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Fractured (Lucian & Lia 2)

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My aunt walks into the restroom, followed closely by Sam. I hadn’t even noticed him leave. She curses under her breath as she takes in the mess I’ve made. I’m shocked when she holds my hand up, shaking her head at the steady stream of blood staining the white sink scarlet. With little sympathy for my self-inflicted injuries, she takes a bottle out of a plastic caddy that she brought in with her and liberally douses my shredded skin in something akin to liquid fire. As I flinch and try to pull away, she holds me firmly until she’s satisfied the area is clean.

Next, she brings out some tweezers and begins pulling out the pieces of glass, which had embedded themselves in my skin, and fuck, once again the pain is severe but almost welcome. This I can handle. Physical pain is a pleasure compared to the emotional pain, which has gripped me since finding Lia. That type of pain is sheer torment. My soul feels like it’s been ripped from my body when I think of her. Without looking up, she says, “You’ll be making a donation to this hospital because in a few moments, I’m going to report that this bathroom was damaged by someone unknown and have it cleaned up. I’m doing this for Lia because she’s going to need you when she awakes again.” When she finishes bandaging my hand, she finally looks up. “Promise me you have yourself together now? If you don’t, I’ll have Sam take you home.”

I stare into her concerned eyes before nodding my head. “I’ve got it.”

“Okay then.” She starts repacking her supplies. “I’m going to go check in on Lia. I’ll keep you updated as long as you can handle it.”

Her meaning is clear: one more outburst from me and the information flow stops. Regardless of whether we are family or not, she can’t have me wrecking the hospital every time I hear something I can’t deal with. I don’t bother to reply because we both understand each other. She leaves the restroom followed by Max. As I start toward the door, Sam stops me.

“Luc, do you need to take the edge off?” I open my mouth, wanting to say yes more than I want my next breath, but a sense of shame washes over me. It seems pathetic and cowardly that I need something to help me cope with Lia’s attack while she is the one really suffering. What kind of pussy does that make me?

“No,” I say as I pull the door open. A part of me knows this is probably the worst time to go cold turkey, but I refuse to attempt to alleviate my pain when Lia cannot. I walk back to the waiting room in a much calmer manner than I left it. My aunt is right: Lia needs and deserves someone strong, and I’ll be that person…I’ll be anything for her.

Chapter Two


I’ve long since given up pacing the floor, and I’m slumped in a chair in the corner. Nighttime in a hospital emergency department is bustling. I’ve moved away from crying babies and loud-talking people too many times to count. On her last visit, my aunt pulled a chair into the hallway for me, knowing I had no desire to be in a group of strangers.

“Lia is bruised and banged up pretty badly. She has fractures to her wrist, fingers, and her nose. What we’re watching closely right now though is the small amount of swelling she has on her brain.” At the look of panic on my face, she takes my hand reassuringly. “The doctor believes we can treat her with medication as long as the swelling doesn’t continue to increase further. At this point, we are monitoring that.” I notice vaguely that my aunt looks tired; I know she’s working a double shift so she can be near Lia. I sent Sam, Max, and Rose home hours ago. I was in no mood for company, but I know they would be back in a moment’s notice if I said the word. I’ve lived for years, though, as mostly a loner…until Lia, and it’s something I’ve fallen back on for comfort today. “Luc…the old scar on her back…did he do that, as well?” I nod but don’t bother to elaborate. In her years at the hospital, she has probably seen more women like Lia than I can imagine. Very little shocks her anymore.

I try to stand up from my chair, knowing my aunt needs to get off her feet for a few minutes, but she motions me back down before squatting next to me. “We’re going to be moving Lia to a room in the ICU soon. One person can stay with her tonight. Have you reached any of her friends or family?”

I think briefly of Max’s revelation that Lee Jacks is quite possibly Lia’s biological father. That’s a bridge to be crossed another day, though. “She doesn’t really have any family.” Max has called her close friend Debra. She was out of town but is on her way back now. I don’t expect her until sometime tomorrow, though. If Debra was as upset as Max said she was, I figure she’s burning the road up trying to get to Lia.

“There is one piece of news I think you’ll be relieved to hear,” my aunt says softly. I just look at her, not knowing if anything other than seeing Lia will give me relief. “Luc, it doesn’t appear she was raped. There is no evidence to support it. If that was her attacker’s intent, then possibly he was interrupted before he could do it.”

I drop my head into my hands, feeling the urge once again to cry. My aunt was right; the feeling of relief is overwhelming. To know that Lia hadn’t been violated in that way is enough to bring me to my knees. The bastard hadn’t been able to take that from her. I have no doubt that she fought him with everything she had. The skin they removed from under Lia’s nails gave validity to that fact. When her stepfather is found, Lia will have collected the evidence during her struggle to lock him away. “Thank God,” I finally say. “Can I go to her now?”

When I feel a hand on my head, I look up in surprise. My aunt continues to run her hand through my hair. I stiffen at first because it’s been many years since she comforted me as she did when I was a child. Except for the rare occasion, I’ve always preferred to find my comfort in solitude, which was hard for her to accept for many years. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”

I pull back sharply, causing her hand to return to her side. “What’re you talking about?” I cringe when the question leaves my mouth. I’ve played right into her hands. I should have walked away without comment, but I’ve opened the door now.

“I have never seen you this way over a woman. To be honest, you’re a complete wreck, which we both know isn’t you.”

I love my aunt, but I hate to be psychoanalyzed. I bite back my anger because I would have been barred from the hospital by now if not for her interceding today. She has also been my eyes and ears to Lia, breaking rules I know she normally wouldn’t for anyone but me. “We both know I’ve been here before. In this very hospital, actually, and I think it accurate to say I was off my rocker then, as well.”

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