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Depends On Who's Asking (SWAT Generation 2.0 12)

Page 21

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Her breasts were now pillowed on my chest, high above my heart. Her head was pressing against the top of my head. Her leg was thrown out over my belly, and the bare tip of my cock was pressing against the inside of her thigh.

The arm that was cupping the inside of her thigh was now on her ass, pressing her harder against me.

And I was in hell.

I couldn’t move.

But I couldn’t not move.

I was seconds away from coming, and she had no fuckin’ clue.

I squeezed my eyes shut and did the same to my cock with my hand, hoping that by doing so that it would halt the explosion that I knew was imminent.

Slowly, oh so slowly, I tried to disentangle myself from her body.

She moved easily enough, but the next position I got her in was just as bad as the first, with me behind her spooning her.

My cock was smashed between her ass and my pelvis, and she slowly started to grind back against me.

That’s when I realized something.

She was fucking awake.

There was no way in hell that she didn’t feel my cock.

My hand moved until it was fisted in her hair, and I growled into her ear.

“You’re awake.”

She turned then, her body a whirlwind, and slammed her mouth onto mine.

She gasped into my mouth as I ground my cock into her pelvis.

Her hands went to my shoulders, her fingernails digging in lightly.

“I’m sorry,” she said, sounding annoyed. “But there’s only so much masturbating that I can take beside me before I need to bridge the gap… or fill the hole.”

She said the last words just as my mouth once again came down on hers.

Seconds passed as she fell into the kiss, her hands went to my hair to hold me close, and my hands went to her ass to pull her up to press against me more fully.

“I don’t know what the hell I’m doing,” I muttered, pulling back far enough so that my lips were brushing against hers every time another word came out of my mouth. “But you’ve been driving me absolutely wild for months. Then being stuck here with you? Having to lie in bed beside you? Having to smell your hair and see you change behind a fucking sheet? I’m fucking lost here, Carolina.”

Her fingernails dug into my shoulders as she tried to reverse our positions, but I was just too big for her to accomplish it.

“Why do you have to be so big?” she grumbled. “Lay on your back for God’s sake.”

I did as she asked, rolling onto my back and expecting her to roll on top of me.

She didn’t.

Instead, she stood up in the bed and I heard fabric sliding against skin.

Then she was back, her hands meeting the bare skin of my thighs.

I expected her to crawl all the way back up the length of my body, but when her hands met the insistent length of my erection, she stopped, her hands latching on as if for dear life.

Then I felt her mouth on my cock, and all cognitive thinking ceased to exist inside of my brain.

Both of her hands worked my length while her mouth continued to suck, and I decided that I likely wouldn’t ever be the same again.

I’d never be able to look at her mouth, or those hands, without thinking of this moment.

“Ah, fuck,” I growled, belly clenching and balls drawing up in anticipation.

My hands went to her hair and I roughly pulled her off of my cock.

Before she could say a word, I was rolling her onto her belly, positioning myself behind her, and grabbing my cock to feed it into her pussy.

The moment that my tip touched her heat, I swear to all that’s holy, I saw the light.

I sank inside, a groan leaving my throat as I did.

“Sweet baby Jesus, you’re wide.” She keened in surprise at my girth.

That would’ve made me feel great if I wasn’t so focused on not coming.

My eyes were squeezed shut, and I was literally pleading with my body to hold on.

But then she started to rock back in little tiny increments, taking my cock in and out of her tight pussy like she was testing the waters.

“I need you to move,” she pleaded. “I’m like seconds away.”

Then she pulled herself off of my cock, and slammed herself backward, causing me to momentarily lose all brain function.

When I finally got back to myself it was to find that I was fucking her so hard that she was crying out with each thrust.

“Fuck yes, Saint!” she cried, air sawing in and out of her lungs. “Please. Harder. More.”

I couldn’t give her more.

I literally had no strength left.

I moved until I had her pinned to the bed with my body, and slowly rocked my cock in and out of her, trying to regain control but realizing rather quickly that it was likely futile.

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