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Viper Game (GhostWalkers 11)

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His confession made her toes want to curl. She loved that he was lying on top of her, pinning her beneath him, and when he looked at her, there was both a soft, special look in his eyes and a sheer male satisfaction. "I know that, Wyatt."

"You goin' to put up with me?"

"Yes. But I can't promise I won't kick you once in a while. Don't embarrass me in front of your friends. I don't know the rules of your world yet, Wyatt." She pushed at his hair, liking the way it fell around his face. "I don't always know what I'm supposed to wear or say or do. I'm just learning. Don't take my confidence away like that again."

"Pepper." He groaned her name and kissed her eyes. Her chin. Her throat. And then came to settle on her mouth. He knew how to kiss. How to pour fire down her throat. How to make her body go soft and melt, just like her heart. He knew how to give her the most delicious aftershocks possible. But still, "Pepper" was not an answer. Not even when he said it in that voice.

"If you feel the need to reprimand me, you can take me in another room, or talk to me telepathically. You don't have to be so... brutal about it."

She let him see the hurt. He'd struck deep. She didn't have a lot of confidence when it came to dealing with his friends and family. He'd stripped some of what had been hard won away from her. She let him see that as well.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'll do my best to see that when the monster comes, I hold on to some kind of control. You've been workin' hard to shield everybody, and I know that takes a toll on you. I can work just as hard to shield you when I get crazy mean."

She shifted, letting him know to roll them over. Wyatt took the hint immediately. "I'm not through with you yet, sugar," he whispered, and swept her hair out of the way so he could lick just behind her ear. It sent shivers up and down her body and quakes through it.

"I'm glad, but you got to have your fun, my love, let me have mine." She shifted, starting to go onto her knees to allow him to slide out of her. His arms snapped around her. Hard. Tight. An unbreakable hold. Her gaze jumped to his. His eyes had gone liquid. Amazing. A dark chocolate that melted into an amazing pool she wanted to live in.

"You called me 'my love.' You never call me anything but Wyatt."

"You are my love. I'm learning about love. That's you. Only you."

His smile was slow. Lazy. Loving. "I like you callin' me that, honey. Whenever you want is good for me. Go ahead and get to doin' whatever it is you want and then I'll get to doin' what I want. Tonight, you're sleepin' in my bed and my cock is goin' to be buried deep inside your body. I want to sleep that close with you."

Something inside her, the last fear, broke away. She loved the gentleness in his voice, the way he looked at her so tenderly just after he'd been rough and crazy in her arms and body.

She moved back so she could take a look at him lying there naked and so alive. So hers. "I've got these boots, and I'm in the mood to ride you hard and long, Wyatt. But first..." She bent her head and took him deep into her mouth, watching his eyes. Watching his pleasure. She loved that.

Chapter 19

The night was warm. Rain fell softly and the scent of jasmine permeated the air. Wyatt could hear the snakes plopping into the water from the branches of the cypress trees. Alligators bellowed occasionally and insects droned. The music of the swamp. The moon was at half-mast, bathing the bayou in a soft bluish light - his favorite time of night.

A little hand brushed his jaw, tiny little fingers, softer than anything he'd ever felt in his life - other than Pepper's skin - walked their way to his lower lip. He smiled down into Thym's eyes. She snuggled closer to him. He loved rocking her, holding her close. His little shy Thym, already turning into a daddy's girl.

"Hey baby," he said softly, and kissed her little fingers.

I love when you do that. Pepper's voice filled his mind.

He felt her inside of him. He loved having her there, twisting him up into knots, soothing him, or just talking intimately, like now. She rocked Cannelle, a gentle rhythm of love, the small bundle curled up in her arms. Elle was a funny little girl, with the best sense of humor, always laughing and playing peek-a-boo or even trying to play a joke. She was good with the members of his team, but at night, she wanted Pepper. She cuddled with Wyatt and Nonny, but Pepper had to put her to bed.

Wyatt was still a little worried about her. She clung to Pepper, always wanted her in her sight. Sometimes she had nightmares. Wyatt wanted Braden to pay for those nightmares.

On his left side, Nonny rocked Ginger. Ginger was in her element now, comfortable in the house and with all members of their team. She chattered the most, learning English at a rapid rate. Ginger was definitely the leader of his little viper gang.

Pepper's soft little hiss had him turning his head to meet her eyes. His grin widened.

I'm in your head. Do not refer to our daughters as the viper gang.

He'd known she'd have that reaction. Seriously? Who would pass up a chance at such a cool name? They'll kick ass in school. Trust me, sugar, they're goin' to love it. After all, their mama is the head viper...

I have no viper in me whatsoever, Pepper denied. The rhythm of her rocking chair picked up, moving a little faster.

You're a snake snob. I had no idea.

He found he liked poking the tiger. The woman could get some serious attitud

e over the funniest things. He loved the flash of purple in her dark eyes when she glared at him. Especially now, when she held a baby in her arms and looked soft and beautiful. Even vulnerable and fragile. And then she had the attitude that always, always, turned him on.

Sprawled out on the porch was Ezekiel, lifting a bottle of beer to his mouth. Malichai lazily swung on the porch swing. Across from him, seated on the railing was Draden. Mordichai was up on the roof out of sight, and Trap was where Trap always was. In the laboratory, trying to solve the puzzle of why the caps weren't working on the girls' teeth and how to make the antivenom universal and less dangerous. Life was good.

"Trap really thinks we can set up shop here, Wyatt," Ezekiel said. "He's got his man looking for real estate, trying to buy up everything around this place and even right up to the plastics building."

"I can see him livin' in that monstrosity," Wyatt said. "He'd turn the entire second floor into a shooting range."

"He's a good boy," Nonny put in her two cents.

The men chuckled politely. Ezekiel raised his beer toward Nonny. "Grand-mere, you think we're all good boys."

" 'Cept Wyatt," Nonny proclaimed.

Wyatt, busy playing with Thym's hand, swung his head around to look at his grandmother. He knew he should never have taken the rocker in between the two women. It was a dangerous spot.

"I don' think I want to know why even Trap is considered a good boy and I'm not. I'm not curious and I'm not askin'," he declared.

"You're goin' to find out. You got you a good woman, boy. And three beautiful daughters. If I'm readin' the tea leaves correctly, you're wastin' no time at all tryin' for a fourth. I don' see a ring on that girl's finger. I don' see her name is Fontenot. That's not right, Wyatt. I raised you better than that."

There was a stunned silence. Ezekiel was the first to break it. His snicker was loud in the stillness of the night. Malichai followed with a belly laugh. Draden broke into a coughing fit.

"Did I say somethin' funny, boys?" Nonny's voice cut like a lash. "Because I don' recall sayin' anythin' funny at all."

The men shut up instantly. Wyatt looked at Pepper for help. He didn't know why, but seriously, one didn't mess with Nonny when she spoke in that voice.

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