Forbidden Prescription 5 (Forbidden Medicine 5) - Page 24

“Earl?” she said after a few minutes. “Are you okay? Are you having a heart attack ?”

I shook my head. “I’m just. Oh my god,” I stammered. The realization of what was happening started to dawn on me. My excitement morphed into fear before settling back on thrilled. “You’re pregnant ?”

Tabitha smiled, her eyes glowing with joy and tears. “Yeah. I wanted to wait until I was sure to tell you, but the doctor confirmed it today. You are going to be a father .”

“Father?” My voice was barely audible .

She nodded. “Yeah .”

Then, it hit me. Tabitha and I were going to have a child together. A small human that would be half her. If it was a girl she would have her beautiful hair and eyes or maybe a boy who would like sports. We could go to games and toss around a ball. All I wanted was a healthy baby, but I knew that I did want it. Without waiting another second, I scooped her carefully into my arms and spun her around the room as we laughed .

“I’m so relieved that you are happy about this. I was worried,” she admitted .

I shrugged. “Of course I am happy! The timing might be a little bit soon, but I couldn’t think of anyone else I would ever want a family with. You are the love of my life, Tabitha Morgan, any child that has a piece of you is one that I will love forever .”

“How did I get so lucky?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck .

“I think I’m the one that got lucky. Tabitha,” I said carefully. My heart was starting to race again .

The timing felt right, but I was still so nervous. I kept one hand on her hip, but the other had slipped into my pocket. I fingered the small box that had been there for eight weeks now. I carried it with me wherever I went, just waiting for the perfect time to ask her a question. Now that we were having a child together, it seemed like god was sending me a message. I pulled out the box .

She gasped before I even opened it. “Earl? What is that ?”

I smiled. “I think you know what it is. I’ve had it for a while now, just waiting. Today though, knowing that we are starting our family with people we care about. With Opal gone and a new baby on the way, I feel like this is it. This is where I want to be in my life right now. I want to see us together in five, ten, fifty, even eighty years from now .”

There were tears streaming down her face as I dropped down to one knee and opened the box. The simple but large princess cut diamond was set in white gold. Her eyes lit up as I spoke. “Tabitha Morgan? Will you marry me ?”

The seconds that it took her to answer felt like an eternity. Finally, she nodded her head and held out her finger. As I slipped the ring on and stood back up, she leapt into my arms and covered my face in wet kisses .

“I love you so much! Of course I will marry you!” she said again .

I laughed, “I love you too. You are my whole world. I can’t believe that we are starting a family and that you are really going to marry me !”

“Why wouldn’t I?” she asked with a playful wink. “I am, after all, just a girl from the wrong side of the tracks .”

I rolled my eyes and busted into laughter. As our lips met and I closed my eyes, I knew that this was going to be a marriage to last through the ages. She was my perfection .



I looked down at our fingers intertwined and resting on Earl’s lap. It was such a natural thing now. I couldn’t imagine a day going by without him at my side. He caught me looking and winked, a sly smile crossing his lips as he leaned down and kissed my cheek .

“Have I told you how good you look today?” he whispered .

I blushed instantly, my core quickening at the seductive tone of his voice. “A woman never gets tired of being told she looks good .”

“Well in that case, I hope you remember where you bought that dress because you’ll need a replacement .”

“Oh?” I whispered breathlessly .

“I’m going to rip it off you the second we get home,” he said in a deep voice .

I closed my eyes, trying to focus on what the announcer was saying. My heart was beating so hard though that I could barely hear the mundane voice. The last year had been life-changing and I didn’t have a single complaint. Life with Earl was a roller coaster of passionate nights, invigorating days, and a never-ending love between us both. Still, in the chaos of my sister’s graduation we hadn’t had sex in almost two days. The sexual tension was on the rise like a wildfire .

“We can leave right after this,” I whispered. “The apartment on Fifth is still empty for two days. Make a pit stop before her graduation dinner ?”

“Woman,” he said affectionately. “I like the way you think. Can we go yet ?”

I smacked him playfully. “Hush. Look, there she is !”

I jumped up and waved Selina over to us. She ran over and I couldn’t help but give her a tight hug. I couldn’t believe that she had graduated. I was so proud of the woman she was becoming. Everything in my life had changed for the better, but she had been dealt a couple of hard blows. Especially after finding out the truth about our mother. I frowned thinking about Opal. Before I could cover it up with another smile, Selina saw me and soon had the same look .

“I take it no one has heard from her?” she spat out .

I shook my head. “Not since leaving that voicemail .”

Selina rolled her eyes. “Good, let her stay in Cabo with her pool boy. I don’t want that kind of negativity in my life anyways .”

“That’s the spirit,” I told her, trying to lighten the mood. “I can’t believe you are leaving for Paris tomorrow. That is still so crazy .”

A broad smile appeared on her face. “I know, right? I can’t believe it’s really happening. I will be living over there and working there rent free for the next year. I still can’t believe you set this up !”

I raised my hands. “It wasn’t me. It was all Earl. He made a few phone calls and that was it .”

She smiled at Earl and hugged him. “Well thanks to both of you then. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I promise I won’t let either of you down .”

“It’s not possible,” I told her .

“And what about you? Wasn’t yesterday your last day of work ?”

I rolled my eyes and she laughed. “I am still going to be working .”

“I don’t think it’s really work if you are the boss,” she played. “Still, heading up your very own charity foundation. That’s insane !”

“I know,” I said, too excited to hold back. “And the great thing about the organization is that it’s not just one group. We are going to be able to help everyone from abused women to homeless teens. Heck, I even found a local dog shelter I think we might help sponsor !”

“I’m so happy that you found something you love. You really deserve that, Tabitha,” she said, a tear glistening in her eye. She cleared her throat and quickly regained her composure. “Well I don’t know a

bout you two, but I could use a stiff drink !”

I glanced at Earl and saw the look of a sad puppy starting to appear. “Actually, would you mind if we just met you and the girls at dinner in an hour or so? There were a couple more things I needed to finish up down at the office .”

“Sure! That will give me time to change and do a few shots first,” she said .

I saw her friends trying to get her attention from the corner of my eye and started to laugh. “You better get over there or we’ll have a riot .”

Selina smiled and hugged us both one more time. “See you soon !”

I watched her run toward her friends and I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride. Despite everything, Selina was turning out to be an amazing person. I would have to go and see her in Paris after she got settled in. Earl squeezed my hand and I looked up at him, the playful glint returning. In an instant, all the plans for our future were put on hold. I knew what he wanted because I wanted it too .

“Ready?” I asked him .

He pulled me in close, my body heat rising as I felt his growing bulge press against my dress. He leaned down, his lips against my ear. “I was ready the day I met you, baby,” he whispered. “There will never be anyone else for me. I will worship you for the rest of my life .”

I sucked in a breath and tried to compose myself. Looking up at him, I saw the raw desire in his eyes, but I could see so much more beyond that. There was a love and kindness unlike any man I’d ever met. He saw me falter and instantly softened .

“Is everything okay?” he asked, concern replacing desire .

I nodded. “Everything is perfect. I was just thinking about how much I love you .”

He grinned and took my hand into his. Kissing it softly he gazed into my eyes. “I love you too .”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Forbidden Medicine Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024