The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy 2) - Page 80

“Faster,” he was barely able to say as he unzipped his jeans and took out his cock. The air around us was heavy with a savage lust. I bit my lower lip, forcing myself to focus on my frantic need for release. I watched on as Daimon pumped hard on his penis. I brought my legs up to the edge of the bed further opening up myself. “Fuck,” he groaned as he stood up and walked over to me. With each step he took, I felt my pussy tremble with need. I wanted him inside me, deep inside me. I wanted him to feel my pussy tighten around him as I came. “Spread your legs wider,” he said gruffly as he stood over me, looking down at me through his hooded eyes.

I spread my legs as far as I could. Daimon growled low into his chest as he placed the head of his cock at the mouth of my pussy. “It’s glistening. You’re so wet,” he gritted out as he swiped the head of his cock once on my swollen flesh. My breath hitched as I nearly came. “Not yet,” he bit out. He grabbed onto my thighs and plunged himself deep. “Tighten that sweet fucking heat around me,” he said roughly. The instant he said it my pussy tensed up, feeling his thick length. Daimon moved, abandoning all control, his frantic thrusts, moving in deeper and harder. His head fell back as he tightened his grip on my thighs. “Fuck, Addie,” he grunted. I continued to play with my clit circling around, seeking my orgasm. God, he looked so perfect between my legs as he surged into my pussy.

Daimon was mine and I finally realized it.

“Come, Addie. Come now,” he snarled. His words commanded me and my pussy obeyed as I came, falling back into the bed. Daimon’s thrusts became shallow as he came off his high.

“Your pussy is the best fucking pussy I’ve ever had.” He smiled down at me, completely sated.

“Really?” I said, pushing him out of me.

“What?” he looked confused.

“Nothing, forget it.” I grew angry at his thoughtless comment.

“I know enough that when a woman says nothing it means a lot.” Daimon crawled onto me pining me down.

“Get off me,” I said, turning my head.

“Addie, you are the only woman I have ever had this kind of intense sex with. It doesn’t compare. Not even to my very naughty wet dreams I had of you growing up,” he smirked.

“You have to be kidding me.” I looked at him in disbelief.

“You should have seen yourself in your school uniform. It’s actually quite hot.” He wagged his eyebrows.


“You looking all studious, while underneath you were this wildcat, ready to go crazy. I loved it.” He licked his lips and he spoke.

“I wasn’t wild back then.” I corrected.

“You were to me. God, Addie you had to see yourself.” He closed his eyes and shook his head, remembering. “I thought you were sexy then, but now…fuck me, now I can’t resist you or your sweet wet heat,” he said as he smiled.

Daimon never knew it and I would never tell him, but his words, even though they could be crass and raw, always spoke the truth, making his hold on my heart the much more firm.

“Come on. We should get up. Don’t we have a day full of activities you planned?” I said, trying to get up, but Daimon held me down.

“Addie, I know I’m not always charming. Like you said, I can be a bastard, but I can say this at least. I love you with everything that makes me, me. I love you completely,” he said softly as he looked down at me. I smiled, my soul soaring from his words.

“I love you too,” I said softly, reaching out for his face, holding it in my hand.


Bora Bora, what could I say? The scenery, let alone the world around me seemed so lively and vivid. Our lives back in Manhattan seemed foreign and distant, while here, only Daimon and I existed. The man planned everything, surprising me every day with something new and exciting.

Today, I woke up earlier than Daimon, wanting some time to myself as I sat outside on the patio watching the turquoise waves leisurely move. A simple calm surrounded me as I watched the sun rise quietly over the small mountain lay in front of us; its rays stretching further as it slowly crept up. I hugged my knees to my body and remembered my mother and my family. Six months ago, my world was in shambles, my restaurant was bankrupt, our house at foreclosure’s grasp, my father’s illness and my sister’s future. All of which hung above my head like Damokles’ sword, ready to fall at any moment. I secretly breathed a sigh of relief the moment Daimon had come back into my life. He was like a typhoon, washing away everything I felt tainted me, making me anew.

Tags: Evangelene The Devil Trilogy Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024