Forbidden Prescription 5 (Forbidden Medicine 5) - Page 16

My whole body clenched down on his rod as he exploded into my waiting womb. I latched down, bracing myself for the crescendo of euphoria that I knew well was coming. The blinding white light hit me as every nerve in my body vibrated with pleasure. My body contracting around his cock, strumming every chord of pleasure as we clung to each other in a blind moment of unbridled desire .

When we finally fell apart, we were covered in sweat and struggling to breathe. He was so amazing in bed, I never wanted to lose it. Whatever there was between us, it seemed to work. I rolled over and looked at him with a grin. He laughed and turned to face me. Our eyes locked and an unspoken bond danced between us. It didn’t matter if he could admit it or if I could, this was more than just sex and we both knew it .

“I should get going,” he whispered after a while .

I nodded. My feelings for him aside, I still very much enjoyed having my own space. “Okay well, thanks for coming up, I guess .”

Earl grinned. “So can I put you down for nine on Monday ?”

My eyes lit up. “That sounds great! Should I do anything ahead of time ?”

“Nope, this is just the second consultation. It’s mandatory in the practice. We like to make sure everything is perfect before doing a big operation like this. Next week is when it will get started .”

“Oh,” I muttered in disappointment. “Well, I’ve waiting this long I guess one more week won’t kill me .”

“So that’s a yes then to Monday?” he said as he pulled on his jacket .

I grabbed a robe and led him to the front door. “That’s most definitely a ‘yes’ to Monday .”

“Great,” he said as he leaned down closer to me. His eyes danced with emotions. “I can’t wait to see you again .”

I bit my lip and stepped backwards into my apartment as I waved to him. Shutting the door, I leaned back with a real smile on my face for the first time in ages .

Chapter Fourteen


I pushed the pen on my desk back over a quarter of an inch before quickly jerking my hand away again. I was fidgeting. There was nothing I could do to calm my nerves though. Tabitha would be here any minute and I would get to spend an hour getting to know who she was. It was exciting, but also a little intimidating. She was unlike any woman who’d ever come into my office before. I still couldn’t fathom why she would want to change such a perfect body. Hopefully, today would offer some insight into that .

The door opened and I jumped up, knocking the neat row of pens into disarray. My assistant looked at me like I was insane, but Tabitha just smiled. I’d just seen her two days ago, but it felt like a lifetime to me. She was beauty in a world of imperfection .

“That will be all,” I said to my assistant without looking at her .

I saw the hesitation in her eyes before she clicked out of my office in her high heels and shut the door gently .

“Please, sit,” I said to Tabitha as I took the chair across from her again. “How was your weekend ?”

She shrugged. “Nothing to write home about. I worked a few shifts and had another interview.” Her frown broke my heart as she continued. “Of course I still haven’t heard back from them, but soon that’s all going to change .”

I flicked my fingers together, another nervous habit that I hadn’t done in years. “Tabitha, the purpose of the second appointment is to give the doctor a chance to understand why someone wants to change their appearance .”

“That seems silly, isn’t it their private business?” she asked, looking skeptical .

“Yes and no. We have a duty to turn down patients who might be mentally unstable. Those who get addicted to plastic surgery for instance .”

Tabitha snickered. “Well I can promise you that I’m not addicted. This will be my first time going under the knife. I’ve never even broken a bone before .”

“Good,” I said, unable to fight back a smile. “But I wasn’t really worried about that with you. I just want to make sure this is what you really want. Why is it again you are having this done ?”

She sighed. “Look around you. You are surrounded by the stereotypical perfect woman all day .”

“That’s not true,” I muttered weakly .

Tabitha rolled her eyes. “It’s not just you, okay? Anyone who has a start in New York has had work done. I have a bachelor’s degree in business marketing just like the rest of the women I graduated with. The only difference between us is the fake boobs and employment status .”

“That’s really all this is about?” I asked her, surprised .

“Yeah pretty much. I mean, I’m not unhappy with my breasts, but if adding a little extra means moving out of that apartment then I am happy to do it .”

“Don’t you think that this is an extreme option?” I asked .

“Not really,” she said honestly. “Think about what most people do for money or to get a job. Some graduates spend five years as some jerk’s assistant before getting a shot at anything real. I can’t survive five years without a paycheck .”

“Breasts for money,” I muttered. “How original .”

“Hey!” she said, sounding genuinely offended. “It’s not like this is the first bandwagon I jumped on okay? It’s brutal trying to find work here. I have been interviewing for months and can’t catch a break .”

“I’m sorry,” I said, taking her hand. “That was insensitive of me. I just don’t want to see you do something you’ll regret later on. Have you tried talking to a career advisor ?”

She glared at me, but shook her head. “No. The college offers them to all graduates for a lifetime, but I always thought it was a foolish thing to utilize. What’s the point in going to college for a degree in something and still needing an advisor ?”

“They offer a lot more than that, though. They could help you with interview techniques, maybe a new way to present yourself ?”

Tabitha blushed and looked away from me, tugging down on the worn pantsuit she was wearing. Her clothes weren’t ratty, but they were old. A fresh look could mean the difference between a second interview and rejection. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, I wanted to help her in every way possible. My hand was practically itching to pull her close and tell her she would never have to worry about money again .

“Listen,” I told her as I tried to keep my head on straight. “This conversation doesn’t change anything okay? We are still scheduling the surgery for next Tuesday. Everyone that has work done has to go through this process .”

“I don’t like it,” she muttered. “It makes you feel like shit .”

My heart fluttered as she smiled. I grinned back. “We just have to be sure that you are doing it for the right reasons. If having this surgery will give you the confidence you need to go out and tackle the world then so be it .”

“Would you do it?” she asked softly. “If you were

in my shoes ?”

“I would be lying on the floor in a ball,” I joked. “I can’t walk in heels .”

Tabitha rolled her eyes at the corny joke. “Seriously, Earl. I don’t know what to do .”

“Take some time and think about it,” I told her. “If you change your mind then just call and let me know and I’ll cancel the surgery. I think that you are absolutely breathtaking just the way you are. This isn’t about me though, it’s about you. Do what you think is best .”

“Thank you,” she said softly .

I couldn’t stop myself from brushing a stray hair off her cheek and tucking it behind her ear. She raised her hand and covered mine, pressing the palm gently to her lips. In an instant my body was ignited with the flames of desire. I sucked in a sharp breath, the instant passion came as a shock to me .

“Tabitha,” I whispered .

She grinned and kissed my wrist, moving further up my body until her lips parted against my ear and her tongue flicked at the lobe. Gently biting down, she moaned into my ear and I came undone. The building could be burning and it couldn’t compare to the horny sex addict that Tabitha turned me into. I was about to lift her onto my lap when an incessant banging on the door broke us apart. I straightened my shirt, flustered and enraged .

“What?” I yelled .

The door opened just as Tabitha buttoned her top and nodded at me. We both turned to look at Mary. Her quizzical gaze went back and forth between the two of us before finally landing on me. She knew what she had just walked in on and it apparently bothered her to no end. I was fairly amused to see the blush in her cheeks as she struggled to control her disdain .

“You’re ten o’clock is here, sir. Should I keep her in the waiting room a little longer?” she spat out. “While you finish up here?” Her eyes flickered over to Tabitha .

“No!” I said quickly .

Tags: Stephanie Brother Forbidden Medicine Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024