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... and Forever (Next Generation: Chaos Bleeds 1)

Page 44

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Seconds passed, and she lifted it up with every intention of throwing it.

Simon came to the door. “You’re not running away.”

“As you’ve pointed out, I wouldn’t know where I was going. I don’t have a death wish.” She breezed past him, stepping into the sunshine. It was a rare warm day. Global warming was a huge concern, seeing as it was supposed to be fall.

Tipping her head back, she enjoyed the rays of sunshine, basking in the warm glow of vitamin D.

The sounds of grunting had her opening her eyes and looking toward the two men.

“You’re just pissed,” Dean said.

“Yeah, and I thought you were my friend.”

“I am your friend. I kept you alive because I like you. Not for the damn patch.”

“Is he still moaning over you earning your place at Chaos Bleeds?” Tabitha asked, taking a seat on the porch steps.

Dean lowered his fists and laughed. “He told you?”

“Yep, in his moaning voice.”

“I’m standing right here. I didn’t moan.”

“You totally did. You’re a grade-A moaner.” Tabitha watched them, seeing them spar. Simon had some skills. Dean at times was a little sloppy, but he had power as well.

For a few blissful seconds, she could forget about what happened. It was at these moments she felt the saddest and most alone. The last five years did happen. She couldn’t sit around forever, waiting for the world to fade or for her to wake up as if it was some kind of dream. This was her reality.

Getting to her feet, she stepped toward the men. Both stopped fighting. “I want to train.”

“Not happening,” Simon said.

“I want to fight. You saw what happened. I’m good taking down women, but I need to know how to attack men.”

Dean chuckled. “You want to learn how to beat the crap out of Simon?”

“Fuck off,” Simon said.

“What? You’re the dick in this situation. It must be tough.”

“I can still take you,” Simon said. “Don’t forget that.”

“The guys are going to love you,” Dean said, patting her shoulder. “Simon never stopped talking about you. You’re somewhat of a legend to them.”

She turned her attention to Simon.

He stared right back at her.

“You talked about me?”

“Yeah, I had no reason not to. You’re my woman. Of course, I was going to talk about you.”

“Yep, and we got everything from how he was going to get you pregnant. The dozens of babies he wanted. All of them boys. He didn’t want to have any girls as he would have to shoot all the boys who came near them.”

Tabitha raised her fists. “It’s good to know I made an impression.”

“You really do.” Dean stepped away, taking a seat where she’d been sitting only moments before.

“Come on, Simon.”


“What? You think I can’t handle this? I’ve fought against Anthony, remember? When I get out of here, I might give him a call. Ask him to come here so I can fight someone who’ll treat me like a person.”

Simon’s jaw clenched. They used to spar before. He never went too hard on her. He was always worried about hurting her. There was no reason for him to fear. She was strong.

He tensed up, but he didn’t raise his fists. He moved a little closer and she stepped back.

“I wouldn’t raise my hands to my opponent. It gets them prepared,” Simon said. “They’ll know you’re ready to attack. You’re waiting for it.”

She lowered her hands, keeping him in her sight as they circled one another.

“Wow, this is like mega foreplay. I’m surprised you two aren’t just naked and fucking. Only stopping for food and water.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Simon said.

Tabitha didn’t avert her gaze.

“This is good. Keep your focus on me. Always on me. Don’t let anyone else in your sight. I’m your enemy right now.”

She saw his headlights in her mind. The feel of the cold wrapping around her. The chill. The pain. It was all too much.

She attacked, slamming her fist toward his stomach, but he blocked her. She went again, and he stopped her. His touch hard yet not painful.

Falling back, he moved toward her. As he went to land a blow, she stopped it. She put her hand up and felt how he held back.

Simon was strong, but he wasn’t going to hurt her.

Rather than continue on, she turned her back on him and entered the cabin. Silence met her exit.

She went straight to the bathroom. Removing her clothes, she turned the shower on, and the cold spray of water hit her body, shocking her. She wanted it. Anything right now would be better than the feelings consuming and tightening inside her chest.

“Why did you walk away?” Simon asked.

Tilting her head left and right, she ignored him.

The shower curtain opened up and she turned. He was still fully dressed and she was naked.

“Leave,” she said.

“You want to spar, we’ll do it. I don’t have a problem.”

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