When She Dances - Page 11

I'm panicking. I know that, but I can't seem to help myself.

I watch as he moves toward his kitchen, turning on a few of the automated food dispensers. "Are you hungry?" he asks, and it sounds cranky to my ears. As if he's irritated that he has to feed me.

"I can just eat protein bars," I reply quickly. "I swear I'm not picky." Abuar fed us protein bars all the time. They're dirt cheap and if they taste like dirt, well, they're food at least.

He turns to scowl in my direction. "No protein bars in my house. Do you like noodles? Or do you require something else?"

"Noodles are great," I say enthusiastically. Real food. I don't know what to think.

He turns to the machine. "Do you have a favorite?"

My mind blanks out. "I…don't know. Just serve me whatever. I promise it's fine."

He mutters something under his breath and punches a button on the dispenser. "Tea?"

"Water would be fine." I lick my dry lips and offer, "I can serve myself if you like. I can serve you, too. Just—" When he glances back at me, I let the words die in my throat. He looks irritated. Okay, no serving him. I sink back into the cushions, miserable. Damn man should just let me blow him. At least I know what to expect in a time like that. He's being kind, even if his attitude is sour and cranky and he sounds like he's about to snap at any moment.

The big male sets a tall, elongated ceramic cup—the “bowl” of choice on the station—on the counter. He fills an identical vessel with water, puts them both on a tray, and brings it over to the pit o'couches. As he sits down, a leg extends from the tray, freestanding, and he pushes the contraption toward me. "Eat."

My mouth waters at the scent of the noodles. They smell amazing, and I'm starving, but the need to please my new owner and save my hide is overwhelming. I give him another uncertain look, then take the long “bowl” into my hands. There's no silverware, so I tip the cup back and drink broth and noodles greedily. Once I start, I can't seem to stop, and I chug the entire thing as quickly as possible, slurping noodles and getting broth all down my chin. As I finish, I swipe at my wet chin, and I can't help but notice the look of revulsion on his face at my manners. "Sorry," I say meekly. "I'm used to eating fast."

"I see that. Did you think I was going to take it away from you?"

"I don't know," I answer honestly. "If you do, that's all right with me. You can do whatever you want with me."

His eyes narrow and he rubs his chin, like he can't quite decide what to do with me. "You and I need to have a discussion before this farce goes on any longer."

Farce? Oh god. "Okay," I reply, my voice shaking.6ZAKOARThis is not going as I anticipated. In my mind, I expected the little human to be grateful. That she would toss me those sultry looks of hers and smile at me. That I would take her to my bed and slake my needs on her, and everything would be fine. Pleasant, even.

She is not smiling, though, or giving me enticing looks.

She is terrified. Her entire body trembles every time I look in her direction, and she questions everything. When she dropped to her knees in front of me in a submissive pose, she looked so frightened that it made my erection shrivel.

I wanted this female because I thought she was different. Because she didn't look at me with fear and disgust. Now I suspect I have made a mistake. I watch her devour the simple meal of noodles as if she's not been fed in years, and I want to grab Abuar by the throat and shake him. A slave is a person. I regret not being able to free the others, even though I have no desire for any of them. But I cannot change how the universe works, so I will focus on what I can solve. And I can make a deal with this human. We can both get what we want.

The last of the noodles slurps into her mouth and she glances over at me. I must have a look of scorn on my face because she pales and cringes backward. "Sorry. I'm used to eating fast."

"I see that. Did you think I was going to take it away from you?"

"I don't know. If you do, that's all right with me. You can do whatever you want with me." She lifts her chin and tries to give me a smile, but I can tell that she's terrified of something. It's not sex, then. What is it?

Tags: Ruby Dixon Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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