Beyond Me (Quinn and James 1) - Page 5

His jaw clenched. "It's a tradition," he said tightly. "I open it up to anyone who wants to come, but I'm not trying to show off. Look, I was gonna tell you, but you seemed like you'd already prejudged the owner as an asshole."

He was right, but I didn't care. I felt betrayed, and I wanted to get as far away as possible. If Dane hadn't blurted it out, would James have told me? I had no idea if he could be trusted. How many times had I been disappointed by some male promising me things he never intended on doing?

Suddenly, I was depressed. Why did this always happen? Was there ever going to be a guy I fell for who had integrity? I pushed my hair back. "Forget it. I need to get back to the hotel and meet my friends, and you need to get back to yours. Keep an eye on Tracey. And thanks for the drink."


I ignored him, choosing to turn and walk out the other way instead of trying to get past him. I took the outside path past the pool, the bar, and down the gorgeous bluestone steps circling back down to the driveway. He didn't follow me.

I didn't think he would.

CAPTAIN CROW'S was crowded, hot, and exactly what I needed to get my mind off this afternoon and him. By the time I got back to the hotel, grabbed something to eat, and got ready to meet the girls, I'd burned off some of my steam but not enough. This time, I was done. I would find one super hot guy I could fall in temporary lust with--morals be damned--and sleep with him. Have my frikkin' orgasm. And be happy.

"Whoa, that is not a happy face, darlin'." Mackenzie peeked from beneath her wide-brimmed sunhat that made her look more movie star than disguised ordinary college student. "But at least you dressed appropriately. 'Bout time."

Her gaze was all appreciation and approval. I'd fished out the sexy black halter dress and fuck-me heels hidden in the bottom of my suitcase. I put on a bit of lipstick and mascara, then curled my hair so it had a nice wave to the ends. Halfway tripping on the killer stilts I wasn't used to, I slid into the vacant bar stool they had saved for me.

Cassie slid over a drink, and waited till I sipped the familiar concoction of Sex on the Beach. Now if I could only get some on the beach instead of drinking it, I'd be set. "What's up? We leave you for one afternoon and you combust. I told you, Mackenzie. It's not a good idea to be split up."

Mackenzie rolled her eyes and did a lovely snort that I could never pull off without sounding like a pig. "If we stay together, no one gets laid. You guys would stay at the pool all day and never talk to anyone but each other."

My gaze met Cassie's and I sighed. Yep, that's exactly what we'd do and probably be happy. Maybe Mackenzie was right. Hell, she must be, since she already zeroed in on the guy with the tats and the lovely voice. If he was a musician to boot, she'd be toast. Goodbye technical virginity, as she liked to say. I always thought it was a hoot she was still a virgin, and she was the most outgoing, flirtiest in our crew.

Cassie sighed. "Yeah, I guess," she said glumly.

"Oh, for God's sakes, I'm not sentencing you to jail for the week! I swear, if both of you don't find someone by tomorrow, I'll find him myself."

"I thought I did," I muttered, burying my face in the drink.

"What? Who? When? Who?" Mackenzie demanded.

Anger still burned in my veins. I related the story briefly to my friends and my body relaxed a bit. Alcohol and girlfriends were the best antidotes to stupid men.

Cassie tapped her lip thoughtfully. "That's an odd thing to want to hide. You'd think he'd be bragging about his money and house to snag you. Right?"

I shifted uncomfortably on the seat. "Well, yeah, but he had plenty of opportunities to tell me the truth. I felt like an idiot."

"Did he defend himself?" Mackenzie asked.

"He said he wanted an opportunity to show me his real self, instead of me jumping to conclusions because he was rich."

As soon as the words popped out, I knew I was doomed. They knew honesty was my sticking point, and that I was a bit overzealous when it came to the quality. Cassie spoke gently. "Sweetie, maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe he just liked you and didn't want you to have expectations."

"Was he hot?" Mackenzie asked.

