Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 2 - Page 7

“Fucking unbelievable”, he says.

“You going to fuck her first or am I?” Jake asks.

Cole digs a quarter out of his pocket. He tosses it into the air, catches it and presses it to the back of his hand. “Don’t ever say I’m not democratic”, he says.

“Heads”, Jake calls.

Cole reveals the coin. It’s heads up. “Congratulations”, Cole says. “You get to go second ahead of Parker and Landon.”

Jake laughs.

“The other one is all yours”, he says, as though offering Jake his blessing to move in on his land.

Abbey sidles up to Sash. Together the two girls bump asses. Cole is quick to get in front and take a photo and it gives Abbey an idea.

“This douche-bag”, she says to Sash. “The one you’re in love with.”

“What about him?” Sash says. “I don’t care anymore.”

“Want to make him jealous?” she says.

“How?” Sash asks, turning on the beat to face her.

“Show him what he’s missing out on.”

Chapter 7

Dante observes the two girls with a look of detached interest, as though watching the strange mating ritual of a recently discovered species, entirely unsure how he should feel about it.

Once again, he’s been able to manipulate a situation to his liking with ease, a fact that pleases him more than the result of it.

On stage, and under his command, Elena, the diminutive Russian girl with the long golden hair, the perky tits and the young experienced face has undressed Katy, and is now pushing the girl slowly towards an orgasm. Katy lies on her back, with her knees up and her legs open. Her pussy is swollen and already slick with her juices.

Elena has opened her up with the thickness of a dildo, and is now pushing the bobbled plastic stick in slow twisting thrusts, deep towards her cervix.

Katy looks at Dante with longing eyes, desperate to please him. His approval the only thing she wants to secure. Like a dog, Dante cocks his head to the side, transfixed by the way her pussy moves when the dildo slides in and out of her. Her pink internal skin clinging to the plastic like a latex glove, the white ring of cum building up around the base, the way her ass-hole opens and closes, puckering under each contraction.

Her breathing is shallow and lilts in peaking gasps. Short and raspy and difficult to control. Each girl has a different way of doing it, and Katy seems keen not to let herself go, as though showing Dante she’s enjoying it would be a sign of weakness as serious as a refusal to perform. Dante’s cock hardens a little more, and bulges against the expensive fabric of his tailor-made trousers. He shifts in his seat and leans forward, keen to get a clear view as soon as she explodes in orgasm. Elena watches her work, her other hand on her own pussy, moving in circles around her swollen clit.

Katy moans a little at the end of each breath. It’s a strange, intimate sound that she can’t seem to control, and it turns Dante on more than anything else he’s seen. It’s coming, and she knows she can’t do anything to stop it. She can feel it climbing through her body in pulses, bleeding out across her skin. She’s about to lose control. She’s about to let her guard down completely, and show Dante just how fragile she is. What she’s really made of inside, when everything else is stripped away, and she’s pushed all the way to her absolute limit. Her basest point. Dante loves seeing this moment of orgasm in others because he knows it’s when they’re at their most vulnerable, and consequently most honest. It’s the only time, with absolute certainty, that someone loses complete control of their mind, body and soul, and you can see them for who they really are. He leans forward. Elena can sense it too, her clitoris tumescent and more sensitive with each gorgeous glance she gives it. Sash was the prettiest he has ever seen, the moment she exploded with him. It was then that he knew for certain, she would be his whenever he wanted her.

Katy doesn’t want to look away. The muscles in her neck taut, she’s fighting it all the way. Dante can see how much her pussy is already convulsing. As it spreads out across her athletic frame, through her upper torso and into her legs, his eyes sparkle with childish delight.

Katy opens and closes her hand, gripping the nothingness of the air tightly. Finally, driven there by a sensation impossible to reign in, she shuts her eyes and lets it take hold.

Dante is on the edge of his seat. His cock is rock hard but he hasn’t thought once to touch it. That’s not why he’s doing this, nor would it satisfy him if he did. Elena drops forward onto her knees, her legs made weak by her own orgasm, controlled bursts of air leaving her thin lipped mouth in staggered, augmenting moans.

Together, the two girls fold up in an orgasm too strong to hold at bay. United by a common goal and now forever inseparable, Elena slides towards Katy, her hands soft on Katy’s still trembling skin. Katy pulls the Russian girl into her, and together they stay like that, a mess of hot skin and heightened sensitivity, their breathing heavy and awkward, and their hearts showing no signs of wanting to ever slow down.

