A Billionaire for Christmas - Page 262

“I’m listening.” Even as her sex pulsed all over again and the desire to have her husband thrust into her was overwhelming.

“We’re getting a live-in nanny. You need someone to take the burden off you so you have time for everything else in your life.”

His words took her off guard. They’d discussed this. He knew her feelings. She wanted to raise her children herself. Have Rainey and Jack know their mommy woke them up and put them to bed.

“But –”

He shook his head. “But nothing. What’s money if we can’t use it to help make life a little easier? And we need time together as a couple as much as we need it as a family.”

As if to punctuate his statement, he gripped his cock and pumped his hand up and down with his hand, come glistening at the tip. Then, not playing fair, he glided the hard length along her clit.

“Oh,” she said moaning at the delicious sensation. But she knew he was distracting her, assuming he’d get his way if she was too sex-drunk to care.

“I respect you want to do it all yourself, but there are ways to manage things so you can have it all.”

She bit her lip. Yes, she’d always argued against help in the house, wanting to take care of her husband and her kids, on her own. She’d given up work after Jack was born, not an easy decision but her desire to stay home with the kids outweighed the desire to go to the office. And she was lucky enough to be able to make that choice.

She knew they were fortunate but she wanted to raise her own kids. She also knew her husband wouldn’t give up.

And he continued to tease her clit with his erection.

She swallowed hard, digging into her reserves to negotiate. “I’ll take a live-in housekeeper,” she managed to counter. “I can still be the one who handles the kids.”

“Uh uh. A mix of both. You need flexibility,” he said, his tone insistent.

She processed it quickly. With that kind of situation, she could control what was her domain and what wasn’t, so decided not to argue. “Agreed.”

“See? I can compromise.” He grinned and slid his thick cock into her sex.

Finally. She arched, pulling him deeper so he pulsed deliciously bare inside her. And then reality intruded. “Ian, you’re not using protection.” A slight panic took hold.

She’d gone off the pill before having Rainey and he’d used condoms afterwards because she hadn’t wanted to keep playing with her hormones. But they hadn’t talked about more kids just yet and they really did have their hands full with two. Still, the thought of another infant had her heart filling already.

He stilled, his hands on her thighs. “I’m good with another baby… now that you’ve agreed to my terms and will allow help,” he said with a knowing grin.

Terms. As if her agreeing to support around the house and with their children was such a hardship. He was such a silly, controlling man. If he’d come to her and had the conversation like a rational human, she’d have agreed. But that wasn’t Ian’s way. He liked to impose his will when he thought he was doing what was best for her or his family.

He arched his back and thrust forward, grinding his hips against hers. “Need an answer,” he reminded her through clenched teeth. “Am I pulling out?”

“No,” she groaned, completely okay with rolling the dice on another baby. As long as he kept going. “Fuck me, Ian.”

He didn’t make her wait. He pounded into her, his eyes on hers the entire time. With Ian, it didn’t matter how fast or slow, how hard or soft, each time was special. Each was making love. Each cemented the bond they had between them.

He knew how to make her soar.

He knew how to love her.

And when she climaxed, he came with her on a shout and full body shudder that triggered a second orgasm for her before he eased down on top of her.Ian made sure the rest of the weekend passed in an orgasm induced haze for his wife. A butler arrived at the house to cater to their every meal, cocktail, whim and need. They had all the time in the world to focus on each other… to talk, walk on the beach, lay in the sun, soak in the pool, catch up, make love and call home.


Because at the end of the day, they had a little girl and a baby boy they adored and were worried about and they were a family. And, Ian thought, with a little luck that family was about to grow. He was so damned lucky and he would never take his good fortune for granted.A few weeks later, Riley had purchased all the presents for the family and her house was decorated for Christmas. In a little while, Ian’s family was set to descend en masse. She wasn’t nervous, she just anticipated being overwhelmed and if she was going to feel crazed, she was worried Rainey might react as well.

Tags: Carly Phillips, Willow Winters, J.A. Huss Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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