Steele (Arizona Vengeance 9) - Page 25

Flipping on the light, I look directly at the bed Jim and I shared. We have so much history in that marital bed, and I miss those times. Jim and I are physically and sexually compatible in every way. I’m even going to say we’re emotionally perfect when we’re in bed together because we fuck with more than just our bodies. Our hearts were always in it one hundred percent.

With a sigh, I let my gaze move past the bed as I walk into the bathroom. If only we were emotionally compatible outside of bed.

My routine is the same as every night. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and put my long hair up in a loose bun tied with an elastic to keep it out of my face. I slather on some moisturizer, pull one of my soft sleeping t-shirts out of the drawer—mostly all Jim’s t-shirts—and slither into it.

Sliding under the covers, I check my text messages before turning out the light. As expected, there’s one from Lucy saying goodnight, which she does every night regardless if she’s in the house or not. It’s become our thing since we got her a phone last year. I shoot her back a heart emoji before placing my phone on the bedside table.

Just as I’m about to turn out the bedside light, I hear the whooping sound of an incoming text.

Assuming it’s Lucy, I grab the phone. I’m not sure what it says about me when I see it’s from Jim, and my heart leaps. The words are short and simple. In the backyard. Join me.

I’m not irritated by this. Slightly amused, a tiny bit exasperated as I am really tired, but the fact that my lips are tipping upward is proof he’s getting under my skin.

What exactly does that say about me?

Probably the same thing it said about the fact I thought about Jim far too much during dinner with David tonight.

That I didn’t want David’s kiss to go deeper.

That, yes, there are parts of Jim I miss, and I miss them greatly. His seeming desire to win me back has my emotions jumbled up horribly.

But for the moment, he has me charmed. I text back. Sorry, but I’m tired and am ready to go to sleep.

His reply is instantaneous. Get your ass out here. I have something you don’t want to miss.

A tiny shiver runs up my spine. I never minded the alpha, domineering side of Jim. That’s because I knew when he did that, I was the center of his universe at that moment. It was the times where he didn’t care enough to command me to his side that broke my heart.

I don’t bother responding, instead slipping out of bed.

I don’t bother with pants or even shoes. Jim’s old t-shirt hangs almost to my knees, and we have steppingstones from the back patio to the gazebo. It’s also dark, and I doubt I’ll be seen. I wonder if Jim wants to talk more about Lucy.

Or perhaps… he somehow picked up the puppy for her and wants to show it to me?

Except I know the puppies aren’t ready yet, so it can’t be that.

By the time I’m pulling the sliding glass door open, my mind has raced through a dozen possibilities as to why he’s here.

When I step onto the patio, pulling the door closed behind me, I freeze when I look out at the gazebo. The night is pitch black all around it, but Jim has managed to set up candles around the base, on the table inside, and some across the floor so it’s glowing romantically.

“What the hell?” I murmur, because for all of the things I love about Jim, he’s never been the most romantic. At least not in the latter years of our marriage.

Part of me wants to run back inside and not confront this. I just know this is going to change the feelings I have within me.

The other part wants to run to him to see what he has to say for himself.

I don’t run either way but rather walk slowly across the steppingstones. Jim stands between the two chaise lounges, the soft glow of the candles illuminating enough of him that I can see he has his hands tucked into the pockets of his shorts in an easygoing manner. I can’t see the details of his face, but I can feel the weight of his stare as I get closer.

“Nice outfit,” he says as I take a step up onto the gazebo. The smile in his voice is obvious.

I roll my eyes, doubting he can see from the candlelight, but my tone is dry. “Nothing you haven’t seen before.”

“True.” He chuckles, reaching out for my hand. “But wondering what Mr. Ordinary would think if he knew you were sitting out here half-naked with me not fifteen minutes after your date was over.”

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Arizona Vengeance Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024