The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy 2) - Page 89

“I see you’ve been busy today,” he said as I looked at him pulling on his tie.

“The usual I guess. My morning run, shopping and cooking, nothing really out of the ordinary.” I smiled gently at him. “Aren’t you going to eat?” I asked, pointing to his plate.

“I’m not that hungry for food right now,” he said, his eyes narrowed. The stunning blue of his eyes melted with the heat of my body and I knew it. I felt empowered, like a woman in command, in charge of her man. I watched as he withered under my control.

“You should eat. You’re going to need your stamina,” I noted.

“Am I?” he asked, grinning.

“Oh, yes, you are,” I smiled, reassuring him.

“Fuck me, Addie, you look so fucking good. It’s taking everything inside me not to lunge and fuck you right here on this table,” he said in a tortured voice.

“I suggest you be a good boy, because good boys get surprises,” I wagged my finger at him.

“But I like being bad,” Daimon warned as he stood up, his eyes fixated on me and my body. “And bad boys always get what they want.” He reached out to grab me but I held out my hand and pressed it against his hard chest.

“Be good. I promise, if you be good this one time, I’ll make it worth it,” I said in my most alluring voice, as I tried to tempt him down my little rabbit hole.

“I hate being good, but for you, this one time, I’ll try,” he said, licking the seam of his lips. “Forget the food for now. I want what I’m supposed to get if I play nice,” Daimon said roughly.

“Tsk tsk, you can’t help but be bad and I can’t help but love a bad boy.” I pulled on his tie, taking him to the couch. Daimon took off his suit jacket, leaving him with his vest. He sat with his legs spread and his hands tightly holding onto his knees.

“Addie,” he said in a warning tone. I changed the song and played Sade’s “No Ordinary Love”.

“Be good,” I said as I held out my finger.

The heavy beats played and I started to move the moment I heard Sade’s voice. I danced slowly in a tantalizing manner, watching him as he sat spellbound. I saw his need to reach out for me, but he was trying to be good, making me feel desired. I reached my hands down my body feeling my curves. Daimon grunted as his usual bright blues disappeared replaced by a dark intense lust. My hands finally reached my neck as they slowly moved up my hair. I then stretched my hands high above me. I brought one hand leisurely down to my core and pressed against it. I closed my eyes as I dove down deeper underneath my slip to my very wet and needy pussy. I heard Daimon grunt and groan. I was intoxicated by his stare and dominance as he watched me dance for him. I was pulled out of my trance as Daimon grasped my arm and pulled me to him.

“I hate being good,” he barked as he replaced my fingers with his. “Your juices are flowing,” he said as he brought up his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean. “Tell me exactly what you were going to do to me tonight?” he asked in a hoarse tone, bringing his fingers back down to my swollen pussy.

“I was going to dance for you, then fuck you until you begged me to stop,” I said softly while Daimon continued to finger me.

“Hmm, sounds just perfect, just like you look right now. You have no idea how fucking sexy you look, wearing that, with my fingers deep inside you.” I moaned at his words. “You want me to beg, then I’ll beg. Please let me fuck you, Addie.”

I reached my hand down his pants and felt his rock hard cock. Daimon sucked in air and grunted. He leaned in and nuzzled his mouth at the nape of my neck, his hot lips leaving a heated trail. He pulled away and looked up at me. He let out a deep breath and picked me up high enough that my breasts were at his mouth. I wrapped my legs around his chest. He kissed my breasts gently through the slip. As he carried me to our bedroom, I dove my fingers through his long soft hair, relishing his touch.

“You know this isn’t going to last long, especially after what you did this morning,” he groaned as he placed me onto the bed. I smiled. “Yeah you should smile. Fuck…the power you have over me.”

I reached up to Daimon and took off each layer of his clothing. He put his fingers just underneath my tiny straps and pulled them down.

Tags: Evangelene The Devil Trilogy Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024