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Fairytale Shifters

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“Where is home?”

“I built you a new home. If you don’t like it, I’ll rip it down and start over and make it however you like.” His voice is filled with so much pride that I can’t bring myself to ask if it’s a cave or something.

“I’m sure it’s perfect.”

“Almost. I just need to get you inside it.”

Chapter 7


Once we near the clearing, I feel my mate tense. She must scent we’re close. “Just through these trees,” I confirm, answering her silent question.

I carry her so carefully, holding her close and wanting to protect her, but not too tightly as I’m afraid my strength could harm her and her soft skin. When I step through the thick leaves and branches, she lets out a gasp. I look down at her, wondering if a stray branch has caught her long hair, but I know I was careful and took the brunt of the tree limbs on my back.

“What’s wrong, mate? Are you harmed?” The worry that I let something happen to her is thick in my voice. I’ve lost one family before, one I failed to protect. I won't lose her. Not a hair on her head will ever be harmed while I breathe.

“It’s…” I watch her expression and see her face light up, her bright blue eyes shining brighter as she sees the cabin I’ve built for her. “It’s beyond anything I dreamed of. It’s like something from a fairy tale.”

My chest swells with pride as I walk her to the house and up the stairs of the porch. I’m happy my mate likes the home I have made for her. It’s where we will raise our family. I will keep her happy here, and she’ll never want to leave. I’ll be the perfect mate for her.

“I thought maybe you lived in a cave or something.” Gwen says the words as if in wonder, looking around the place. I remember the conversation I had with Dom about how I needed to make a good home for my mate and pups. He was right, and I’m glad I worked so hard for her.

“I’m a good mate.”

She locks eyes with me, and I see the blush creep across her cheeks as she smiles at me. I smell her desire for me. Her heat is rising, and my need is becoming impossibly stronger. A growl sounds from my chest.

I’ve heard that when a shifter finds their mate, the pull is instant. I wasn’t sure if I ever believed that, but I wanted it to be true. Even more so after I spent so much time in the wild. I didn’t look like a lot of the shifters anymore. My features had changed after spending too much time in wolf form, I knew I was unattractive. If my mate was attracted to me instantly, she wouldn't care what I looked like. She wouldn't have a choice. It might not be fair to my beautiful mate that she’s stuck with me, but I would take any advantage I could to keep her. Even if it was just Mother Nature making her stay.

If the stories are true, we need to bond now or the need will just become more painful. Once my semen is released inside my Gwen, the full heat should hit us hard and the mating frenzy will begin and stay until the full moon.

Carrying her over the threshold of our home, I kick the front door shut behind us and take her straight back to our bedroom. I don’t break eye contact with her as I take her over to the bed. “You can see the rest of the house later,” I tell her, needing to have her now. Between the mating pull and them trying to take her from me, I need to bond to her. Mark her now so I know she’s really mine. That they can’t try and take her from me again.

“Yes. Later,” she confirms, her wolf rising a little closer to the surface, making her blue eyes shift to a darker blue. A deep growl sounds low in her chest, and it’s clear her heat is gripping her tightly, too. I’m glad she’s feeling it as much as I am. It’s eating me from the inside out.

I set her down softly on the bed and feel my own eyes shift as she takes a step back from me. I don’t like that she’s putting any kind of space between us. I’m still completely naked from when I shifted in the cell and ripped all my clothes. My cock is long and hard and I’m sure it’s pointing right at my mate.

I’ve been so caught up in everything that happened, I missed that fact that my cock had become hard for the first time in my life. Until you find the one, your cock will remain soft and unaffected, desiring no one. Once you find your other half, it finally comes to life, and I have a feeling it’s going to stay that way having a mate like Gwen. She’s utter perfection. Her beauty is unmatched and it’s all mine.

