The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy 2) - Page 85

“Addie,” he murmured in my ear. “My Addie.” My body slowly withered hearing my name escape his lips. I was angry and hurt but his voice, his low voice had me under his spell, my body wanted him, needed him.

“Addie, it’s only you I want. This bastard, this prick only wants you,” he breathed as his hand slowly moved across the front of my buttoned-down shirt. His hand easily slipped inside as he massaged my breast though my bra.

I breathed heavily as Daimon moved his hand away and down toward my pants. He unbuttoned my jeans as he softly licked my lobe.

“Addie, I’m sorry,” he said softly, kissing me just underneath my ear. “I’m sorry, baby.” He moved his hand down my jeans finding my nub. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back, letting him take me. He gradually circled my clit, working me up.

“God, Addie, I dream about you and the sweet hot liquid that comes from your pussy. Your sweet hot pussy.” He moved faster, sliding a finger inside my wet swollen folds. “Fuck, you’re so wet,” he breathed. I could faintly hear him unzip his pants. He pushed my jeans down lower. I clenched, anticipating him inside me.

“My Addie,” he groaned as his cock slid and gently swiped across my pussy. He grabbed onto my hips and slowly moved me, his hard length still gliding between my swollen flesh, hitting my clit. “Only you,” he moaned as he finally entered me. “Fuck,” he gritted. “Your pussy is so hot.” I moved slowly up and down his shaft, waiting for him to take over. “Addie.” He moved in closer as his hands cradled me on both sides. He pressed us both against the door, making it hard for me to move, as his throbbing cock gradually moved inside me. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so fucking sorry,” he whispered as he fucked me in a slow, maddening way. My breath hitched and my body melted as he shamelessly continued his slow rhythm.

“I love you, only you,” he breathed into my ear.

I bit my lower lip stopping myself from saying it back to him. This nasty union of agony and lust I was feeling blinded me as I let him inside me, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted Daimon. My body stiffened as I felt my orgasm coming.

“Addie, come all over my cock. I need your sweet essence on me. I need to know I’m yours,” he moaned. His words breaking the very last of my strength making me come. Daimon stayed inside me, his hard penis feeling unwieldy. He leaned his head down to my neck.

“Addie I—” his office phone rang, stopping him for going any further. “Goddammit,” he bit out. He tried to stay longer inside me but the phone was unrelenting and Daimon’s patience grew thin. The moment he slipped out of me, I felt a void. My pussy ached for him still.

“Yes,” he barked.

“It’s Mr. Dyke. He’s here to see you,” Daimon’s secretary said over the speakerphone.

“Fine, give us a minute,” he snapped. I had already dressed, making myself presentable. I kept my back turned so I was not able to see him.

“Don’t go, not yet,” Daimon ordered as I grabbed onto the doorknob. “I will deal with Linda. She was out of line and I will make sure it will never happen again,” he said flatly.

“Then fire her,” I retorted.


“You heard me, fire her,” I repeated.

“Addie, it’s not that simple,” he accosted me.

“It’s that simple for you to control me, then why not her?” I replied.

“She’s a valuable asset to the company,” he brooded.

“Fine, Daimon, I understand. I’m nothing but a toy for you to fuck,” I said menacingly.

“Addie, have you heard nothing of what I have said? I love you. You are my wife. I don’t give a flying shit about Linda, other than she hurt you, which I will deal with,” he berated me.

“Hey, Addie, what are you doing here?” Rafe walked in, interrupting us.

“Fuck, Rafe, don’t you fucking knock?” Daimon shouted.

“Sorry, man. The little lady outside told me to wait a few. I figured I was good.” He looked affronted.

“Don’t worry about it, Rafe. I’m leaving,” I said, smiling faintly at him as I started out.

“Addie, don’t you fucking think that you and I are done yet,” he shouted after me.

“You might not be, but I am,” I said bitterly.LindaI was awoken by Daimon’s soft caresses. After coming home from my emotional tango with Daimon, my body grew weak and tired. Jet lag was still an issue and I just didn’t want to deal with how I felt about Linda.

“Addie,” Daimon whispered in my ear. Drako stirred at my feet, waking me up further. “I know you’re awake. Don't pretend,” Daimon said hoarsely.

“I’m tired,” I muttered.

“I know, but I want to talk about Linda,” he said gruffly.

Tags: Evangelene The Devil Trilogy Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024