The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy 2) - Page 52

“Hmm…you smell so sweet. I wonder if you taste sweet too.” His hot breath was so close to my wet lips I nearly came from the mere vibrations of his words. I lay in bed watching him as he smiled wickedly. He leaned in and with one long hot swipe of his tongue, he licked me from one end of my pussy to the other. My head fell back as I tried to stifle my moan. Daimon swept his tongue one more time along my seam, but this time, he used the tip of his tongue, barely touching my lips. My heart jumped at the mere heat of his mouth.

“Hmm…so fucking sweet,” he growled low into my pussy. My hands dove into his hair as he began his slow assault.

“You like it slow, don’t you, my Addie? Slow and controlled?” he asked in-between licks. I groaned in the back of my throat, agreeing. Daimon pulled me closer to him, dragging me up as he rose from my bed. He held onto my thighs as he peered down at me, eating away on my soaked labia. He kissed my pussy, his tongue entering me like he would my mouth. My breath hitched as I tried to control my voice. He slowly closed his eyes as he continued kissing and licking. The very sounds of his mouth on me were carnal and wicked, driving me beyond a place I had ever been before.

“Daimon,” I mewled as he sucked on my clit, my nub feeling bruised as he nursed it.

“Daimon…please…” I quietly begged.

“No,” he bit out and he continued to milk my clit. Letting go of my thigh, he slowly eased his fingers inside me.

“You’re so wet. Do you really want me to stop?” he breathed as he watched over me, while I withered, feeling him enter me. “Not one, not two, but three, Addie. Three fingers are inside you.”

I could feel him inside me as he rhythmically swept his fingers over my g-spot. I closed my eyes and rode the wave of emotions as my orgasm flowed through me. I dug my hands into my duvet and came, my juices gushing out.

“Fuck, Addie. You’re so fucking beautiful when you come,” Daimon said in a tortured voice.

I lay on my bed drenched. Daimon smiled as he licked his fingers. I half expected him to continue, but he didn’t. I knew he had a hard-on; I could feel it. I looked up at him wondering.

“No, tonight was about you, and after what I did before, I don't deserve your sweet heat,” he said as he pulled me off my bed and tucked us into Sofia’s bed. I bit my lip, not wanting him to hear me cry.

“Addie, I know I can be an asshole. I know I can be too much at times, but you’re the only one who can understand me. I won’t do it again,” he said into my ear, holding me from behind. I continued to cry, upset that no matter what Daimon had done to me or would do to me, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself.

“Tell me. Tell me why you’re crying?” he begged.

“I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep giving in to you, because every time I do, I give up a piece of myself,” I admitted. Daimon’s arms held on tighter.

“I know. I know,” he whispered. “Just sleep, Addie.” He cradled me close, holding me the whole night.Inviting Him InIt was late in March and the snow had begun to finally melt, meaning I would be able to run again. I was eager for the fresh spring air and the chance to rid myself of the winter’s drama. Daimon pretty much withdrew from me and I let him. Over the winter, I took the time to look for classes in NYU for a Masters’ degree in Business. I was keen to further my education. It was something different, not what I initially had planned, but then again, I didn’t know what I wanted to do.

“Mrs. Evans, are you excited?” Ana asked as I was preparing my application, readying it to be sent out.

“Yeah, actually I am. I already have my Business degree and I have pretty high marks. I might have to redo some classes, but I spoke to the administrator and he said I could enter the graduate studies.” I smiled as I sat at the island having coffee with her.

“What does Mr. Evans think about all this?” she asked.

“What do I think about what?” Daimon had come home early, which was a first since the time we had spent together at my father’s house.

He worked late every night since then. He said it had to do with work, but a small part of me wondered exactly how honest he was being with me or himself. The fact was that other than being an asshole to me, Daimon had no clue how to act when I was around.

Tags: Evangelene The Devil Trilogy Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024