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A Billionaire for Christmas

Page 141

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“Incredible!” Audrey gasped from behind me. She ran giddily to look outside, stopping several feet short of the actual windows.

“You don’t feel the true impact without getting close up.” I’d apparently forgotten my determination to pretend she wasn’t there.

“That’s okay. I’m good right here. I’m afraid of heights.” She glanced quickly to Jeff Jones who’d entered the room with her. “You know that, Daddy,” she added, remembering her ruse.

I hadn’t thought she could be afraid of anything, daring and impetuous that she was. This new insight added to the enigma of Audrey Lind. Part wildling, part devil, part innocent, all contradiction.

“I thought you’d grown out of it,” I muttered. Whatever was I doing, playing along?

And she was invading my space again, standing too close, smelling too good. Making my jumper feel too hot and my throat feel too tight.

I had to hurry this tour up.

Sticking my hands in my trouser pockets, I turned to the agent. “The website said this unit is up for lease as well as for sale. Rentals are allowed in the HOA amendments, then?”

Jones perked at the potential sale. “Yes. Is that of interest to you?”

“I’m not planning to be here year-round, so yes. I may consider leasing it out.” Frankly, I was just as happy to leave it empty, a safe space for Aaron to hide out as he got older. Ellen would surely disapprove, which was half the appeal. “There’s no one living here now?”

“Not at this moment. But!” He was winding up for his big pitch. I could feel it. “This unit has had several showings just in the last few days.”

Not likely with the weather and the approaching holiday.

“If it gets rented out before an offer comes in, the lease will have to be dealt with in negotiations. It’s another reason to act fast if you’re serious about buying.”

I’d have an offer in before the day was over, though I wasn’t ready to admit it. But, even if I paid cash and rushed a closing, I wouldn’t be in the unit before I left New York this time at the end of the week.

The idea of being in there sooner, to have the breathing room and get away from the stuffiness of the hotel, suddenly appealed to me. “I could, you’re telling me, put in an offer and also apply for a lease at the same time.”

“That’s correct. If you want to try it out and see how it works before you decide to purchase, or if you want to move in right away, that’s exactly what I’d recommend. You could be in here as soon as tomorrow, in fact.”

Audrey edged up beside me, the heat of her a pleasant nuisance.

I felt my muscles tighten as I fought to remain focused. “It comes furnished?”


“I’d like to fill out a rental application.” It was still early in the day. I’d push to be in by that evening.

“Sure, sure! I didn’t realize you’d be interested in renting as well, so I didn’t bring the application, but we can get that all settled if you just come with me to the leasing office. It’s only a few blocks away. No more than a fifteen minute walk. Or if you’d rather grab a cab, it’ll take just about as long.”

I wouldn’t rather grab a cab. And I wasn’t interested in walking fifteen minutes in the snow and slush. I was irritated at the man’s lack of foresight. Wasn’t there an application at the desk along with the lockbox? What a professional faux pas.

The agent didn’t seem to register my annoyance.

Audrey, on the other hand, read me completely.

“Mr. Jones,” she said, her tone pure honey. “Jeff.” She left my side to cozy up against the salesman, immediately triggering a rush of envy through my veins. I might have stopped her, even, if I weren’t so curious about her motives.

“It’s so cold outside today,” she went on, swirling the tip of her finger in a giant O on the shoulder of Jones’ suit jacket. “I’ve just started getting warm. You wouldn’t mind terribly going and getting the application and bringing it back for us, would you? I know Daddy would love to have the extra time looking around the place.”

Her coy manipulation, the sweet pout of her mouth, the damn use of the word daddy—I wouldn’t be able to walk to the lift at this point, let alone to an office three blocks away.

I was a sick fuck. There was no doubt about it.

Jones hemmed and hawed. “Oh. I don’t know about that. I’m really not supposed to leave you alone here.”

He hadn’t moved away from the girl, though. His dilated eyes and flushed face said he was under her spell and loving it. In front of her father, no less!

Fake father. But he didn’t know that.

“Oh, but, Jeff!” Audrey batted her eyelashes. “He’s going to buy it! Or, he will if he has the proper time to decide. There’s a pretty significant commission on this unit, isn’t there? I’d hate for you to lose out simply because of a silly, little rule.”

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