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Not Damaged (Extreme 1)

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Chapter One

Ryan Carter stood in the control room watching all the activity going on inside his club. Extreme pulsed with fresh blood or more importantly, fresh customers. He checked the figures and sure enough for the tenth week running every single room he owned was filled with people ready to explore the BDSM lifestyle. During the day the club organized classes for couples wanting to delve into the Dom/sub lifestyle. By night, Doms and subs could converge together in a controlled environment. He checked each monitor from the dungeon below to the private rooms before settling onto the one for the main dance club.

The main dance club was where the liquor was sold and no one who consumed alcohol was allowed into any other part of the club. Ryan made sure to keep all areas of Extreme separated and well secured. He underwent his fire inspections and passed on all accounts. Getting to the BDSM part of the club would require a secured pass, which only he approved.

“Everything is going well,” Bill Tanner, his head of security, said. “I don’t see anyone causing problems. It’s actually going slow.”

“Good. I want you to keep an eye on everything. There’s no way I’m letting this place get fucked because of our lack of observation. I’ve heard other clubs having to close due to not watching what’s going on.” Bending forward, Ryan stared at the screens. Just the other week he’d heard another tale of a sadist abusing subs within a club claiming to be a Dom. Ryan hated all people who abused the lifestyle, giving Dom and subs a bad reputation.

BDSM was not for everyone but for those who lived it or wanted to be part of it, they should be al

lowed a place to feel safe. There were too many monsters out there waiting to take advantage of someone to naive to know the difference. Ryan was determined to keep his club safe. Extreme wouldn’t be tarred with any bad press.

“I think you’re worrying for nothing, mate. This club is fucking clean. Jake deals with that.”

Jake Smith one of his best Doms worked the main floors making sure no one tried anything funky. He trusted the man with the clubs reputation and so far Jake hadn’t let him down.

“You’re worrying too much. Go, have a drink, let loose and check out this fantastic club you’ve built.” Bill shooed him out the door, giving Ryan no choice but to leave.

Heading downstairs, he walked over to the bar, stopping in his tracks when he saw her once again. He didn’t know her name or why she visited the club. The mystery woman always sat at the bar until Jake joined her toward the end of the night. No man approached her and those who did left with their tails between their legs, metaphorically speaking. She wore a plain black cocktail dress that molded to every curve highlighting her flared hips and full luscious tits. Every time he saw her all he wanted to do was strip her naked to stare at every inch of her body.

No woman in all of his years being a Dom ever left him feeling like this. His cock tightened painfully in his trousers. The need to sate himself inside her body clawed at him, begging for him to make the next move. Jake never talked about his time with her.

She twirled the straw inside the long stem of her glass. He knew she never ordered anything alcoholic and always left around the back, not that he’d been paying much attention to the young woman. He reckoned she was about twenty-five years old and probably worked as some kind of personal assistant.

“Everything looks good here, boss,” Jake said, approaching him.

Keeping his gaze on the mystery woman, he listened to the updates Jake went through. The Dom at his side never missed a single detail.

“Good.” He stared at the blonde with the full-figured body. So many women were hung up on diets in this day and age. Ryan had a lot more problems than a woman being a size zero. Before he could stop himself, he asked Jake about the mystery woman. “What do you know about her?” He nodded toward her, not wanting to be so obvious as to point.

“Jesse? She’s fine, harmless mostly. I wouldn’t ask any other Dom to take care of her.”

Jake tensed and started to withdraw. Intrigued, Ryan stood in front of the other man. They were both six feet tall but where Jake had an air of teasing around him, Ryan meant all business. He hadn’t become one of the wealthiest men in the country by being easily pushed about.

Every challenge he faced, he did so head on without looking back waiting to see what would happen. The only way to live life to the fullest was by never doubting a moment of how he spent his time. Ryan lived life to the fullest but he never broke any laws, and he wasn’t known to the police.

“What are you not telling me?” Ryan asked. He saw past Jake’s lies. The other man was a good Dom but an awful liar.

“Nothing.” Jake stared at Jesse, who continued to twirl the straw in her glass. “It’s not my story to tell. I’m not breaking any of the club rules, Ryan. She needs me, and I’m doing my best to take care of her.”

Before Ryan could question him further, Jake walked away. His curiosity piqued he headed toward the bar.

Once he got closer to her, Ryan saw her hands shake as she lifted her glass. Staying far enough away from her, he ordered a bottle of water from Henri who manned the bar. She didn’t stare his way at all. He watched men walk toward her. The ones who got passed Jake were brushed off by her. She looked bored but also terrified as she looked.

What on earth was going on inside his club?

The hours passed and he spent his time at the bar watching her. She didn’t make a move from her seat. Jake finally walked to her side. Ryan saw Jake lean down and whispered something in her ear.

