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Forbidden Prescription 3 (Forbidden Medicine 3)

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“Sit down, Whitney,” my mom ordered, pointing to a chair. “Let them do your hair and makeup so you can get dressed and go to the ceremony.”

I obeyed her command and slouched down i

n a chair while two experts curled and pinned my hair and made my face look flawless. In any other circumstance, I would have enjoyed myself, getting all dolled up with my mom and her friends and drinking mimosas, but I was dreading going to the ceremony.

The rest of the day would be spent talking to, standing near, and taking pictures with the family, which now included Chad. Since talking to Ted about Chad, I wasn’t as angry as I was before. It didn’t matter that he’d rejected me because I couldn’t be with him anyway. Now, it was just awkward. We talked when it was necessary but did our best to avoid each other whenever possible.

The only thing that made the day any better was that Ted was coming. Chad’s father had invited him, but we decided that he could come as my date.

Things had been going really well with Ted. After our first lunch outing, he took me to a fancy restaurant for dinner and then we went to a ballet performance. The performance was fine, but I really enjoyed dressing up and walking around with my arm in his. He was an absolute gentleman with me, and I felt like he really respected me as a person.

The weekend after the ballet, we went to a hockey game, which in our opinion, was much more exciting than the ballet. We each had a beer and shared a tray of nachos, and it was one of the best nights out that I have had in a long time. Afterward, we went to his place and cuddled on the couch and just talked about everything, from TV, to work, to our families.

Between dates, we talked on the phone just about every other day. When we were busy, it was just a quick check-in to ask how the other’s day was or to discuss something we read in the news. Sometimes, after a long conversation, I would find Maria outside my door, waiting for me to spill everything that was discussed. She teased me endlessly for having a boyfriend, and I laughed as I denied how serious I thought things were getting.

The only thing we hadn’t done yet was have sex. I really wanted to, but there was something that felt so good about taking it slow. One night, when we were making out and things were getting hot and heavy, I told Ted that I didn’t want to have sex right away. I thought he was going to be annoyed with me, but he was completely okay with that. I didn’t know a lot of guys who would want to stick around after being turned down like that. I guess he just liked to spend time with me and was willing to put in the work.

I think that staying celibate was just as hard for me as it was for him. When we kissed, I pressed my body against his as closely as possible. When we rolled around on his couch, I ran my hands along his body, starting with his short, soft hair and ending at his groin. I felt him over his jeans, always having to force my hands away from him.

At night when I got home, I took a cool shower, trying to keep my mind off what I imagined his naked body to look like. I tried to think about anyone else, which often led me to think about Chad, which was so much worse. It felt so unfair that there were two incredibly delectable men in my life and I wasn’t having sex with either of them. I hoped that would change soon, though. Well, with Ted, anyway. Chad was, unfortunately, forever off limits.

When I got to the church, I saw Chad almost immediately. I realized that at that moment, there would be no more avoiding him. I would have to be around him all day. When I went to work, he would be there too. He’d also be anywhere my mom and new stepfather were. He was unavoidable.

If I wanted to move on from him, I needed closure. My stomach ready to explode from nerves, I marched right up to him and rested my hand on his shoulder.

“Can I talk to you?” I asked softly.

“If it’s about the rings, they’re in my pocket. You’re not the first one to ask.”

“No, about . . .” My voice trailed off into a whisper. “Us.”

His smile faded into a frown. He looked around to make sure no one was in earshot before coming closer to me. I could smell his cologne and it was heavenly.

“Listen, I know things have been really weird between us for the past few months and we haven’t talked about it. After today, we’re going to be in each other’s lives for quite some time, so it’s best we just settle it now and get it out of the way.”

“Fine,” he said. “What do you want to talk about?”

I ground my teeth. I hadn’t really thought of the specifics. I assumed that pointing out the awkwardness would be enough.

“I’m just going to point out the obvious,” I said. “We had sex and then shortly after, found out that our parents are getting married. Now, I’m dating your best friend. Also, a lot of people probably know that we had sex, which makes the whole thing a lot weirder. It was just a fluke that everything happened how it did. But, I think you’re cool and I want to be able to be friends.”

He bit his lip. “Yeah, I think we could be friends.”

I heaved a sigh of relief. “It feels so good to hear you say that,” I beamed, pulling him into a hug.

