Home for the Holidays - Page 18

“I’m still not buying it. I mean, did he really have to stay at your parents’ house?”

“I kind of pleaded with him. And he’d already seen what a wreck I was at the airport before he kinda sorta saved me.”

“He could have easily dropped you off and been on his merry way. Then merely picked you up when he needed to take you to his crap.” I’ve thought that too, but I am trying not to allow myself to get my hopes up. I am trying to manage my expectations of what this relationship is: a deal with some side benefits.

“I don’t know.” I take another drink of my coffee. “We were on TMZ. People are watching him clearly. He’s likely just making sure it looks real.”

“Sure.” Carey uses a spoon to get herself a giant bite of melted marshmallows. She’s not buying it. I don’t want to buy it either, but I try to make myself. I know it’s not a good idea for me to let myself even play with the idea of Logan really being into me.

“What else did you find out about Logan?” I ask, scooting my chair closer to hers. She gives me a wicked smile as she picks up her phone. I haven't had much of a chance to dig myself. Now is really my chance. He’s not going to pop up here at the coffee shop and catch me. Or distract me. He is really good at the latter.

“Let’s see what we can find.” Her fingers move across her phone quickly, and in the meantime my own phone dings. I pick it up and see it’s a text from Logan.

Logan: Don’t forget you’re engaged.

What the heck does that mean? How could I forget? I can’t go two seconds without thinking about him and not to mention the giant ring on my finger. Carey reads the text for herself.

Logan: Coffee boy needs to keep his eyes to himself.

His next text doesn't help any.

“You ladies doing okay?” Carey and I both look up at the boy that brought us our drinks.

“They're fine,” Nick says before either of us can answer him. He gives the boy a look that has him darting back behind the counter. Nick heads back over to his corner.

“Yeah. Logan totally isn't into you at all,” Carey gets out between her laughter. “No jealousy or anything.”

I bite my lip. Did that really just happen? I’m saying that a lot lately. Still, it’s crazy to think he’s having his driver report back to him and getting jealous. That man becomes more confusing by the damn second.

It might be crazy, but I’d be a liar if I didn't admit I kind of like it. I shift in my chair, feeling turned on again. The man has woken something up inside of me that I didn't know existed before he put that sinful mouth on me. I like that too.12LoganIf you’d told me two days ago that I’d be engaged and sitting in a living room allowing my fiancé’s dad and brother to basically interrogate me, I would have told you that you were bat shit crazy.

In my real life I would never tolerate anyone speaking to me the way Beau currently is. Mr. Meyer asked some questions and said his piece, but he hasn’t crossed any lines or given me too much crap. Beau is a completely different story. He’s got some sort of chip on his shoulder, and I’m guessing that I’m not really the root of it. But I keep my mouth shut because of Angel.

For a man who has a problem with the age difference between Angel and me, his eyes lingered a little too long on his sister’s friend's ass.

“He was engaged to another woman days ago.” Beau isn't looking at me when he says it. He’s got his eyes trained on his father, who he is trying to turn against me. The man has actually gone pretty easy on me. For a moment I thought maybe it was because he liked the idea of his daughter marrying someone with money, but the more time I spend with him, the more I know he doesn't give a shit about money.

Scratch that. Everyone cares about money. Especially someone like him, but only as a means to provide for his family. He would never put it in front of them. It’s refreshing—unlike my family who would throw you to the wolves for it. This whole damn family is actually pretty great. I find myself wanting Mr. Meyer to like me, something I’ve never sought from my own parents. Well, maybe when I was younger and didn’t know any better.

Mr. Meyer turns his head my way. “I’ve only ever been engaged once. It didn’t last long.” A smile spreads across his face. “I was thinking you and my daughter were moving fast because you’re the kind of man that goes after what he wants.”

Tags: Lucy Darling Erotic
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