Redemption (Infinity Blade 2) - Page 25

The Dark Self stirred.

“No,” Siris said. “I don’t have to be you.”

It shook within him, writhing to break out.

“No,” Siris said. “No.”

It thrashed and struggled, like a trapped rat. Siris clamped down on it and squeezed until . . .

Until it was no more.

He stood on shaky legs and looked at Isa, slowly healing on the bed. He left the cabin, passing TEL at the doorway. Siris walked up onto the deck, each footfall stronger than the one before. In the distance behind, rain fell over the ocean. But ahead . . . ahead was light.

Siris turned away from the storm and walked to the prow of the ship. The Sacrifice was complete. His ancient purpose, to defeat Raidriar, was no more.

And in the end, they had fulfilled one another’s roles, to an extent. He felt guilty, but soon found even that emotion evaporating. Replaced by awe.

If a man like Raidriar could be a hero, what did it mean for Siris?

It meant freedom.


ONCE AGAIN, this story exists because of the folks at ChAIR Entertainment who have allowed me to take the Infinity Blade world for one more ride. Working with Donald and Geremy Mustard on the books and the games has given the gamer in me a chance to geek out in a new way, and for that I thank them.

Laura Mustard is a publicity and marketing genius. My assistant, the infinite Peter Ahlstrom, stepped up to the plate and once again went beyond the call of duty. Adam Ford and Donald Mustard knocked out another brilliant cover, and Calum Watt's interior illustrations added another great multimedia aspect to this project. Finally, many thanks to my editor Simon Hurley, the super-talented team at ChAIR, and everyone at Epic Games.

Tags: Brandon Sanderson Infinity Blade Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024