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The Best of Us (Love in Isolation 2)

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“You dress up nice, Doctor,” Kendall teases as her eyes roam down my suit.

“Not my first party.” I smirk, sliding a hand down my tie.

We manage to have a short conversation before the wedding planner cuts in and directs us to line up. We continue to talk, but it revolves around work and nothing else.

I wish we could have a few minutes alone to talk, but that doesn’t happen. We go through the ceremony twice before we’re dismissed. Cami planned a dinner for the wedding party at one of her favorite restaurants. Hopefully, I’ll get a moment alone with Kendall there.

As I leave the chapel, I get a text alert.

Rachelle: Hey, sorry to bother you, but it’s Joey. He has a cough.When the vaccination was distributed, people who worked on the front line—like me—and those who were deemed high risk received the first round. A month later, it was open to the masses. However, plenty of people still declined, and Rachelle didn’t have Joey get one since his pediatrician didn’t think it was needed since he didn’t have any pre-existing conditions. This isn’t the first time she’s reached out to me in a panic about him being sick and worrying about the worst. She’s a single parent, so I try to help her when I can.

I wait until I’m parked at the restaurant, then call her.

She quickly picks up. “Hey.”

“Does he have a fever?”

“It’s low grade, so I haven’t given him anything yet.”

“Give him some Tylenol to see if that gets his fever down and cough medicine. Then put some vapor rub on his chest.”

“Okay, I’ll do that right now.”

“When did his symptoms start?”

“A few hours ago. I had to work this morning, and when I got home, I noticed he was coughing, but it’s gotten more severe.”

“Shit. Well, keep an eye on him, okay? I just got to my sister’s rehearsal dinner, so call me if his fever gets worse.”

“Thanks, Ryan. I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll talk to you later.”

The call ends, and I head inside. I hate that he’s not feeling well and that she’s worried it could be more serious. There’s no other reason she’d call me. Honestly, her tone alone has me concerned about him.

I find the private party room and grab a drink before taking a seat across from Cami and Eli. My heart beats wildly when I watch Kendall walk in and take the empty chair next to me. Some of the weirdness has evaporated as we make small talk, and we manage to keep the conversation moving while we eat. She tells me what she did this past week and how she and my sister got a massage and their nails done. I’d talk about anything just to stay next to her.

Halfway through my meal, my phone buzzes and when I see it’s Rachelle, I know it’s about Joey. Shit.

“I gotta take this. I’ll be right back,” I tell Cami and Eli, then excuse myself.

Walking out of the room, I head down a quiet hallway and answer.

“Hey,” I greet.

“The Tylenol seems to be working. His fever is down, and he’s not coughing as hard.”

“Oh thank God,” I breathe out. “Hopefully it’s just a cold.”

“I hope so. Poor guy looks miserable.”

“If he’s up to it, can I speak to him?” I ask.

“I’m sure he’d love that. Hold on.”

I talk to Joey for only a couple of minutes before we say goodbye. Rachelle gets back on the line and asks how things are going.

“Good, Cami’s so excited.”

“I bet she is. Are you bringing a date?”

I snort. “No. I’m walking down with Kendall and will be doing best man duties for most of the night I’m sure.”

“A man as handsome as you should have a date,” she teases. “I might just have to come so you aren’t alone.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be alone. You know my parents invited like four hundred people.” I chuckle. “Shit, I better get back in there before my mother comes searching for me. You know how she is.”

“I do. Give Cami my best and thanks again for helping.”

“You know I always will. Give me an update on Joey tomorrow, okay?”

“Will do.”

We say good night, then I head back to the table. Kendall’s turned the other way, talking to one of the bridesmaids and acts like she can’t stand my existence. I try starting another conversation with her, but she’s short with me. As soon as she’s done eating, she stands and heads to the bar with another girl, and we don’t talk for the rest of the evening.Watching my best friend marry my sister is one of the highlights of my year. Things are still tense between Kendall and I, but I don’t know why. When she grabbed onto me and we walked down the aisle, my thoughts took over. She hasn’t touched me since the cabin, and I couldn’t stop thinking about what it’d be like to be with her every single day. It’s nearly impossible to keep my eyes off her in that dress that shows just enough skin to tease.

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