Perfect Chaos (Unyielding 1) - Page 88

I went after him, my heels clicking on the hardwood floors. He was in the kitchen—looking completely at home as he grabbed the dishcloth and began wiping down the counter. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and his jeans hung low on his hips revealing that trail of scattered hairs leading down to his cock.

I swallowed. He ignored me standing a few feet away, his muscles flexing as he moved, tatts glistening over them. Jesus, I wanted him to strip me down and fuck me on the kitchen counter.

“When you’re done staring, go change.”

Shit, did he have eyes in the back of his head? Yep, he was Deck. He had eyes everywhere.

“If I don’t look sexy, he won’t like me.”


I sighed. Yeah, this assignment shit was going to be an ongoing issue. I came up behind him as he tossed the cloth in the sink. “Baby.” I felt the tension in him, caressing his arms and then down his back. “I know what I’m doing. You have to trust me.”

“I trust you, Georgie. I don’t trust him.” Suddenly, he snagged me around the waist, picked me up and went and sat on the barstool. I put my legs on either side of him and his arm kept me from falling back. “You’re changing.”

“Shit.” I gave up because getting my way with Deck when he was like this wasn’t happening. “I’m smashing the piggy bank and buying myself something with your coffee money. Maybe some handcuffs to keep you in line.”

He didn’t chuckle as I expected him to; instead, he ran his finger over my collarbone, expression serious. “Thinking about you doing this … babe, I’ve tried to protect you for years. Now, I have to willingly let you go into a situation, which could get you hurt. It’s going against everything I am.” He tilted my chin up and his thumb caressed it. “I love you, Georgie. I won’t lose you.”

Jesus, and then he had to say shit like that and I knew exactly what he was saying because I felt the same way. “You have protected me, Deck. And you’ll never lose me. I’m yours. Always have been.” Then I kissed him until I felt the tension ease from him.

When he pulled back he tucked a blue strand of hair behind my ear. “The pink elephant under the counter?”

I smiled. “Yep. I’ve emptied it five times already. The money is tucked away for our wedding day.”

He laughed and it shocked me. The seriousness was replaced with a smoldering burning. “Our wedding?”

I shrugged.

“Fuck, I love you,” he said. Then he kissed my neck and I moaned. “Buy some sexy lingerie for our wedding night,” he whispered in my ear then nibbled on the lobe.

I rested my head on his shoulder. “Deck?” He didn’t say anything, merely tightened his hold on me. “Thank you for always being there for my brother.” I felt his breath hesitate then exhale. “And for me.”

Then he kissed me hard and we were pulling at each other’s clothes. He was careful not to hurt my back. But he wasn’t careful about fucking me. It was hot and quick and probably had a purpose because Deck ripped the sequined top right off me.DECK CONCEDED WITH me wearing a black top, which was less revealing, less tight and less sexy. Of course, I’d gone through five other tops before he finally agreed to one, and that was because I was a half hour late to meet Tristan.

Tyler and Vic were already at Avalanche and had texted saying Tristan was there at the bar. Deck wasn’t allowed inside because we all knew he’d fuck it up. Instead, he was waiting outside in his car.

Kai texted me on our way over to make certain I was meeting up with Tristan. Then he said he was on his way to delete the message which made me nervous for him. For Deck. For all of us. Kai was fearless and yet I sensed in him something before he left us earlier. It wasn’t fear exactly, but it was as if his composure was off.

“One drink then you leave,” Deck ordered.

I nodded. “An hour—tops.”

Deck grabbed my hand before I got out of the car. “I’m proud of you, Georgie. You are the person I always knew you were and couldn’t find.” He sighed. “I won’t ever give up. I’ll find a way to keep you safe.”

Goose bumps rose and I felt my eyes fill with tears. Jesus, how could I love this man more than I already did? But another piece of me was glued back together at his words. I kissed him and it was slow and heated with a promise of never letting go. Then I went into Avalanche and did what I had to do.I LASTED A half hour waiting in the car. I knew what it would do to me, seeing Georgie with another guy. Fuck, I’d watched her with other guys for years and it ruined me. Now, she was mine and I still had to watch it.

Tags: Nashoda Rose Unyielding Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024