Taking the Fall: The Full Complete Series - Page 48

“What if we just run off to Vegas? Got married on our own? Had our special day before our families try to take over?”

“They would kill us. Our moms would be pissed if they didn’t see us get married. We’re both the babies of the family.”

“We can do it again. But this one, the one we can do right now, would be just for you and me. Ours and ours alone.”

“You’re saying you want to marry me right now? Like, pack a bag and drive our asses up to Vegas?”

I nod my head, biting my lips, wondering what he’s thinking.

“Fuck yeah,” he says, jumping off the bed.

“You’re okay with this idea?” I ask, a little shocked by how easy it was.

“Princess, you just told me you’ll marry me right now. I’m fucking stoked,” he says, turning to look at me, the thick muscles in his back tensing. Dropping the bag he just got out of our closet, he raises an eyebrow. “You’re not changing you mind now, are you? You said it. It’s happening.”

God, I love when he gets all bossy. When it comes to something sweet, it turns me into a pile of goo.

“You just said we could…you know.” I drop my legs a little further apart. His eyes go straight for my pussy, and it makes him lick his lips. After a second he closes his eyes tightly and shakes his head.

“Nope. You’re making an honest man out of me before I take your cherry, so up and at it, princess. We got a long drive ahead of us.” He adjusts his cock before he gets back to packing, not looking at me again. I know he’s avoiding looking my way because he’ll pounce on me.

Damn. The sooner I get up, the sooner we get on the road and I can get what I want.

Pulling myself from the bed, I start grabbing some clothes, tossing them on the bed before I make my way to the kitchen where my twin brother, Samuel, is standing.

Samuel and I live in a three-bedroom condo together, our parents just don’t know that Tony stays here, too. He leaves his own apartment vacant and has it just for show for when our families randomly pop in and out.

“Happy Birthday, sis,” he says, giving me a hug and lifting me in his arms. No one can tell we’re twins with my brother being twice as big as me. He looks like our father—built like a tank with dark hair, whereas I look like our mother with cherry-red hair and bright eyes.

“Happy birthday to you, too.”

Placing me on my feet, he goes back to eating his breakfast. “We going to do anything for the ‘big two one’ or what?” he asks, taking a giant bite of his bacon sandwich.

“Actually, Tony and I are going to Vegas to get married. Want to come with?”

“Jesus, they are going to kill us. First Tony and I drop out of school, then Tony moves in, now we’re all going to run off to Vegas to get married?”

When he says it like that it seems really bad. The lies just keep piling up. Tony and Samuel dropped out of college two years in, saying it just wasn’t for them. That’s when they started chasing bail bond skips full time. They’d been doing it part time and making really good money doing it. Apparently, they made the perfect team. Samuel can physically track anyone anywhere, something I know from personal experience when he pops up out of nowhere on me sometimes. As for Anthony, he’s good at finding them for Samuel.

“I know, I know. It sounds terrible when you say it like that. We’re going to have to come clean soon enough, and well, I just want this, and you know how everyone would react if Tony and I said we’re getting married. We want to do this with just him and me, but I really want you there, too. Walk me down the aisle, Samuel. It seems right. You came into the world with me, you should give me over to Tony. Dad can walk me down when we do the big wedding you know they’re going to want to do. But this,” I point between us, then nod my head towards my room where Tony is still packing, “this can be special for us. It’s been the three of us forever. Something we’ll always remember.”

“Well damn. When you put it like that, sis, of course I’ll come.”

I smile up at him, a stupid grin plastered across my face, but I can’t help it. I’m just so happy.

“You in?” Tony says, exiting our room with a big bag over his shoulder.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Samuel says, not looking over at Tony, his eyes still on me.

“No words like ‘Better treat my sister right or I’m going to pound you into the ground?’” I tease.

“Princess, he gave me that talk when he busted me kissing you in the sixth grade. I told him then I was marrying you and would treat you like my king.”

“King?” I laugh, raising my eyebrows at him.

“Yeah, everyone knows you’re the king around here,” Tony says, pulling me into his arms and giving me a soft kiss.

“Isn’t that the fucking truth,” I hear Samuel mumble from behind us, but I just ignore him. We’ve got a wedding to get to.

