Home for the Holidays - Page 17

“What are you finding over there?”

She holds up her phone, showing me a picture of Kelly.

“She’s really pretty,” I admit. “And nice.”

“You think at one time…” She trails off. I hate the jealousy I feel thinking about them together.

“I don’t know.” I huff a breath. “I don’t know much about him.”

“Except that he’s got an amazing mouth?” She teases me.

“He does.” I bite my lip.

“I know you said it about nine times when you gave me the rundown.” I cover my face with my hands.

“This man is so out of my league. I’m playing with fire.” I drop my hands from my face.

“He must be feeling something. Nowhere in the agreement did it say the man needed to go down on you for hours on end.”

“Carey!” I smack her arm. “He’s a man,” I point out.

“Ahh. Yeah that works if he is actually getting something. It sounds like you’re getting all the action.”

I was. He hasn’t pushed for more either. It’s actually a little confusing when I think about it.

“He did say he liked me. I don’t know, it's just crazy. We’re from two different worlds.” The back door suddenly opens. I completely forgot we were on our way to get coffee.

We step out of the car and head into the coffee shop. “You guys aren’t completely from different worlds. He did grow up here. So you have that in common.”

“I guess. I mean, I know the last name, but that’s about it.” He’s a bit older than me so it’s not as if we ran in the same circles growing up. He also would have gone to the private school on the fancy side of town.

“Same,” Carey says, pretending to look over the menu like she doesn’t know what she’s going to get already. She gets the same thing every single time we come here. I go ahead and order my drink and a muffin before I rattle off what she wants.

“Why do you pretend like you’re going to get something else? You hate coffee.” But she loves hot chocolate.

“I keep thinking one day I’m just gonna begin liking it like an adult.”

“Adulting isn’t as fun as it’s cracked up to be.” I take the number card for our order, grabbing a table.

“Still hating the job, I take it?”

Hate is too mild of a word for how I feel about my boss. But I know that it’s a means to an end. It’s a steady paycheck and good experience, so I suck it up.


“Quit and come back here already!” She plops down in her chair. If only it were that easy. While I love being from a small town, I know I need to get as much experience in the city as I can before I move back. “It sucks here without you.”

“I miss you too. Making friends isn’t easy.”

“Are you trying to make me jealous?”

I roll my eyes. “You know how terrible my roommates are.”

She cringes. “Can’t be any worse than my pledge house.”

“True.” Her stories aren’t much better than mine. At least she is done and back home. She now has her nursing degree and she can work anywhere. “How is the job hunt going?”

“I got one. We’ve both been busy lately, and I was waiting until I saw you to tell you. You’re looking at Hawthorn Elementary’s newest school nurse.” She beams.

“Nice!” I hold my hand up, and she gives me a high five. “You’re going to be kick ass. I’m so happy for you. Are you going to stay living with your dads?”

“Unless you want to get a place together.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me, really trying to get me to move home. It’s so tempting. Everyone that I love is here, but I would be selling myself short if I moved home now. I’ve worked hard to get where I am, and I can’t walk away now.

“Well, I can’t pay rent without a job, so…”

She rolls her eyes at me. A server comes over, setting our drinks down. “Thanks,” we both say to him.

“Life is short. You’re freaking miserable out there.” I pick up my coffee and take a drink. “Plus your man lives here.”

“He’s not my man,” I say under my breath, looking around to make sure no one can hear us talking. It’s then I see the driver Nick standing off in the corner of the coffee shop. Carey follows my line of sight.

“It’s weird you have a driver, and from the looks of it he doubles as a bodyguard too.”

“You’re telling me,” I agree.

“This could be something, you know. You could be starring in your own Hallmark movie, but you just don’t know it yet.” I burst into laughter because I said the same thing.

“This isn't a movie. And yeah, he might enjoy kissing me but that doesn't mean we’re going to fall in love. I’m convenient for him at the moment.”

Tags: Lucy Darling Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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