Emme; he’s her best friend, her confidant. She trusts him. Sure, she cares about me too, but she and Aiden … it just makes more sense.

But my goddamn jealous mind won’t take it.

My plan.

My girl.

Our money.

Surely if he gets those dollars he’ll comply with my terms? He has to understand. Has to. Because I’m not giving Emme up.

I walk back into the living room, where Aiden is stretched out on the couch.

“I’m dying,” he informs me, and despite all the worries, I smile. He has always had a flair for the dramatic. Might be because he’s an artist.

I bring him a tall glass of water and he drinks it in big gulps, finally sitting up and groaning all the while. “So, last night,” he says tiredly.

My heartbeat fastens and I prepare myself to speak up.

“We’re never drinking that shit tequila again,” Aiden grimaces and I laugh nervously. Is it possible that he has completely forgotten about our conversation? We were pretty hammered.

Aiden doesn’t bring up the plan with a single word. He doesn’t even mention Emme.

I’m completely confused, but figure it’s best to keep my mouth shut. When I go off to work, I’m feeling nervous and relieved at the same time. I say goodbye to Aiden, and make him promise me he’ll go to class – even though we both know it’s not happening with that hangover.

“Get sober soon!” I yell on my way out, and am accompanied by Aiden’s laugh as I close the door. A smile appears on my face as I take the stairs to the lobby.

Did I just get away with this? I wonder.


Work goes as work usually does, and the hours pass slowly. But finally, it’s time for me to go home, and because I’m feeling extra grateful that Aiden doesn’t seem to remember a thing from yesterday’s drunken planning, I decide to grab a few treats at the supermarket on our street.

I even throw in some brie cheese, which used to be Aiden’s favorite. It may not be the stuff we were used to – and the smell makes my stomach roll over – but I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.

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