Pinning Her Cushion - Page 14

“I think she’s really cool, and I like the idea of becoming friends with her,” Emma remarked.

This didn’t surprise me at all, seeing as Emma once tried to make friends with a rattlesnake on a camping trip. Dad got her away from it before anything too bad could happen. I could also see her point, though. Krystal really was cool, even though that wasn’t a word I would usually use, and I could understand why Emma liked her.

The tackle came out of nowhere. Clarence surprised me, taking me right to the ground.

“Someone wants to get maaarieeeed,” he teased as we went down.

I playfully scuffled with my little brother, even though I could have easily thrown him off. He had meant it in good fun so I decided to play along. I shrugged him off of me and he came at me again, taking me down like a sumo wrestler before either of us had really gotten up again. Emma was giggling from the sidelines as we tussled like a couple of fifth graders.

“You should marry Krystal,” Clarence specified. “She’s smokin’ hot and has a good head for business. It’s a match made in heaven.”

“Too bad I’m agnostic,” I retorted drily, breaking free.

I helped Clarence back to his feet and we continued our walk, turning right at the end of the vineyard and heading back up around the other side. The two of them kept talking, but all I could think about was Krystal. I was starting to feel something for her but did my best to push it down.

Despite Clarence’s eloquently put argument, I didn’t want a wife. All I really needed was one night. A chance to really get her out of my system. Then I could get on with life as normal.

The plan was clear. I was going to make dinner, as I was the only one in the family who could make more than ramen noodles. Then, I would get back to looking for a second truck and maybe something to help cheer up Emma when Krystal was out of our lives. I knew there was no replacement, Rent-a-Friend not really being a thing.

In the reality outside my head, what really happened was I went up to my room and stripped off my suit. I had been wearing it all day and I’d gotten dirty from the tackle and tussling. Those were the excuses I made to myself. The real problem was the massive hard-on that had started to develop as soon as I started thinking about Krystal. My mind invariably went to the incident with the dress. Seeing most of her back and nearly seeing her luscious tits. She really was smokin’ hot, as Clarence had so helpfully pointed out. Not to mention cool as Emma had so astutely observed.

Laying down on the bed, I took my cock in hand, fully intending to rectify the situation. I imagined Krystal in the sexy elf costume, fully intending to fantasize about continuing what I’d started in real life. Stripping her down the rest of the way, leaving her only in her sneakers before getting her on her knees to suck me off before I bent her over and pounded her pussy and then her asshole, using her beautiful body to sweet release. That was the plan. My mind had other ideas.

My head turned toward the door to the bathroom just as Krystal came out, an open silk robe teasing at the splendor that lay beneath.

Without a word but smiling sweetly, she came over to the bed from the doorway, dropping her robe along the way. My eyes drank in her gentle glory as she slunk up onto the foot of the bed. Sliding her hand in under mine, Krystal took hold of my rock hard cock, causing me to quickly relinquish my grip as she started to stroke. She worked her small, warm hand the length of my softly throbbing shaft.

Holding my gaze while her hand still stroked me, she lowered her head and took the head into her mouth and sucked hard, making me moan. She kept going, lightening up a bit, her head bobbing gently as she sucked me off, using her free hand to massage my balls as well.

Bringing me right to the edge of orgasm, I made no secret of the fact I was about to cum. She not only kept going but went even harder. I couldn’t hold back any more and Krystal took my load into her sweet mouth, swallowing it all down.

Keeping a hold of my cock, Krystal caressed her body along mine until her wet pussy was lined up with my rock hard cock. Stroking the head of my cock along her sweet, tender opening, she eased herself down to about halfway as I took her in a warm embrace. Kissing her gently, I took control of the situation, working her hips with her pressed against me, pumping my huge cock in her tight little pussy, savoring every sound and moan she made. I fucked her until she nearly howled with pleasure, shuddering and shaking against me.

Tags: Jamie Knight Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024