Home for the Holidays - Page 8

“It was good.” I reach up to touch my lips. I watch as his eyes drop to them. Do his tingle too? “You think we could stay with my parents for a few nights? Maybe split the time between your house and theirs.” I changed the subject not wanting to delve deeper into how his lips felt against mine. That feels safer because I'm starting to think I might be in trouble here. I could fall for this man. A man that is nothing like the one I’d thought I’d fall for.

“The more time we’re with them the more likely we are to get caught,” he points out.

“I can just stay there,” I suggest. I wish I could say my parents would never go for me staying with him. I also know they won't push for us staying in separate bedrooms. “Then you stay at your place.”

“I’m on the other side of Rocky Hill.”

“The fancy side.”

“I think it’s best you stay with me.” I miss my family so much. I’m not sure he knows what he’s asking for here.

“I miss them.” I can’t keep the emotion out of my words. “Can we stay with them tonight at least?” I push. “Please.”

“Fine.” He gives in.

“Thank you!” Before I know what I’m doing I’m pressing my mouth against his. He digs his hands into my hair, deepening the kiss. A deep rumble comes from him, going straight to my sex. I gasp, jerking back when I feel that he’s hard. “Sorry.” I breathe out, trying to catch my breath. Why did I kiss him?

“No, it’s good.” He slowly releases his hands, which are tangled in my hair. “Kissing should be natural.”

“It kind of is. I’m not as experienced as you, but it felt right.”

“That was more than right.” He leans in to kiss me again, but my phone starts going off. Crap. I forgot to text my brother after I turned my phone on. I try to slip off his lap, but he’s got a firm hold on me.

“Forgot to text my brother,” I tell him, and he releases his hold. I scramble back over to my seat. I see I have a bunch of messages. I click it and see I’m in a group chat. It takes me a second to realize it’s my roommates.

Victoria: You’re engaged to Logan Duncan!

Barbie: I don’t believe it.

Victoria: You are introducing me to his brother or I’ll throw all your shit out.

Me: What are you talking about?

How could they have found this out? Another text comes through. It’s a picture this time. It’s me walking up the stairs of Logan’s plane with his hand on my back guiding me. The name Duncan is written across the side of the plane.

I turn my phone around. “What is this?”

Logan takes it from my hand. “The press works fast. What can I say?” His face shows no emotion as he hands the phone back to me so that I can text my brother. But I swear when I glance up at him again it looks as though he’s fighting a smirk.6LoganI’m nervous. The feeling is foreign to me. I’m usually calm and collected. Especially when it comes to business. That’s one of the reasons I’m so successful. But a lot has happened over the last few hours, and I know the feelings are all linked to Angel. When I first saw her, I was sure the name fit her perfectly. Now I’m starting to think she’s a siren instead.

She has this ability to get me to agree to whatever she wants. Not only that, I enjoy the feeling I get when her whole face lights up and she gives me one of those damn dimples when I do something that pleases her.

“They are really nice. There is no reason to be nervous about meeting my parents. They’re normal people.”

“I’m not nervous,” I lie. Why the hell do I even care what they’ll think of me? I’m still trying to understand why I agreed to stay with her in the first place. That damn dimple has me going out of my mind. I am also past the point of no return.

Especially after I let Kelly leak the photo of Angel and me to the press. Since I don’t talk to my family unless I have to, I figured it would spread some of the news to them without me having to do it. I didn't think it would end up as a feature on TMZ. Sometimes I think Kelly might be too good at her job.

“Okay.” She’s practically hopping around in her seat with excitement to see her family. A stark difference from how I feel about visiting mine. “You have to tell me more about you. What you’ve given me so far was super basic.”

“There isn't much else to tell.”

Tags: Lucy Darling Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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