She looked up, catching his gaze. Nodding his head, Ryan raised his bottle of water. Jesse turned back to Jake. He really wished he knew what they were saying. Instead, they argued for several seconds before Jake caught her arm and began leading her out of the room down toward the dungeons.


Taking his bottled water, he headed back to Bill. He needed to know the secrets going on between Jesse and Jake.

* * * *

Jake slammed the door closed to the dungeon room he always used. Jesse watched him waiting for him to explode. He didn’t look happy about that man at the bar. She’d been aware of him looking at her for most of the night. Out of all the men she’d seen, the mystery man was the first not to make her terrified.

“We can’t keep fucking doing this,” Jake said, turning back to her. They’d known each other for a lifetime. She trusted him with so much, even to keeping her secrets.

He walked to the far wall and stared up at the camera she knew stood there.

“What’s this about? Have you found a woman for your own play?” she asked.

“Fuck, Jesse, this is not about that. The man at the bar is my boss. His name is Ryan Carter and he owns this club.”


“So, fuck, you didn’t even see his interest in you, did you? God, he’s going to fire me when he realizes what I’ve been doing.” He hung his head, gazing down at the floor. “I’ve got a reputation to think about, Jesse.”

"We’ve done nothing wrong. I don’t see a problem.” She rubbed her arms hoping he’d give her tonight. One week had passed since the last time she saw him. No matter how much she tried, Jesse couldn’t find release with her own hand. “You promised me you could help me.” Tears filled her eyes. The shock wave of emotion threatened to pull her down.

“No, don’t cry.” He turned, going to her side and wrapping her in his arms. “Shit, I’m sorry. I just don’t know what to say to him.”

Jake was her brother’s best friend. He’d been the man who found her locked in the old barn over ten years ago when she’d been taken. At fifteen she’d been walking home from school when a man pulled up behind her, got out of the car and kidnapped her. He’d taken her to an abandoned farm over thirty miles from where she lived. Pain consumed her at the memories and she locked them out, terrified to let them appear in her mind. She’d been taken by a man she didn’t know and raped. The man hadn’t hurt her though. He’d taken her and made love to her, caressing her body.

No, don’t think about it.

She cut the memories of his touch from her mind. Since that awful part of her life she’d visited a physiatrist regularly talking about her feelings. The man had been shot down on the run from hurting other girls. Jesse knew she would never be the same again. She wasn’t damaged anymore but whole. At least that’s what the outside world and her family tried to believe. One night she’d gotten drunk with Jake for her twenty-fourth birthday and admitted she couldn’t bring herself to orgasm. She told him everything in her drunken state of what happened with the man who’d taken her. The only time she’d been able to reach orgasm had been when she caused a bite of pain toward her peak. Ever since then she’d been terrified of what it all meant. She didn’t want sweetness or lovemaking. The only thing she hoped to have was the ability to reach an orgasm.

Unlike everyone else Jake listened and the following morning he’d tried something different. He’d taken her home down to his basement where she discovered a whole new world. Jake talked nonstop about bondage, Domination, submission. Taking a chance she’d agreed to play the part of his submissive within the basement. That day would stay with her forever. He didn’t push her boundaries as he worked her body over. What he’d given her was the ability to reach orgasm without a single thought of his touch invading the moment. There was nothing sexual between them. Jesse wasn’t even attracted to Jake but his ability to bring her pleasure made her feel indebted to him.

When Extreme opened Jake asked her to come to him here. The club provided everything for her and stopped her and Jake from gettin

g too close. She didn’t want a sexual relationship with him. He was her brother’s best friend and her savior when she needed him.

Wiping her eyes, she stared up at him. “I’m sorry. We should really stop this.”

“It’s not you, Jesse. Crap, seeing my boss I suddenly realized I’m not fucking helping you at all. What would your parents say? What would your brother say?” Jake walked away, wiping the sweat from his brow.

“You’ve given me enough already.”

“No, I’ve not given you everything. There’s nothing between us. I’m not going to marry you, or be able to vet every man who enters your life.”

“One year has been more than enough.” She’d gotten more pleasure in the last year than she had since she’d become old enough to legally have sex.

“You’re not making sense. It has taken me too long to open my eyes.” Jake looked at her. “I love you, honey. I really do and I care about you. You’re a great friend, but I wouldn’t be a good friend if I let this continue.”

“It’s okay.” She turned toward the door. “Will I see you Sunday for dinner?” Every Sunday her parents went the whole hog of making a full roast.

“Don’t go yet. I’m not leaving you alone with this.” He turned her back to look at him. “Do you trust me?” he asked.

“You know I do. It’s a silly question.” She smiled up at him. "See, not broken or damaged."

“Then trust me to find someone who can help you. I know he’ll be able to give you what you need when I cannot.”

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