Reaching down, I stroke the hardness, testing it and feeling the warmth flow through my body as I watch Gwen. I had no idea it would feel like this. My eyes narrow as I watch her hands quickly go to her dress, ripping it off her body along with the rest of her clothes. In seconds she’s before me, completely naked, and my mouth waters. All I can do is stare at her. I’ve never seen a naked woman before, and she has to be the most beautiful in the world. How she got stuck with a beast more animal than man, I’ll never understand. She deserves someone who can give her both sides. I growl at the thought of someone else giving her that. I will earn her affection another way. I am strong and fast and will show her how my animal being so close to the surface will work in her favor.

“Goddamn, you’re huge all over.” Her eyes are glowing as they run down my body before she focuses on my cock. She doesn't seem intimidated by my size. I’ve grown a lot in the years since she’s seen me. I’m not a young man, nor is she a little girl. That is clear because where I once saw her as something like a cute little kitten that needed protecting, now I see her as an alpha wolf female I want to take to the ground and make mine in the most primitive way.

Another low growl sounds through the room, and I can’t tell if it’s hers or mine. I can feel my own eyes glowing as the pull between us gets stronger. The smell of lust fills the room, so thick I can taste it, but I’d rather get it from the source.

“You’re mouthwatering. I need to taste you.” My teeth ache with the need to bite. “I need to mark you.”

I clench my fists at my side and try to control my wolf. I have a primal need to mount her, but I want to be delicate with her. She probably already thinks I’m too wild of a beast. I must show her I can be soft, too. I’m so much bigger than her, and I could hurt her. I feel out of my depth with her. It’s been so long since I really even talked to another female beyond a few sentences with Dom’s mate, Ruby.

Gwen puts her nose in the air and takes a deep breath, then looks back at me, giving me a wicked grin, and I wonder if she is inhaling the lust, too. “I’m the first to be in here besides you. It makes my wolf happy that it’s only your scent.” Of course you are, I want to growl, but I bite it back and go with something gentler, more human.

“You’re the first and last, my love.” I absently rub my cock, the feel of it so foreign. She looks down and watches my movements. I start to take a step towards her, but I don’t make it an inch.

Suddenly, Gwen leaps at me, and I land on the bed with her on top of me. At first, I’m in shock, but then I growl and roll us over so I’m on top of her, and my instincts kick in. Her warm, naked body is under mine, and I begin to rub my skin against hers, just enjoying the feel of her, wanting her scent all over me. I want it branded into my skin.

She rolls us over, and once again she’s on top of me. Her strength might be heightened because of the heat if the need is driving her like it is me, but her ability to take me down and roll me over is surprising, and fills me with pride. My mate is strong. I’m a lot bigger than her, and I’m in an aggressive state so it takes everything I have in me to stay in control. It must be because she has alpha blood in her veins.

My wolf growls at the challenge, and I roll us back over so I’m on top again. Leaning down, I run my sharp teeth across her neck and pin her arms above her head. She writhes underneath me, but I nudge my hard cock at her opening, and she relaxes, letting her long legs fall open a little more, an invitation I will be accepting.

“You will submit to me, Gwen.” I take her lips in a punishing kiss. I meant to be soft to show her I wasn't all beast, but maybe that’s all I really am. It’s the only kiss I’ve ever had. Her li

ps are full and soft and welcoming like nothing I’ve ever felt before. She opens her mouth, granting me a taste of her sweetness. She sweeps her tongue inside, and I taste her warmth and desire. I deepen the kiss, wanting more, and she starts to squirm beneath me.

I need her to feel my dominance and know that I’m a worthy male. Her wolf is dominant by nature, and it will only yield to a fierce protector. I intend to show her that I’m deserving of her submission.

Leaning back just a little, I turn her over onto her stomach fast enough to make her let out a squeak of shock. I pin her shoulders to the bed and pull her hips up so she’s on her knees with her ass up into the air.

I lie over her body, blanketing hers with mine, and press the head of my cock to her wet opening, caging her beneath me. I can smell her need and feel it running down the insides of her thighs. I hold the tip there and feel her start to wiggle under me, and my control snaps.

“You’re mine!” Snarling the last word, I thrust into her and bite down on her shoulder at the same time. The taste of her blood hits my lips, and the magical bond between us is sealed as I taste her blood and penetrate her body.

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