Chapter Two


I hear the alert go off on mine and Samuel’s phone. I’m driving, so I look up in the rearview mirror and see him checking it out. “What is it?”

“Looks like we got a skip pop up just outside Vegas.” He pauses for a second, and then I see his eyes go big. “Goddamn, the bounty is a million dollars.” He whistles and looks up to meet my eyes in the mirror.

“Don’t even think about it,” Mary says beside me. She’s holding my hand, and I feel her squeeze it a little tighter. She hates it when we go out picking up people who skip out on their bail, but it’s great money and we're good at it.

The three of us are about half an hour from Vegas, and this could be some damn good money. I’m a fucking great hacker considering my dad taught me everything he knows. I know I can find anyone anywhere, and Samuel can bring them in. We’ve both got the best training for this, and it was from our dads.

I look back up in the rearview mirror and lock eyes with Samuel. He nods at me, and I know where he’s at. We’ve been talking about this for a long time. We want to be smart about the bonds we go after, so we’ve been trying to take bigger paying jobs less often. A lot of deadbeat criminals who skip on bail aren’t worth the risk for the little it pays out, but with the two of us teaming up, we’ve got the skills to wait and go after the whales. This one that just came up is the whale we’ve been waiting for.

With this nest egg, Mary and I wouldn’t have to worry about setting up a home for ourselves and our babies. She’s been going to school to be a kindergarten teacher, even though she knows it doesn’t pay anything. It’s always been her dream to have lots of babies, and teach, and I’ve made it my mission in life to make even her tiniest of dreams come true. I want to give her everything, and if that means doing this, then it needs to happen.

I take a deep breath and start to say something, but Mary knows me all too well and lets go of my hand, looking out the window and ignoring me. “Just take me to the hotel. I’ll order room service until you get back.”

“Princess, listen to me,” I try, but she’s not having it. I reach out for her hand, and while she doesn’t pull away, she doesn’t squeeze it back. “This is the one we’ve been waiting for. This will set us both up for a long time. Don’t you want that house out in Springfield? I’ve seen that Pinterest board you made for it.”

She whips around and looks at me with big eyes. “That was a private board! You weren’t supposed to see that.”

Goddamn, she’s so adorable when she’s angry. “I’m a computer hacker, baby. There’s nothing on the internet that’s private. Back to my point though. I know you’ve been eyeing it. I know you want it, but you know we can’t afford it. This would buy that house outright and then some. I wanna take care of you, princess. Take care of us.”

Mary shakes her head and turns around to look at her twin. They have a silent conversation where they just stare at each other, and I keep driving, waiting for it to be over. They’ve done this since we were babies so I’m used to it. After a few moments pass, she turns back around and crosses her arms in a huff.

“There’s no changing your minds. I know your voice, and Samuel won’t be moved. But I just want to state for the record that I don’t want either of you doing this for me. It wrecks my nerves when the two of you go out on these things, and seeing as how you’re calling off our wedding to go do one, I can’t help but be a little pissed.”

“Nobody is calling off anything, Mary.” My voice is stern because I don’t like that she thinks we aren’t still getting married. “I’m going to do some research on this, but I’m sure Samuel and I can be in and out in an hour. Pick up the skip, take him back to the county jail, and be back before you’ve even gotten out of the tub.”

“Sounds like a chick from the name,” Samuel says from the back seat, not looking up from his phone. “I don’t have the whole file yet, but it’s on its way. From the bio it sounds like a cake job for a cool mil.”

“See? It’s all going to be fine. Samuel and I are going to go make some quick cash, and then you and I are gonna make this official.” I reach over, pulling her hand out from her crossed arms, and this time she holds mine back. After a second of me rubbing my thumb on the inside of her wrist, I feel her relax and squeeze me back.

We ride in silence as we make it to our hotel on the Strip. The three of us are used to rooming together, but this is our wedding night, so instead of adjoining rooms, Samuel got one across the hall from us. I sprang for the suite, wanting to treat Mary to a few luxuries, even if this was all last minute.

When we get upstairs and drop off our stuff, Mary goes to the master bedroom and closes the door. I know she’s not super happy with the two of us right now, but after this is over, I’ll have a lifetime as her husband to make it up to her. And who am I kidding? I know this won’t be the last time I mess up.

Tags: Alexa Riley Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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