Chad reluctantly rested his hands on my upper back, his body feeling stiff, not at all how he was at the Christmas party. Although, I suppose that was what I wanted.

Things would be okay. Chad could mingle with all of the young, single women at the reception and I could sit with Ted, holding hands and stealing kisses all night. We would both be fine.

The ceremony itself went off without a hitch. As my mom stood with her new husband, I couldn’t help but be sucked into the happiness of the whole event. I would never consider myself to be the romantic type, but seeing so much love between two people made me feel like I was missing out on someone. My work came first, but I was warming up to the idea of spending my life with a long-term partner.

Chad must have been feeling it too, because when I looked over at him during the ceremony, he had a wide smile on his face. Seeing him so happy, standing there in his tux, made me imagine him at the altar, getting married himself. I felt a weird pang of jealousy for the woman who would one day become his wife. He was just so beautiful.

The reception was exquisite, but that’s to be expected when two doctors in their late fifties throw a party and invite their closest friends. The bar was fully stocked, and each new course of the meal was better than the last. A jazz quartet played old standards as couples got up to dance. For a surprise wedding, it was really lovely and romantic.

“This is probably the fanciest Valentine’s Day date I’ve ever been on,” Ted said, sipping from his champagne flute. “And the best part is, I’m not paying for any of it.”

I laughed and kissed him on the cheek. The night was going really well for me, too. I was really falling for Ted, and my mom liked him too. I must have been getting carried away with all of the romance of the evening, because I was thinking that this would be the night that Ted and I go all the way.

After dinner, Ted twirled me around the dance floor and we swayed slowly together, our bodies close. Our cheeks touched as we spoke in each other’s ears in low voices.

“I don’t know if I’ve told you this,” he said, “but you look absolutely incredible.”

“You’ve told me a few times.” I giggled. “How much have you had to drink?”

“The champagne is so good, though,” he replied.

“I know. I think I’m reaching my yearly quota of the stuff.”

“This has been a perfect night,” he said, kissing me on the forehead. “I’m really glad we met.”

I smiled. “Me too. But the night’s not over yet. I think we can make it even better.”

“How?” he asked, turning to look me straight in the eyes. I think he had an idea.

Just as we were about to kiss, Chad interrupted us. His tie was loose and I could smell alcohol on his breath. He had a wild grin on his face like he was up to something.

“Can I cut in?” he asked Ted. “I haven’t danced with my new sister yet.”

Ted raised his eyebrows and backed away. “I’m going to get a slice of cake,” he said. “I’ll be back soon.”

I rolled my eyes at Chad. “There wasn’t anyone else for you to dance with?”

“You were the one who made the

guest list. You could have done me a favor and invited some friends. Maybe even a few hot cousins.”

“They’re your cousins, too, now.” I laughed. “Are you having a good time, despite the lack of eligible women?”

“Now I am,” he said, swaying back and forth to the slow music. “Is Ted being a proper gentleman?”

“Actually, he is.” I beamed.

“That’s only because he hasn’t gotten you undressed. He’ll turn into an animal when that happens.”

“What makes you so sure?” I asked dryly. I had a feeling he was trying to embarrass me.

“You have no idea how hot you are, do you?” he asked, giving me a quizzical look. I got goosebumps.

“What?” I stuttered.

“Ted’s no different from any other guy. He’ll take one look at you the first time you have sex and he’ll lose his mind.”

“Is that what happened to you?” I asked. “Because you’re being ridiculous right now.”

The song came to a close as the band prepared to pack up and leave, but we stayed out on the dance floor for a few moments, my hand in his.

His bright blue eyes peered into mine as if he had something he wanted to say, but he couldn’t get it out.

“What?” I asked, dropping my hands to my sides.

He shook his head, his face as serious as I’d ever seen it. “Nothing.”

I opened my mouth, trying to persuade him to say whatever was on his mind, but Ted came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

“I have a surprise for you,” he said into my ear.

“Oh?” I flirted, turning my back to Chad to face Ted.

“I booked a suite in this hotel. I thought you might want to spend the night with me.”

My body buzzed with excitement. This was finally the night. I wanted Ted so badly, and I would finally get him.

“That sounds incredible,” I said, giving him a kiss. We walked hand in hand toward the elevator without speaking to anyone else. Ted was mine, and I was his. Nothing could spoil this special moment on the most romantic Valentine’s Day of my life.

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