Dante claps condescendingly. Katy looks at him and smiles. She has the distant, confused look of someone who’s just woken from a dream, only to realize they are not in the bed they feel asleep in. “Bravo”, Dante says.

He slides back into his seat to observe the aftermath of his orchestrated performance, while the two girls look on, happy to continue to lose themselves in each other.

When Dante feels his phone buzz, he’s thinking about what to get them to do for an encore.

He isn’t at all surprised that the message is from Sash, nor the fact that it tells him to fuck off. What does surprise him, and what gets him out of his seat and absolutely furious, is the series of photos she has decided to attach.

There are six in total, each one a little more suggestive than the last. Each one with its own little message. “If you don’t want to fuck me, then I’ll have to find someone else to do it.” “This is right before I let him fuck me.” “I knew I’d find someone with a bigger cock.” Dante only needs to read some of them before he knows what he has to do.

“Fuck”, he shouts, as he scrolls through the photos. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

“Are you ok, honey?-“, Katy begins, but the look he gives her is more than enough for her to know to shut up and leave him to it.

Dante scrolls through the images. There is a photo of all six of them, before several of Sash in different states of undress, and separate ones of Cole and Jake doing exactly the same. Ripped abs and flexed muscles glare offensively at him from the screen. The last one is of Cole and Sash together on the dance floor, a snapshot of the moment before two people kiss.

He tries to call her but the call doesn’t connect. He tries again, but this time it goes to answer phone. A moment later, he’s out of the door.

Chapter 8

The Maybach Exelero tears through the empty streets of the night darkened city. Inside, furious that she’s sent the images in the first place and even more annoyed she’s managed to provoke such a reaction in him, Dante tries to call Sash again.

“This is Sash, leave a message.” comes the light-hearted, absolutely inappropriate response.

Dante snarls. He cycles through the photos again, looking for clues as to where she might be. In the corner of one, he sees something that looks like a logo, only to realize it’s nothing but a reflection of someone else’s T-shirt, when he goes to zoom in. It’s five minutes before he sees it. In the very edge of the last photo, the one he can’t bear to look anywhere else in, apart from directly at his stepsister and the stolen moment before an adulterous kiss, he sees it. A wedge of unmistakable design, and the first three letters of a name.

“Kalypso”, he shouts to the driver. “Get me there now.”

There is a queue outside that snakes around the block when he arrives at it twenty six minutes later, the car barely having time to stop before he rushes out of it. A one hundred dollar bill in the fat hand of the bouncer is enough to ensure he gets immediate access. Inside it’s rammed and difficult to see. As he makes his way through the tight crowd to the dance-floor, flocks

of girls herd towards him as though attracted there magnetically.

Disinterested, he pushes through them, which only serves to pique their interest in him further. She’s not on the dance floor. He checks every corner of the club, every possible hiding place, shadow or secluded seat, but she’s nowhere to be seen. Standing to think, he finds himself facing the far wall, the diamond design and the Kalypso logo. This is where the last photo was taken.

He goes to the restrooms. Inside the mens the doors to the two stalls stand open, a guy in each one taking a piss. She’s not there. He pushes his way past a queue of waiting girls and into the small room beyond.

“What the fuck?-“, one of the girls at the sink says.

“Get the fuck out of here”, someone else says.

“Sash”, he calls, ignoring them. “Where the fuck are you?”

A third girl, her lipstick in her hand, just watches him in disbelief.

The stalls are all busy. He bangs on the door of each one in turn. “Sash”, he calls again.

“Are you fucking serious?” comes the response from within one. It’s not her. He bangs on the other door.

“She’s not in there, dick-weed”, the girl at the mirror says.

Dante bangs again. The terrified girl in the stall won’t answer. “Sash. I’m not fucking around.”

A fat hand goes to his arm, pushing it up behind his back. Behind the bouncer ,with her arms folded, is the girl that’s gone to alert him. Outside again, Dante wrestles free. With another bribe pocketed, the bouncer lets Dante show him his phone.

“They left about fifteen minutes ago”, he says recognizing the group straight away. “Right before you got here.” He moves his digit to the screen. “That one so drunk she could hardly walk.”

“Where?” Dante asks.

“Beats me”, the bouncer says. “You could try Luxor or-”

“Left or right?” Dante asks with barely concealed irritation, ready to throttle the information out of him.

“Left”, he says, and Dante is out of the door and back in his car, before the fat man has even had a chance to pronounce the t.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024