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Depends On Who's Asking (SWAT Generation 2.0 12)

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Clayton and Connor gasped.

“No shit?” Luke grinned, still not giving me my milk.

Saint came up to me and pulled me into his arms, his hand going around my belly to splay wide.

That’s when I realized we were all rather cramped in a narrow hallway.

My back was to Saint. His was to the wall. Luke was still fairly close with his back to the back door. My dad was staring at me as if he’d never seen me before, and Downy was standing shoulder to shoulder with my brothers, who were still gaping, finishing off his Little Debbie.

“No shit,” I said. “Now, give me my milk. I’m not kidding. I’ll totally call Aunt Reese.”

Luke sighed and handed it over, and I cradled it to my chest as if it was a small child.

“You’ll marry her!” Dad growled, pointing his finger in Saint’s direction.

“Dad,” I sighed. “We’re already getting married this weekend, remember?”

“A little damn late if you ask me,” Dad grumbled.

• • •

Saint didn’t even make it into the door of his duplex—which I’d moved into—before I was launching myself into his arms.

“Did you have a good day at work?” I questioned him.

He hefted me up by the waist so that my legs were around his middle, then walked in farther and shut the door.

Smoke, who was one hundred percent healed, walked to the kitchen where his food was already waiting for him.

Seconds later, I was finding that my shirt and shorts were definitely in the way, and Saint wanted them gone.

Maybe I should start meeting him at the door naked? This seemed to be our routine lately.

“What’s your mind on?” he asked, placing kisses on my collarbone.

“I was thinking about meeting you at the door naked,” I admitted. “I was also thinking that my shorts are in the way.”

He placed me gently onto the couch then divested me of my shorts, my tank, and my underwear.

He left me in the bra, though, knowing how sensitive my breasts were lately.

And by sensitive I meant, if they were touched even a little bit, I was crying.

I was such a little bitch.

But, finding this out the hard way since we’d done this about a week ago and he’d had to stop because of accidentally sucking too hard? It was just easier this way.

“So, you had to tell your dad early?” he asked, trailing his tongue down the midline of my stomach.

He came to my bump and pressed a kiss there before moving even farther down.

I caught his head and urged him back up.

“I know that you want to play,” I said. “But let’s shelve the discussion about my dad, skip the foreplay, and get right to you putting that pretty cock in me. I’m in need.”

He snickered as he slowly came back up my body, moving my legs up high, one going over the couch, and the other going over his forearm, as he pressed his cock against my slit.

“Why are you in need?” he asked. “I came home for lunch.”

He had.

Today was one of my rare days off since it happened to be another holiday that the courts weren’t in session, and he’d definitely come home for lunch. He didn’t eat, though.

I’d been in need then, too.

Seems like that’s all I ever used him for during the day.

Quickies in my office. Quickies at home during his lunch break and mine.

Quickies. Quickies. Quickies.

I was such a horny bitch.

“Why are you talking?” I asked. “Put your cock in me already.”

Eyes shining, he notched his cock at my entrance and started to push inside. “Yes, ma’am.”

• • •SAINTTwo Days Later“Are you crying?”

I wasn’t ashamed.

Seeing Carolina walk down the aisle to me in all white?

There was nothing, not a damn thing, that was better than that.

“Fuck off, Brad,” I grumbled as he stood at my side.

It made sense for Brad to be there.

He’d been more to me than my own parents had. It made sense for him to be my best man, too.

“Your dog abandoned you,” Brad continued as he watched Smoke walk up the aisle with my girl.

I grinned. “I know.”

“Is that a cat with her, too?” Brad wondered.

“That’s Pixie,” I said. “One of the cats I rescued. He likes her, too.”

In fact, all of my animals liked her.

The only one that didn’t like her was a cat that didn’t like anybody, and if he had to choose his favorite person, he’d choose Carolina, too, just based on the fact that she gave him catnip and good food.

Carolina lost her feline friend when she got to the yard that separated my place from the rest of Cop Row.

Pixie went flying under the drink table, leaving Smoke, Carolina, and Michael to make the last of their descent alone.

When they finally got to me, something large felt like it was blowing up inside of my chest.

“Who gives this woman to this man?” the preacher at my back asked.

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