A Billionaire for Christmas - Page 259

She could have done her shopping online but there was nothing like seeing something in person, touching it, and knowing you were choosing the perfect gift for each person. Besides, her mother in law loved to spend time with Rainey and Jack, so she’d freed Riley up to shop.

Oh! She’d forgotten her mother in law, Emma and her husband, Michael! Two more people to add to her list. She walked to the side of the aisle and dropped her bags close to the wall. She began to dig through her purse for her list. She hadn’t put it on her phone, preferring a handwritten page she could cross out and make changes on. She added the two names, shaking her head at her forgetfulness.

Before she could gather her bags again, her cell rang. She pulled it out of her purse and saw Ian’s name on the screen. “Hi,” she said, more breathlessly than she’d like.

“Hi, baby. How’s it going?”

She laughed, a wry sound escaping her lips. “My shopping list is growing. Are you sure your family isn’t getting bigger as we speak because it sure feels like it is.”

He laughed. “I told you to let my assistant handle the gifts.”

“And I told you that’s rude,” she chided.

“So? I don’t like how exhausted you sound.”

She smiled at his protective tone of voice. Over the years, he hadn’t mellowed and she understood the way he expressed his love. Ian could be… overbearing but he adored his family and felt it was his job to care for them all.

And she wanted to be the one who took care of him. It was just that lately, she was always so exhausted. Too tired for dinners out alone, too tired for her to cook his favorite meals, and too tired for sex… and that wasn’t like her… or them. Not at all. From the minute they’d met, the sexual attraction had been off the charts and he’d never hesitated to tell her exactly how much he wanted her, how he intended to take her, and follow through on every word. Those days felt like a long, long time ago not a few short years.

“Don’t worry. I’m almost finished for the day,” she said. Though her list was extensive and long, she’d been working her way through it. But she was dragging more with each step and she didn’t want him overly concerned. She’d just have to make a final shopping trip another time.

“I’m leaving the office now. I’ll meet you at home,” he said. He was the owner of the Miami Thunder football team and his work never ended, but this was early for him to take off for the day.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“It’ll be better soon.”

She frowned at the cryptic answer. “Ian –”

“Love you, baby. See you in a few.” He disconnected the call before she could reply. “I love you too,” she muttered.

She gathered her bags up in her arms and decided she’d head home and meet her husband. She’d have to pick up Rainey and Jack from her mother in law’s, but she wanted to see Ian first.

A little while later, she walked into the house, having noticed his car parked in the garage. She dropped the bags on the mudroom floor and strode out through the kitchen.

“Ian?” she called out.

“Right here.” He stood in the center of the family room, a red scarf in his hand.

“What’s going on?” she asked, a spark of excitement shooting through her at the obvious silk garment he’d used on her before.

“Come here,” he said in a commanding voice she hadn’t heard in too long.

A full body tremor took hold. Her nipples puckered, as if even they remembered the times he’d use that voice right before pinning her to the wall, her hands above her head, his lips on hers, his hard cock pressing into the softness of her sex.

She stepped towards him. “Why is that out now?” she asked, pointing to the scarf, her physical awareness of what was obviously to come a tangible, exciting thing.

“Turn around.”

She swallowed and did as he asked. He wrapped the scarf around her eyes and tied it behind her head. “Now you’re mine.”

Her heat pounded hard in her chest. “I’ve always been yours,” she murmured. “What is going on?”

“You’ll see,” he said and before he could argue, he lifted her up and into his arms.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as he carried her through the house and outside into the warmer air. He placed her in a car, then settled in beside her.

So he was in the back too, she mused. They were obviously in a limousine, Ian’s favorite form of travel.

“I have to pick up the kids,” she reminded him.

“All taken care of.” He slid her skirt up her thigh and placed his hand on her bare skin. She shivered at his masculine touch.

Tags: Carly Phillips, Willow Winters, J.A. Huss Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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