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Fairytale Shifters

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“Fine. If this is how we need to do it.” Dominic turns to Stone but neither of them speak. Finally, Dom rolls his eyes and begins talking. “I knew Gwen was your mate after the first time you saw Ruby and you tried to claim her. You said you scented your mate at the time, and Gwen worked with Ruby. Gwen makes all the cookies and that’s why you always like those best. Her scent is on them.”

I see tension flow through Stone but I don’t care. Hearing about my mate makes my need rise in me, and I start to whine.

“You can’t have her,” Stone growls.

I lunge at the bars of the cell, and Stone takes a step back. I feel a little satisfaction in the fact that I can rattle him.

“Everyone, calm down!” Dom yells, and I take a breath.

I need to get out of here, and I need to relax to do that. If I can somehow convince them that I’m docile, maybe they’ll let me out and I can escape.

“Stone, you know he’ll go crazy if he can’t get to her. He’ll go insane, and some wolves don’t come back from that.”

Stone gives me a cold look and then turns to Dom. “Would you give him over to Ruby?”

“She’s my mate. That’s different.” Dominic snaps.

“Gwen is my little sister. She’s all that I have left. I have to protect her.” Stone looks over at me and his eyes narrow. “Just like you should have protected your little sister.”

I snarl and lunge at the bars again, this time I throw my shoulder against them, and I feel some give. I snap at him, wanting nothing more than to sink my teeth into his flesh to punish him for his words. Pain rolls through me as the loss of my mother and sister hits me hard. He’s right. I should have protected them. What kind of mate can I be to Gwen?

“Goddamn it, Stone. What is wrong with you? That was an accident. There wasn’t anything anyone could have done and you fucking know it.” Dom looks at me, and I’m sure they can both smell my pain. “That was a long time ago, and we’re all still hurting for your loss.”

Stone lets his arms uncross and drop to his sides. “I’m sorry, brother.” I look into his eyes and I can see the remorse. He would only bring up something so painful if he was hurting, too. “She’s all the family I have left. I’m unmated, and if she’s mated to you, then I have nothing.”

I feel the weight of his words and I understand. I know what it was like to be lonely for so long. Even if I put the isolation on myself, it wasn’t easy. I have things I need to say to Stone, so I rein in my wolf and shift back to human form.

Once I’m in control of my skin again, I lock eyes with Stone and try not to challenge him. “You never liked me looking at her. Even before I went into isolation.”

“She was too young.” He grits the words out and clenches his fists. There’s something odd about the way he says it. Like he’s angry with himself as well. “She wasn’t of age, and you were looking at her wrong. You should have controlled it. You should have walked away from her.”

“Wrong? I never crossed a line with Gwen. My wolf knew she was special to me. We didn’t know at the time she was my mate, but yes, I was drawn to her when she was young.”

“You watched her sleep.” Again, Stone’s words are saying one thing, but guilt is pouring from him. “It wasn’t right. You shouldn’t have looked at her when she was underage. Even if you never acted on it.”

I want to question it, but I’m trying to control myself. I’ve been away from my mate for too long and the need is rising.

“I was with Gwen the day I lost my family. I felt so guilty because I was with her instead of protecting my family. I couldn’t bear to be around anyone again after that. If I couldn't protect my family, how could I protect her?” The confession makes my heart ache, but it’s the truth. I need Stone to understand my pain and let me out of here.

“And now that you’re mated to her, will you be able to protect her?” Stone’s jaw tics, and I can feel his anger. “Because I will let you die in this cage before I allow her to be with someone who can’t protect her.

Wrapping my hands around the bars, I step close and let Stone see the full size of my body. I’m naked, but no one is fazed by that; it’s normal for shifters. “I will die for her without hesitation. But don’t forget, alpha,” I say the word with emphasis because we both know I could take him in a fight, “if you keep me from her, not only will I go mad, but so will she. Gwen will feel every ounce of pain you’re willing to inflict on me.”

He raises his chin mockingly. “I’m prepared to drug her until you’re gone and the need passes.” My eyes go wide and a growl erupts from my chest.

I hear Dominic’s intake of breath. “Stone, you can’t be serious.”

He turns to the Dom and crosses his arms again. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe.”

I let go of the bars and step to the back of the cell. It won’t do me any good to lose my shit right now. I take deep breaths and keep calm as I try to think of a way out of this.

“Stone, the pack won’t let you do this, alpha or not. You’re going against nature by keeping them separated. You can’t do it.”

I feel my heartbeat pick up speed, and my wolf pushes forward. The need is coming over me and it’s getting out of control.

“Look at him. He’s already hurting and it’s only been a couple of hours. Gwen is going to be feeling the same pain as him. Is that what you want to do to her?”

I can’t look up to see his response. I’m too taken over by the pain. I let my wolf push forward, letting go of my skin and feeling him take control. It lessens the pain some when I’m fully shifted and all my senses are at their peak.

I start to prowl the cage again, going from one side to the other, keeping my eyes locked on Stone. I growl low in my chest, feeling the vibrations run through my body. It’s a challenge to Stone and to anyone else wanting to stand in my way.

He may have me caged, but at some point I’ll get free, and when I do, I’ll claim Gwen. Nothing will stand in the way of me and my mate.

“I’m getting the tranquilizer gun again. I think he needs to calm down before we can talk to him again.” Stone turns to leave, and Dominic looks at me with panic in his eyes.

He watches Stone go up the stairs, and he turns back to me. “I’ll do what I can to protect you, friend. He’s gone a little crazy himself, and I don’t know what’s going on. Be patient and try to stay calm. I know the mating is pulling you, but it won’t be much longer, and I’ll help you get out of here.” With those words, he walks up the stairs and shuts the door, locking it behind him.

Feeling a warmth in my chest, I close my eyes and let it flow through me. My eyes snap open and I feel her. My mate is here.

Chapter 6


“Gwen, you need to slow down. We don’t even know where they’ve taken him,” Ruby says from the doorway of my little apartment. I’m flinging clothes out of my closet and stuffing them into a bag, not really caring what I’m grabbing.

“Call him, Ruby,” I bite out before dashing into the bathroom and just doing a sweep with my arm to push stuff into my bag. Stone and Dominic loaded my mate into Dominic’s jeep, not letting me get in with them. I was sure they were headed to the police station, or maybe Doc’s house, but both places came up empty without a trace of their smells to be found.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I should’ve followed them instead of just assuming where they were going. But I’ll find them, no doubt about that. The only question is if I’ll still have a brother when I’m done, because with the way I’m feeling at the moment, I’m not sure I won’t go for his throat. I can’t control myself right now. I’m starting to understand how Dominic acted when he first spotted Ruby. At least my mate feels the pull, too.

Heading back into the main room, I see Ruby still just standing there. Winnie’s standing behind her, looking like she’s not quite sure what to do with herself right now.

“Well?” I snap, annoyed that Ruby isn’t doing what I asked. Okay, maybe

I didn’t ask, per se, but still, now is not a time for pleasantries.

“Okay, maybe I do know where they are.” She bites her lip, and I can tell she’s debating something. Maybe Dom told her not to tell me or something and she doesn’t want to betray him. Ruby’s a sweetheart, and as much as it sucks to have to do this, I’ll go straight for her weak spot. Compassion.

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