The Devil Behind Me (The Devil Trilogy 1) - Page 82

“I can’t believe how heartless you can be,” I said, affronted by what he was saying.

“Addie, I seriously don't get you. I'm the one who is getting nothing out of this. The only thing you offer is yourself, not your body or your mind, but you, as an empty shell. I get a pretend wife so I can ward off this stupid marriage my father wants to force me into. You? You get everything and more. So why don't you take the time I'm giving you and think about making something of yourself, instead of acting the victim all the time.”

No…wait…this is wrong. Yeah, Daimon is an asshole, but not to this extent. I thought to myself. “Did something happen?” I asked. “I mean, you’re an asshole and a callous prick, but you’ve never gone this far with me. Whenever you’ve been too much you’ve always taken a step back.”

“Oh, I'm sorry. Does Addie think she knows me? Just do as you’re told and act like the wife I need,” he said rather dismissively.

“Why don’t you go fuck yourself?” I snapped, hoping I could goad him. I knew something was wrong with him. The usual Daimon would have gloated at what he had done and how he forced my hand, but this Daimon was angry and hateful.

“Fuck off and just leave,” he ordered

“No. Not until you tell me what’s wrong!” I argued back.

He looked back up at me and glared. “Since when do you fucking care about me and how I feel? I mean do I have to pay extra for this or are you doing this ‘cause it’s written in our contract?” he was spewing his out venom.

I walked closer to him in an attempt to close the gap between us. Daimon was hurting and despite all that had gone on between us I still felt like he needed me. “Addie, just fucking leave or so help me God I will make you regret being here right now,” he barked.

“Daimon, just talk to me,” I tried again.

“GET OUT! NOW!” he shouted so loudly that it echoed in his penthouse.

“No,” I said calmly, still making my way to him. “Daimon what happened?” I inched closer and took his hand which was resting on the table. Daimon tried to move it but I grabbed onto it and held on. “Look, I know that what’s going on between us is complicated, but you need to trust me and at least talk to me if something is wrong.” Daimon looked up at me with his sky blue eyes gauging where I was going with this. I wish Daimon trusted me more than he did. I knew our relationship was special, to say the least, but still he was going to be my husband. I at least owed him this much.

“You’ll know soon enough. Now go, Addie. I’m begging you,” he said so brokenly that my heart nearly jumped out of my chest wanting to hold him.

“Daimon?” I said meekly.

“Please, Addie,” he said as he went back to his work.

Not wanting to, I left Daimon alone in his penthouse. Whatever was bothering him was now bothering me. That was the first time I had seen Daimon like that. He was always strong minded and domineering; whatever it was had shaken him to his core. I stood outside his building and looked up to the top floor. I couldn’t help but wonder what had affected him so much that he wanted to shut out the world and me. I was marrying him in a week, Daimon was going to be my husband and I had to be okay with whatever was going to be coming my way. I could only hope I was strong enough to deal with it.

Tags: Evangelene The Devil Trilogy Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024