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Perfect Ruin (Unyielding 2)

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I bent, turned off the water, stepped from the shower, and then took the two steps to reach him. I didn’t touch. Instead, I trailed my eyes down his body then back up again. Then I smiled.

His brows lifted. “I hope you have more than that.”

“Oh, I’ve just begun.” I stepped closer, so the heated wetness from my skin sank into his. I lowered my voice, mouth inches from his. “You’ve taught me something, Kai. That getting what you want takes persistence and determination. That you never give up, no matter the odds.” His brows dropped, and I ran my hand down the front of him, stopping when the pad of my finger brushed the tip of his cock.

He growled, but didn’t move to touch me.

Then I stood on my tiptoes, my lips close to his ear, erect nipples against his chest. “All you have to do is say ‘please, London,’ and I’m yours.”

His eyes narrowed. “You’re already mine.”

“Mmmm,” I murmured. “True. And now I’m going to show you that you’re mine.”Kai was unhappy.

We walked into the bar Avalanche an hour late with my legs still tingling and my cheeks flushed. Kai didn’t actually beg, because he lost control and fucked me on the bathroom counter. It was decided we both won and so here we were. He was giving me two hours before he took me home so he could get his part of the deal—fucking me any way he chose—and, despite being a little nervous, it also got me really wet thinking about it.

“London. Kai,” Chess cried over the loud music and rushed toward us. Tristan, whose arm she shoved off in order to get to us, remained standing at the bar, but his eyes never left her. He nodded to us, raising his beer.

Chess hugged me then stood on her tiptoes and kissed her brother’s cheek. I smelled strawberry on her breath, and her eyes were glassy and bright. She’d obviously been into the alcohol already.

“You got him to come,” she said to me.

Kai answered, “Yeah, several times.”

She rolled her eyes at her brother then took my hand. “Come on, you need a drink. Brett makes the best strawberry daiquiris, although he complains while doing it. Oh, and you have to meet Catalina. She’s working here now. Matt hired her a couple weeks ago.” I’d met Matt, Kat’s brother, when I’d been staying in Toronto before the Alfonzo shit went down. I hadn’t met Catalina, but I’d heard about her. Heard who her husband had been and knew Connor and her had history, although I didn’t know what that history had been.

Kai squeezed my hand. “Need to talk to Deck. Go with Chess. Be there in a sec.”

“To congratulate him?”

He tugged me in to him, and my hand slipped from Chess’s. Then he bent and kissed me briefly. “Business.”

“It’s his engagement party, Kai,” I said aghast.

He shrugged while grinning, and then I watched him casually walk through the crowd, knowing he wasn’t happy to be here, but doing it anyway for me.

He looked hot tonight, well he always did, but he dressed in fitted jeans hanging low on his hips with a white dress shirt. It was Kai being relaxed, and it was sexy as hell and all I could think about as I watched him shake Deck’s hand, then Vic’s, Tyler’s and Josh’s, was that he was mine. I had a feeling that leaving early was going to be my idea.

Chess nudged my shoulder. “Drinks. My brother has had you for weeks. We have sisterly bonding to do.”

“Huh?” Sisterly?

She grabbed my hand and laughed. “You think my brother won’t do everything in his power to make certain you stay his?” She tugged me toward the bar. “I give it a month before he has that piece of paper in his hand.”

I laughed. “Kai doesn’t care about a legal document saying I’m his.”

She looked over her shoulder at me. “True. But he’ll definitely want to marry you before Deck marries Georgie. That testosterone rivalry thing between them.”

I laughed. That was more than likely, but, like Kai, I didn’t need a piece of paper to say I was legally his.

“London,” Tristan said and leaned toward me, kissing my cheek, and then reached for a fancy glass with red icy liquid off the bar and passed it to me.

I sipped the cool drink and we chatted about the progress on the house and Trick, one of the kids that Chess and Tristan were trying to legally adopt.

Soon, Emily, Georgie, and Kat came over and joined us. Tristan slipped away and left us girls to giggle and drink our daiquiris, which I soon discovered were rather potent. I wasn’t used to drinking alcohol, so my tolerance was zilch.

It was nice. I hadn’t had girlfriends in a long time, and it felt good to chat and laugh and drink. In a few months, I was starting at the University of Toronto to finish my degree, and I was already volunteering at a homeless shelter close to Kai’s loft.

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