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Chasing Me (Quinn and James 2)

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I smiled. "Maybe. Tell me about your plans for New Beginnings."

The waitress brought our burgers, and we dug in. "I want to add another level to the program. There are a lot more experiments in holistic health, meditation, yoga, et cetera that we only touched on. I'm hiring a brand-new coordinator to run the extra programs, which will extend the regular term by another week."

I frowned. "What about insurance? Most residents want to work the program and get back out. Many can't afford to stay longer."

His face reflected admiration at my question. "Already working on that, and it's almost approved with some companies. For the others, I'm looking at doing a work-study program in order to get them to stay. Give them incentives. It's a way to reach a bit deeper into the mental blocks alcoholics have."

I'd done classes with holistic techniques and found them favorable. Many alcoholics were quite brilliant, with no way to settle their mind other than looking for another hit. This was a positive way to give them new skills and alternatives. "It's brilliant," I said simply. "I think it would work well at New Beginnings. Tell me more."

We ate our burgers, and he talked animatedly about the ins and outs of the program. I got caught up in his excitement, and realized how alike we were. I was a fixer, nurturer, and enjoyed stability.

Like Brian.

I didn't care, though. I kind of liked who I was, though sometimes I was way too shy and intimidated and felt like the world was spinning out of my control, which I hated. But James balanced me in a way I'd never experienced before. As if by allowing me to feel things so deeply, he'd provided an outlet that gave me more peace than I'd ever had.

Or maybe it was just the multiple orgasms.

I smiled at the thought.

"Now, that was something interesting. What were you thinking about?"

I ducked my head and fumbled with the napkin. Damn, this was awkward. "Umm, nothing. Just planning how to make sure I'm hired."

He leaned back in the booth. The lights gleamed in his ginger hair, and his dark eyes sparkled. He was really handsome in an understated way. Different from James's intense, sexual looks that always made my tummy drop to my toes. No, Brian gave me a settled, happy feeling. Like I wanted to remain around him, talking. "I have a feeling you can get whatever you put your mind to." His lip curled a bit. "Tell me about the boyfriend. In love?"

I shifted in my seat. "Yes. We met last year in Key West on Spring Break. He moved here this past summer."

Brian lifted a brow. "Moved for you, huh? That is serious. What does he do?"

"He's an artist. Goes to school at the Brush Institute."

"Great place. Must be talented."

"He is."

Brian's eyes darkened. He leaned in just a bit and lowered his voice to an intimate pitch. "Then maybe he's worthy of you."

A strange intensity built between us, and I shook my head to clear it. "He is," I said firmly.


More staring. Time to leave. I grabbed my purse and placed some money on the table. Suddenly, his hand shot out and entwined with mine. At the touch of his skin over mine, I gasped and jerked back. He studied my expression and slowly pushed the bills back toward me.

"My treat."

"But I--"

"Put your money away, Quinn." His order allowed me no recourse, so I shoved the cash back into my purse and thanked him. I was embarrassed at my lame reaction to a simple touch, but he immediately put me back at ease. We chatted a bit as we left, and I was laughing at one of his jokes about overachievers when I pushed open the door.

And ran straight into James.

"Quinn?" His hands held me hard. Those aqua-blue eyes narrowed as he caught sight of Brian right behind me. Uh-oh. James was known to be extremely jealous and possessive. It was one of the sexy elements that made our relationship exciting, but right now, I needed him to be cool. I jumped right into introductions before he could ask the question.

"James! What are you doing here? This is Brian. He's the new assistant director of New Beginnings." I emphasized his title and hoped he'd get my subtle meaning.

He nodded and stuck out his gloved hand. "Nice to meet you, Brian," he said stiffly. "I'm James. Quinn's boyfriend."

Brian flicked his gaze over James, seeming to catch the undercurrent of warning in his tone. I almost groaned at the pissing match beside me. Men were so weird.

"Nice to meet you, James," Brian said pleasantly, shaking his offered hand. "Quinn was just telling me about you. Says you're an artist."

"That's right." To me, James said, "I was heading to the clinic to let you know I need to stay late at the studio tonight."

"Oh, that's okay. I have an essay to write."

"Fine. Need a ride back to school?"

"Sure, thanks." I turned to Brian, thanked him for lunch, and we said our goodbyes. James was quiet as we made our way toward the car. When I finally slid into the seat and buckled up, I turned to face him. "How was Joe's?"

His jaw clenched. "A real blast. How was your lunch?"

I studied him for any undercurrents of sarcasm, but he seemed sincere. I let out a breath. I was really being ridiculous by expecting him to be jealous just because I had lunch with a male business associate. I guess announcing I belonged to him set up the ground rules between men. "Great. Brian's implementing a new program he wants me to be part of. We were discussing it. I'll be really busy for the next few weeks. He only takes five people in, and I'm one of them."

"Quinn, your schedule is already overbooked. Between school and two jobs, do you have time for this? I don't think it's a good idea."

I raised my chin. "This is important. I think it'll put me in a good spot to get that permanent position once I graduate. I can do this."

He muttered under his breath and squealed into a parking space. Shoving his fingers through his thick hair, he whirled around to face me. "We barely see each other as is. How many more days will you be gone?"

"Three nights per week."


"I want to do this!"

"Fine. Do it, then.


We stared at each other in furious silence. Long moments passed. The sound of students laughing and walking onto campus echoed through the closed windows. I finally reached out to touch him. As usual, his touch electrocuted me, burning my skin and making me ache to be surrounded by him, his scent, taste, and voice my overwhelming obsession. He felt it, too, because he leaned over the seat and pressed his forehead against mine, his fingers cupping my cheeks.

"Don't be mad," I whispered.

"I'm frustrated," he admitted. "I miss you, and there's all this shit going on all the time. I'm afraid you're going to burn out, baby."

I pressed my thumb against his delicious, full lips, stroking the bottom in a way I know he liked. "I know, but this is important to me."

He groaned and instead of answering, then took my mouth in a hard kiss, slipping his tongue deep inside. I arched up, and his hand twisted in my hair to hold my head still. I thrilled to the demand of the kiss, the spark of his passion heating my blood and making my pussy wet. I ached for him to climb on me right now, yank down my pants, and slide inside me, his gorgeous, big cock thrusting in and out until he gave me that orgasm I wanted with my last breath.

Instead, he broke the kiss, panting a bit, eyes wild, and jerked back. "Okay."

Disappointed, I realized the old James wouldn't have cared about anything but fucking me. Now, he seemed to analyze every move and decision regarding our relationship, and I didn't know what to do about it.

He gave a lopsided smile. "Call you tonight."

I waited for another kiss, but he kept his distance. I forced a smile back and opened the car door. "Love you."

"Love you, too."

The words soothed me as I walked to my class.

Chapter Eight


I GLANCED AT MY watch and quickened my pace. I had a rare opportunity to meet Quinn at the art store. I had to buy a shitload of art supplies, and she had time to run over to meet me for lunch.

I tried to be happy, but I had to admit my patience was running out. Two weeks had already passed since she took on the extra workload. We were dealing with conflicting schedules, and barely enough time for a quickie. With her sporadic night shifts at the nursing home, the clinic, and regular schoolwork, I felt guilty interrupting her sleep. The distance between us was frustrating the hell out of me.

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