I shivered from the thought of his broad, muscular chest, and piercing blue eyes. "Yeah," I admitted. "Really hot."


"Curly dark hair, beautiful blue eyes. Tall. Lean. Perfect mouth."

Mackenzie grinned. "Like that guy over there?"

My head swung around and I came face to face with James.

Holy shit.

He sat at the corner table with a few friends. A pitcher of beer served as the centerpiece, and they were all laughing at something, but he remained still, his gaze locked on mine just like he had at the party hours ago.

What was going on? Was he following me? Why was he here?

"I think that's definitely him," Cassie commented. "You're right, Quinn. He's smoking. And very into you from the looks of it."

My heart pounded and my palms felt slippery around the glass. A weird ache thrummed in my lower belly, as if I was hungry or thirsty or something, but I had an idea of what it was. He turned me on. Big time. This was not good. Right?

"What's he doing here?" I hissed, spinning back around.

Mackenzie looked delighted at my sudden interest in the male species. "Probably trying to find you. His friends look cute too. Maybe you can introduce Cassie to one of them."

"No!" Cassie and I blurted out.

Mac pouted and disappeared under her hat again. "Just trying to help."

"I can get my own man," Cassie said.

"Tock's clicking, girlfriend. Tick. Tock."

Cassie shot her an annoyed look, but a grin threatened her lips. "Okay, virgin girl."

That got Mackenzie to peek from under the brim. "Lowball shot. You're one too."

"You're right. Sorry."

"Can we refocus on my problem, please?" I said. "What should I do?"

"Well, you're not allowed to stay here with us and hide," Mackenzie announced. "Remember the rules. We don't meet anyone unless we split up. Now

take your gorgeous ass outside to the tiki bar near the beach and find someone else if you don't want Mr. Blue Eyes for the week."

Damn. I hated to admit it, but I tended to suck at going up to men, and how could I find one at this bar if James was here? I certainly wasn't about to march up to his table after my departure this afternoon. Besides, maybe he was just hanging with his friends and it was a coincidence. Maybe he realized I was kind of lame and he'd rather be with one of those easier-type girls.

I drained the rest of my drink and stuck out my chin. "Fine. I'll try."

"That's my girl," Mackenzie said.

Cassie squeezed my hand. "Good luck. Be safe."

"You too. Call me if there are any problems. Meet Tuesday morning for breakfast?"

They agreed. I tentatively got myself back on the ground, tugged my dress down, and headed for the door. I refused to look toward the back, but felt a burning gaze stripping off the little dress, finding skin, and stroking with pleasure. I fought the goosebumps, raised my head high, and pretended I owned this outfit and heels.

Of course, being me, I stumbled over the first step, grabbed the door frame, and had to pull myself back up.

Such is my life.

The sun was hot and my heels clicked on the deck as I got to the second bar. Groups clustered around, and Jimmy Buffett was crooning the pleasures of Margaritaville and sweet alcohol. Girls swayed and danced in their bikinis, and others were dressed up like me, but seemed a hell of a lot more comfortable and confident. I chewed on my lip, squeezed into an unknown group, and ordered another Sex on the Beach.

The bartender gave me a look of appreciation and winked. Hmm, not bad. But he was surrounded by a crazed crowd, and I could barely hear him ask what I wanted to drink over the noise. Not conducive to seduction. I gave him a nice tip, battled my way out, and tried looking approachable by the railing. I cocked my hip, screened my face to look approachable, and waited.

No one came.

Everyone seemed to be hanging with friends, overdrinking, and interested in their own conversations. Humiliation threatened, so I quickly gulped the rest of my drink and reconsidered the bartender.

"Hey, pretty girl, how are you?"

Relief flowed through my body as I turned to face my approacher. Kind of cute, average looking, blond hair, brown eyes. "Good, thanks." I searched for something witty to say. "Umm, having a good time?"

Tags: Jennifer Probst Quinn and James Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024