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Home for the Holidays

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“I am.”

“Ah. So you just change women often.” Beau leans back in his chair with a smug look on his face. One that says he thinks he has me cornered.

“Kelly and I weren't really engaged.” I find myself admitting the truth. “We work together, and I was sick of people bothering me about getting married. I wasn't going to run out and find a woman to get everyone off my back. So Kelly agreed to pretend we were together. It worked well for us for a while until Angel came along. The rest is history.” Beau’s smirk drops away. I have to fight my own.

“So you lie,” Beau tries again.

“Better than having my mother try and set me up every week with women who are only after me for my money.”

“That’s terrible, Logan. We all know my Angel is looking for her one,” Elizabeth says, coming into the living room and handing her husband a cup of coffee. He pulls her down into his lap, kissing her on the neck. Their affection for each other is so foreign to me. My parents can’t stand each other, although they do a good enough job of faking it while other people are around to get by. I don’t recall them being any closer when I was younger either. “Is that why you asked her to marry you? You think she’s your one?”

Elizabeth stares at me. She might be smiling, but I know the gloves are coming off. Angel is gone, and now they all want to grill me. I knew it was coming. While the men might seem intimidating, I know that Mrs. Meyer is the one that will fight tooth and nail for her little girl’s happiness.

“Yes.” The answer is easy. No other person has ever made me feel the way she does. I’ve spent hours with my face between her thighs, and I still want more. I want all of her, forever.

Elizabeth gives me a big smile. Thank fuck she didn’t ask if I was her one. I’m not sure I can lie to the woman. Angel is too damn sweet and good for me. The only reason I am here is because she needed a favor from me. The only reason I got my mouth on her is because she’s innocent and I keep seducing her. I know I’m an asshole for taking advantage of her, but I can’t resist.

Without any of that I wouldn’t be here because Elizabeth is right; Angel won’t give a shit about my money. Which in reality is actually the only thing I can offer her. A girl like her will want someone who will love her and spend time with her. I don’t even date. I don’t know what the hell to do with a girlfriend, let alone a fiancé or wife. My life is work.

Angel will want the whole white fence and husband home by six for dinner thing. Something I’ve also said I never wanted. Who would want what my parents have? A loveless shell of a marriage.

“See. His intentions are good with our baby girl.” Elizabeth leans back into her husband, who only gives her neck another kiss.

Maybe I would have felt different about the whole marriage thing if I had parents like this as an example.

“This is bullshit.” Beau stands. “His whole family are a bunch of assholes. Self-centered ones at that. Always looking to use people for their own benefit. They don’t love anyone but themselves.”

“Beau,” Elizabeth shouts at him.

“They are assholes.” I agree.

Elizabeth’s face goes soft. “I’m sorry to hear that, Logan. Now you’ll have us.” She surprises me when she comes over and gives me a hug. I wrap my arms around her, hugging her back.

“Thank you,” I get out. Now, what the hell is this woman doing to me? These Meyer women are knocking me on my ass.

“See? You’re already getting better at those hugs.” She lets me go and starts to head back out of the living room. “I’m a nice woman, Logan, but if that mom of yours is mean to my girl it won’t go well for anyone. Our Angel is all sweetness. We won’t stand for anyone trying to take that from her.”

“Agreed,” I say. I’ve been thinking the same damn thing since I came up with this idea. She gives me another one of those big, approving smiles of hers.

Thing is, I’m pretty fucking sure I’m the person everyone should worry about when it came to Angel. I am going to end up ruining her. Or maybe it’s her that’s ruining me.13AngelI close my eyes when I feel Logan come up behind me. He wraps his arm around me as his mouth comes to place a kiss right below my ear.

“You don’t have a coat on.” He pulls me more into him. His body heat warms me. I turn in his arms, wanting to see him. Today was nothing like I expected it to be. I’d been nervous about it, but so far everything has seemed to go pretty smoothly.

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