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Kiss the Stars (Falling Stars 1)

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I gripped her by the waist, tucking her close as I came.

Body jolting. Mind splintering. Like I could feel who I was breaking in two.

Old ghosts found their way through the crack.

“Only you. Forever. No matter what.”

“Do you promise?” she whispered, her smile soft, her trust real.

“I promise.”

Vapors of the oath curled through me like an omen. A bad fucking dream.

Mia slumped down on top of me. Her chest jerked and heaved, like she was searching around for breath when she’d been the one who’d stolen it from me.

I burrowed my face in the erratic beat I could feel drumming in her neck, this shattered boom that sought refuge in the space between.

Searching for a new home.

“Fuck. Mia.” I edged her back, stared up at the girl. “You are perfect.”

Heat splashed her cheeks. It was something that was more than just shy. It was an overwhelming emotion that climbed and curled and fought to be recognized.

Mia touched my cheek. “I think you were the gift I have been asking for.”

I couldn’t answer her, just eased her off my cock, grinning smug when she glanced down at me and another shiver rolled through her body.

“Don’t think I’m ever going to get enough, either. Wait until I get you home, Princess.” My voice was gruff, things I was wanting to say barely contained.

She leaned in, a whisper at my ear, “I can’t wait.”

I grabbed her shirt. “Arms up.”

Giggling, Mia eased back and lifted her arms, that sexy mouth twisting in a tease. “Yes, sir.”

A grunt punched from my chest while I eased her shirt over her head, thumb and forefinger tweaking her chin when I said, “Watch yourself, Mia. Think you might be asking for more than you bargained for. I come with a greater cost than you think.”

“That’s funny because I was just thinking you’re worth more than you know.”

“Mia.” It was a rasp. A warning and a goddamn prayer.

Severity stretched tight between us. Hearts connected. For one second, one-hundred percent in sync.

Then a peal of laughter ripped from her when I looped my arm around her waist, lifting her against me while I shrugged my pants back up without letting her go, and she watched me like I was her king when I sat her onto the edge of the table, got on my knees, and helped her back into her jeans and boots.

But it was me who was kneeling in awe.

Adoring and worshipping the grace that was this girl.

By the time we slipped out of the dressing room, the roar of the club pounded through the old walls. A thunder of energy. Everything bottled. An edge of desperation and decadence riding in the air as people cut loose. Let go of their chains. For a few moments free of the burdens of this world.

I’d always thought that was what music was all about.

A reprieve.

An expression.

Freedom from what was holding us down.

I dug into my pocket and shot off a text.

Me: Sorry to dip out. Got business to handle.He replied before I even had the chance to shove my phone back into my pocket.

Rhys: Not sure how you’re gonna handle that Sunder Princess. She’s way too hot for you. Let me know if you want me to stand in for you.Fucking Rhys.

Me: You wish, asshole.He didn’t even have to return the text to know the smug bastard was laughing, giving me a rise.

Her hand burning up in mine, I led Mia through the maze of narrow corridors, winding all the way along the back. We skipped the areas where the crowds had gathered, sneaking by the elevated voices.

The debauchery and revelry.

I had plenty of that myself.

Right there in the fact I wanted this girl for myself. Even if it were only for a little while.

A minute of relief.

We slipped out the back door and into the night.

Fucked with my head when she slipped onto the back of my bike like she’d done it a thousand times. Arms around my waist. Her cheek rested on my shoulder.

This girl feeling too right.

I took to the street, winding us back through the historic area of Savannah. The night thick and deep and hovering low.

Stars so close, we could almost reach out and touch them.



Wind whipped against our faces, and my heart ran so fast I was sure it was going to explode.

I took the last turn onto the street that led behind Lyrik and Tamar’s house. I slowed when I saw the headlights facing back our direction. Parked on the other side of the garage up near the curb.

If I lived a normal life?

Wouldn’t have given it a second thought.

It was just a fucking car.

Except unease clawed along my flesh. Sticky and hot. A rush of dread and anger and hostility.

My heart thudded in a ragged, restless beat.

Making the quick decision, I whipped my bike to the curb right in front of the gate, and I whirled my head around to look at her. “Get off, Mia. Get inside. Right now.”

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