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... and Forever (Next Generation: Chaos Bleeds 1)

Page 14

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“Simon … he’s in Vegas.”

Tabitha froze.

“More importantly, he’s been spotted by one of Butch’s crew. He was fighting at Ned Walker’s place. One of the underground fights.” Daisy frowned. “Look, I only know this because I overheard, okay? I also happened to hack into the computer. I know Ned likes to keep security footage of the fights. He has a lot of important people who bet on the life and death of his fighters. It’s his insurance.”

“I get it. I know what my grandpa is capable of.” Ned Walker was a very old man but nothing seemed to be slowing him down. He wasn’t much older than Tiny, and her dad was starting to show his years.

Clearly, Ned Walker had lived a lot better and more peaceful life than her father. Either way, how was she supposed to deal with this?

“Wait, he was fighting?”

“Yes. Simon was fighting and, Tabs, it got real ugly. Simon is … he’s a machine. I mean, I barely recognized him.”

She frowned. “What do you mean? How did you know it was him? It might not be him.”

“He had your name inked on his heart. Tabby. I saw it. I could read it. He’s the only one to call you that. It’s him. No doubt.”

He was in Vegas fighting, killing people, while she was in Fort Wills, living a nice peaceful life, trying to stay out of trouble. This was his way of dealing with killing Ryan. She didn’t know if she should laugh or cry. When they were younger, all he wanted to fucking do was settle down in Piston County so he could prospect at Chaos Bleeds. There was a time she wanted to travel to explore the world. That had all changed, but it was so ironic to her now. He’d gone off to travel and do whatever the hell he wanted to do, while she had to stay at home and take care of everything.

She let out a laugh. “I guess this is the way he deals with what he caused, huh? Excuse me.”

She got to her feet but didn’t get far before Daisy hugged her. Her best friend hugged her tightly, trying to help her, but she didn’t need help. There was nothing out there that was going to help her.

All the tears had been cried. The pain, it was still there but now, she felt anger. A bitter rage rushing through her body, ready to explode at any minute.

He could do whatever the hell he wanted. He was in Vegas fighting. She knew what was in that city; her grandpa who was known for his fights. Not only did he invest in the legal kind, but he also ran the illegal fighting ring in the city. He was a deadly fucker and the men who fought for him, well, she would never want to meet them on a good day.

Simon was there.

He wasn’t getting over killing but doing more of it. He’d rather kill than be with her.

She was done with him. Through.

Simon wouldn’t ever come near her again. While he was taking the time he needed, she’d fucking show him.Chapter ThreeTabitha wanted to kill her parents.

She’d murder them both in their sleep.

She wasn’t an idiot. They both knew what they’d done.

Niles Walsh. A very nice, very straight-laced man who worked at the bank. No, he didn’t just work there. He was the person who ran it and didn’t he like to let everyone know it. The moment she opened her door to his smug face, she’d wanted to punch it. This wasn’t a good way to start a date.

A deal was a deal. She’d grabbed her coat and now they drove, side by side.

“You know, you didn’t have to go to so much trouble,” she said, glancing over at him. A part of her wished Tiny had asked Luke. At least then she wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable and she’d be able to drop the fake niceness.

Niles had shown an interest in her years ago. She’d been standing in a long line and he’d singled her out to help. There had been older people and gorgeous women waiting in the long line, but he’d helped her. He’d opened up a till, been nice to her, only to close it once they had finished.

The next time, she’d gone to the bank with Nathan. He’d given her the same treatment, but he’d been more polite, constantly looking down at her finger.

She was still married.

Simon hadn’t divorced her ass yet.

Maybe now she should file the papers. The thought shot a pain through her body, but why not?

Simon was out fighting, getting over killing a man by killing other men. She’d gotten Daisy to show her the footage. It had taken a couple of bribes and the bonds of sisterhood and friendship, but it had been worth it. She’d stood with her best friend and watched Simon.

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